Ver la versión completa : Chronicle 5 - Oath Of Blood

22/04/2006, 21:32
C5 Korean PTS Information
May only be rumors not offically confired by L2 Korea.

Read for fun for now till Hellrose can confirm (will update if it is confirmed)

Hello, this is Lineage2.

Warm rays of sunshine are finally upon us.
Remember to keep healthy throughout the change in season!
Meanwhile, here are the planned Chronicle 5 updates for the test server.
Planned implemation date is May 31st 2006.

Territorial Changes
A new territory along with new hunting areas and dungeons have been added in the Elmore area
Fire-Farmers Village has been added
Orc Castle has been added (conquer-type clan hall)
A new dungeon Fate of the Empire has been added
NPC-related Changes

Frintessa, a boss-type raid monster has been added
The AI and reward for party-type monsters have been increased
There has been a revisal of all monsters throughout Aden (we've clarified the distinctions between solo-type and group-type monsters)
New monsters and lvl80-100 raid monsters have been added in the Elmore area
Guard NPCs at all towns have been strengthened
You are now able to check the spawn status of raid monsters at the Adventurer's Guild NPC at each town.
Clan-related Changes

Clan rankings based on attributions to clan have been added
Penalty for leaving clan has been re-adjusted; from 5 days to 3 days with XP deduction. (this is going to hurt constant clan hoppers automatic 4% xp loss http://www.l2guru.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif )
Olympiad-realted Changes

Participation requirement for Same-class competition has been reduced from 5 people to 3.
Participation requirement for all-class competition has been increased from 5 people to 7.
A Rock,Paper,Scissor rule has been added. If the participant decides that s/he is unable to beat the opposition, s/he may choose to activate RPS.
If a noblesse, after having signed up for Olympiad, is found to be disconnected or on his/her subclass for an undefinable reason, that player will be considered to have surrendered and will be subjected to a 30% point penalty.
Players are still able to cancel an application through regular procedure through the NPC.
Soloing-related Changes

HP/MP/CP regeneration is faster under trees, in grass fields and near rivers.
Treasure Boxes now store various potions.
"Potion of Courage" has been added
"Potion of Magical Power" has been added
"Mana Potion" has been added (Soloing will definatly be easier but how much more expesive?)
Skill and Special Ability Related Changes

The effect of Acumen SA has been slightly reduced (robes and weapon for mages Nerf)
The effect of Magic Power SA has been increased
Shield defense percentage against magical attacks has been increased (tanks getting some love back i see)
Crt.Root and Crt.Slow have been added to daggers (Dagger SAs giving them some love back also)
Crystal Dagger Crt.Poison -> Crt.Slow
Kris BackBlow -> Crt.Root
Demon Sword Crt.Poison -> Crt.Slow
Bloody Orchid BackBlow -> Crt.Root
Soul Separator Crt.Poison -> Crt.Slow
Angel Slayer HP Drain -> Crt.Root
Creation costs for BSPS have been increased by 1.5 times
The effect of the 3rd class passive skill Wisdom has been increased
The amount of damage relegated through Necromancer's Transfer Pain has been decreased by 1/2 (Necro Nerf)

The bug where Shield Stun was not being broken by magical attacks has been fixed
The MP cost of Curse Deathlink has been increased (raid boss farming Nerf)

Magical Critical damage has been reduced from about x4 to approximately x2 (Magic Critical Nerf)
Wild Magic now increases movement speed as well as Magic Crit rate
Refresh rate on Summon CP Potion has been greatly reduced
The effect of Chant of Victory on abilities of magical nature have been reduced (chant of ownage nerf)

22/04/2006, 21:46
osea... que???

22/04/2006, 21:46
osea... que???

22/04/2006, 21:47
buena info, aunq sea un rumor
muy bueno

22/04/2006, 21:54
HP/MP/CP regeneration is faster under trees, in grass fields and near rivers.
ke buieno esto va haber ke buscar arbolitos !!!!!

22/04/2006, 22:05
wow! ya empiezan con c5! :eek: groso! :)

No entendí lo del Shield Stun, alguno me explica? :o

22/04/2006, 22:14
En c3 habia de estos arboles que uno los ponia y regenerabas mas rapido todo eran de un evento.Todavia se puede ver alguno que otro en el oficial

22/04/2006, 22:27
es 1 rumor pero seguro lo largan :P

22/04/2006, 22:40
juas a este paso esta baina se pone mas relista, va haber en c6 tendremos que ir al ba&#241;o,y alimentar nuestro pj, juas.
asi gracias por la info.

22/04/2006, 22:42
De donde sacaron ese rumor, no va ni 1 mes con C4 en el oficial de Occidente y los C
Coreanos empiezan con C5, esperennos!!!!

22/04/2006, 22:42
se RE avivaron con lso NERF :(

23/04/2006, 00:53
Son pocos cambios para C5, digamos pesaria mas el manual del L2 q C5 -.-"


23/04/2006, 01:54
De donde sacaron ese rumor, no va ni 1 mes con C4 en el oficial de Occidente y los C
Coreanos empiezan con C5, esperennos!!!!
1ro. USA L2 server C4 empezo el 8 de febrero.
2do. Soy Koreano.
3ro. L2 Korean Server esta 2-3 meses adelantado al USA server.

23/04/2006, 10:49
C&#243;mo que necro nerf?????????:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Me tocaron al Necromancer....as&#237; no va........Necromancer Sagrado (valga la contradicci&#243;n)

23/04/2006, 11:19
Cómo que necro nerf?????????:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Me tocaron al Necromancer....así no va........Necromancer Sagrado (valga la contradicción)
sete re avivaron con el tranfer paint :D G____________G

23/04/2006, 15:33
sete re avivaron con el tranfer paint :D G____________GSisi, pero tambien con el Death Link =Pp

23/04/2006, 15:52
no entendi una goma.....tengo menos ingles que menem....:(

PD: y copiar y traducir me da pa.ja...:D:D:D

23/04/2006, 20:53
Bueno.... al parecer ya empiezan a rodar los rumores sobre una Crónica "5"
y el nombre para este dicen que será "Oath Of Blood". ;)

Me encontré unas screenshots y unos Concepts Art de Frinttessa el nuevo bicho..jejeje




Espero nos sirva para motivarnos a seguir en este camino!!!


23/04/2006, 20:56
jejje si se fijan en la esquinita...aun dice "Chaotic Cronicle".... por eso sigue siendo un rumor..jeje

23/04/2006, 21:15
Nooooooooooo Con El Sh No Se Metan Eh!!! Me Ca--ron El Death Link, Nuuuuu

23/04/2006, 21:30
A Todo Esto... Que Coño Es "nerf"????

23/04/2006, 21:31
Bueno.... al parecer ya empiezan a rodar los rumores sobre una Crónica "5"
y el nombre para este dicen que será "Oath Of Blood". ;)

Me encontré unas screenshots y unos Concepts Art de Frinttessa el nuevo bicho..jejeje




Espero nos sirva para motivarnos a seguir en este camino!!!


Respondiendo a Eso Dejo un link http://forum.jogos.uol.com.br/viewtopic.php?t=770260&highlight= es brazuca

23/04/2006, 21:40
Sigo Sin Saber Que Nerf Y Rolf (se Que Rolf Es Una Expresion Tipo Wtf O Nvm Y Demas Pero Que Significa? Alguien? Black, Vos Tenes Saber... No Se Por Que Pero Me Suena Que Lo Sabes... :D )

23/04/2006, 22:13
PaRa Mi Por Favor Un Pollo Al Horno Con Papas!!!

23/04/2006, 23:26

Si sabes ingles lee esto, no es el graaaan diccionario pero ayuda bastante en el argot yankee. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nerf
Mas o menos es que se le resta poder a algo, ataque, item, stat para balancear el juego.

23/04/2006, 23:36
ba tar bueno el C5.
otras nobedades del C5

* La AA ba a vales 1kk de adena (cada una)

* Los gladis se van a dedicar a vender panchos porque de p.atk van a tener -20

* Los DA directamente se logean con 0 de HP porque ni p.def ni m.def tienen como pa combatir un resfriado

* Los SK van a tener 9999 de hp en lvl 1 pero su defensa va a ser 1 por siempre

* Los SS van a cargar luego que te morís

* Los Summons van a consumir solo 1% de exp a su dueño pero para ser invocados se van a necesitar cristales S (en todos sus lvls)

* La gran mayoría de los pj van a usar GK ya que todos los mob de las zonas son como en TOI, asta va a ver algunos mob que van a querer comprarte SS pa PKearte

* Va ver 30 Zonas nuevas y 20 ciudades gigantescas... a eso si solo las de C2 están disponibles las nuevas son solo adorno pa consumir memoria al pedo

* Se agregan 50 Pets nuevos obviamente ninguno disponible

* Se va a poder pescar.. obviamente no se va a vender ni las canias ni va a estar habilitada la fauna marina.

* Va a ver Skills nuevas.. adivinaron también van a estar desabilitadas.

* Se va a empeorar (si empeorar) los skill existentes.

* La moda en L2 C5 va a ser el Deslvleo de los PJs lvl altos de las versiones anteriores, los que iniciaron en C5 se joden.

* Va a estar todo editado para que se parezca al OFF (al apagado)

23/04/2006, 23:44
ba tar bueno el C5.
otras nobedades del C5

* La AA ba a vales 1kk de adena (cada una)

* Los gladis se van a dedicar a vender panchos porque de p.atk van a tener -20

* Los DA directamente se logean con 0 de HP porque ni p.def ni m.def tienen como pa combatir un resfriado

* Los SK van a tener 9999 de hp en lvl 1 pero su defensa va a ser 1 por siempre

* Los SS van a cargar luego que te mor&#237;s

* Los Summons van a consumir solo 1% de exp a su due&#241;o pero para ser invocados se van a necesitar cristales S (en todos sus lvls)

* La gran mayor&#237;a de los pj van a usar GK ya que todos los mob de las zonas son como en TOI, asta va a ver algunos mob que van a querer comprarte SS pa PKearte

* Va ver 30 Zonas nuevas y 20 ciudades gigantescas... a eso si solo las de C2 est&#225;n disponibles las nuevas son solo adorno pa consumir memoria al pedo

* Se agregan 50 Pets nuevos obviamente ninguno disponible

* Se va a poder pescar.. obviamente no se va a vender ni las canias ni va a estar habilitada la fauna marina.

* Va a ver Skills nuevas.. adivinaron tambi&#233;n van a estar desabilitadas.

* Se va a empeorar (si empeorar) los skill existentes.

* La moda en L2 C5 va a ser el Deslvleo de los PJs lvl altos de las versiones anteriores, los que iniciaron en C5 se joden.

* Va a estar todo editado para que se parezca al OFF (al apagado)Nooooooo, como me hiciste reir hahahaahah. Decime que va a pasar con los necro, me interesar&#237;a saber. :rolleyes:
Hablando de los cristales para invocar, hoy mi hermano estrenando C4 se quer&#237;a matar porque no ten&#237;a cristales C, encima hicimos tantos de grado D.:(

23/04/2006, 23:47
jajajajajajajajaja mortal!!

23/04/2006, 23:48
los necro van a sacarse los huesos de las costillas para fabricar cursed bone ^^

24/04/2006, 00:11
naaa bajaron el efecto del death wisper :(

24/04/2006, 00:19
Seg&#250;n dicen ya tan a full los chinos laburando , vamos a ver cuando sale y cuando llega aca &#172;&#172;.

Off : me mataron las palabras de Prototipo xd

24/04/2006, 01:31
jejje si se fijan en la esquinita...aun dice "Chaotic Cronicle".... por eso sigue siendo un rumor..jeje

"Lineage 2 the chaotic cronicle" es el nombre del juego, y despues cada cronica tiene otro subtitulo.

24/04/2006, 09:15
ba tar bueno el C5.
otras nobedades del C5

* La AA ba a vales 1kk de adena (cada una)

* Los gladis se van a dedicar a vender panchos porque de p.atk van a tener -20

* Los DA directamente se logean con 0 de HP porque ni p.def ni m.def tienen como pa combatir un resfriado

* Los SK van a tener 9999 de hp en lvl 1 pero su defensa va a ser 1 por siempre

* Los SS van a cargar luego que te morís

* Los Summons van a consumir solo 1% de exp a su dueño pero para ser invocados se van a necesitar cristales S (en todos sus lvls)

* La gran mayoría de los pj van a usar GK ya que todos los mob de las zonas son como en TOI, asta va a ver algunos mob que van a querer comprarte SS pa PKearte

* Va ver 30 Zonas nuevas y 20 ciudades gigantescas... a eso si solo las de C2 están disponibles las nuevas son solo adorno pa consumir memoria al pedo

* Se agregan 50 Pets nuevos obviamente ninguno disponible

* Se va a poder pescar.. obviamente no se va a vender ni las canias ni va a estar habilitada la fauna marina.

* Va a ver Skills nuevas.. adivinaron también van a estar desabilitadas.

* Se va a empeorar (si empeorar) los skill existentes.

* La moda en L2 C5 va a ser el Deslvleo de los PJs lvl altos de las versiones anteriores, los que iniciaron en C5 se joden.

* Va a estar todo editado para que se parezca al OFF (al apagado)

Jajsajajajajaj jajajajajajajajajjajaa

25/04/2006, 13:40
mas info sobre Lineage Chronicle 5 - Oath Of Blood

Chronicle 5 Conference

Chronicle 5 Goals Presentation
Presenter: NC Soft Studio E&G Head of Production - Han Jaehyuk

* Greater Support for Soloing
According to (Korean) player demand, various game elements will be added to allow for easier soloing with less downtime.

* Additions to Clan System
Recognizing that clan-based politics is one of Lineage2's greatest attractions, much more will be added to clan functionality. Some of these include:
o Clan Skills
o Clan Items
o Clan Ranks: Count, Baron, Knight etc.
This clan rank system will be a part of a greater hierarchy of Lord/Lady ,King/Queen, Emperor/Empress and this will form the basis of territorial wars and national wars which will be added in the future.

* New Territory
o The space between Dwarf town and Orc town will be filled, finishing the Elmore lands.
o A new dungeon for the highest level players will be added
o Conquer-type Raids added. These raids will require you to fight subservient mobs in order to see the raid boss. (note: isn't this 4 sepulchers?)
o New mobs with increased AI


# Blue marks the area where the new area will be located

# Greater Balance between classes
Elimination of PvP superclass. The classes will be counterbalanced in a RockPaperScissor way. Certain classes will be stronger against some classes over others. (note: necros)

# Raid Boss Frintessa
The main Raid Boss of C5. Frintessa is the illfated prince of the empire. His main weapon is a giant organ (musical kind ^.~) which summons mobs. Players will have to determine the proper tactics based on the music he plays. (note: lol)
Frintessa can be expected to be more difficult than any of the current Raid Bosses.



* Frintessa and Follower of Frintessa Concept Art

Chronicle 5 Q&A

* Q: How will the bot problem be solved
A: Bots are continuously being dealt with already. We compile a banlist every few weeks. Better alert methods of sensing 3rd program use is being looked into.
* Q: Any plans to change the clan war system?
A: Greater protection for Clans lvl3 and under. Higher clan levels (past lvl5) will be introduced in C5 and rewards will be added to clan wars.
* Q: Plans to fix Olympiad explot issues?
A: There will be a patch soon to fix the various exploits.
* Q: Bot/Farmer raid parties are a huge issue, especially for quest raid bosses. What are your plans for this?
A: Other than the continued effort to clean out bots, raid mobs will be smarter and harder to take down using bots. (note: I don't believe)
* Q: Too many PKers running around thanks to Sin Eater. Comments?
A: We don't think this is a serious issue but we'll look into it.
* Q: Gatehopping / peacezone hopping issues, specifically the north bridge in Giran. Comments?
A: We've been thinking of ways to stop gatehopping but we haven't come up with anything. We'll continue to investigate.
* Q: Any changes to the rare boss jewllery stats? I.E. B Grade Ant Queen gives +2 Accuracy Jewellery, wheras the A Grade Core ring gives +1 accuracy.
A: No changes are planned. New rare item will be added with the new raid boss.
* Q: Various difficulties in raiding, such as sharing chat and ninjalooters. What's being done?
A: We're gonna make it so the raid channel is easier to use, and make drops exclusive to those in the raid channel.
* Q: The higher level soul crystals are too hard to get. Comments?
A: We'll make them easier to get over time.
* Q: Any plans on a vendor system that lets you sell items offline?
A: Giran will probably explode if we tried to do this -_-. We've looked at an auction system but we can't ignore the plus sides of player-to-player vending and its effect on economics. No changes planned in this area atm.
* Q: Any news on combining the less populated servers?
A: We've done polls on this subject and the result was inconclusive. There's too many issues surrounding castle and clanhall ownership etc. and the players couldn't come to an agreement so the idea's been abandoned. (note: this is applicable to korean servers only)


25/04/2006, 14:11
q es eso =S

25/04/2006, 14:20
La rubia tambien entra en C5? ...

Che hablando en serio .. ya C5?!!! disfruten el c4 que esta recien parido por estos lados, falta mucho para eso y si empiezan a cebarse con ese no van a disfrutar lo que queda de este.

. . . porque carajo no naci en korea? (chiste)


25/04/2006, 14:48
Quierooo C5 Jajaja

25/04/2006, 15:04
es seguro que va a venir mas es un juego muy exitoso, pero recien entraojms en C4 y ya nos meten C5!!!!!!! neeeeee

25/04/2006, 15:25
yo no pueedo jugar C4 todavia pq se me rompio la computadora y estos ya meten c5 WTF!!!!:O........bue igual no me hago drama, de aca q llegue a la argentina va a pasar como un a&#241;o minimo....no se olviden q somos tercermundistas :S:S y mas para la industria de los juegos de video :S, bah electronica general.......


26/04/2006, 02:54
Que groso!!! Aca los moderadores les cambian los titulos de los thread ajenos.

26/04/2006, 10:58
Que groso!!! Aca los moderadores les cambian los titulos de los thread ajenos.
pone bien para la proxima el titulo y listo ¬¬

26/04/2006, 19:37
jajaj son unos forros =) c5 existe el otro dia dando vueltas en inet encontre sobre c5, pero debe ser como c4 el proyecto salio y tardo casi 4 o 5 meses en salir realmente al servidor oficial y de ahi a Los gratuitos =P.... Me cago en los ponja xD

26/04/2006, 19:39
gente dejen de flashear recien pasamos a c4 no estan los mobs en las nuevas zonas y ya saltan con c4 es mas ni siquiera tenemos un c3 full prefiero q se complete todo eso antes de jugar c5

26/04/2006, 20:01
pone bien para la proxima el titulo y listo &#172;&#172;

Mi titulo fue "Planned C5 Updates "

Ahora decime donde esta el error para ke me digas ke ponga bien el titulo.

Habia creado otro thread con las certezas de C5 con imagenes y todo, pero me lo cerraron, les dejo el link asi no se pierden la data:

27/04/2006, 02:22

No tengo palabras para describir todo eso....

Es realmente bello...
El c4 apesta alado de eso...

Que maquinas vamos a necesitar?? 2 GB de RAM?
G-Force Fx 9000?
Disco de 1 tera?




Exelente me encanta lo espero ancioso!

27/04/2006, 15:51


27/04/2006, 16:38
Gente el tema ya esta =) pero es como Hicieron con c4 yo de c4 vi fotos asi como estas 4 o 5 meses antes de que saliese recien para el mercado norteamericano. lo mas probable es que a fin de a&#241;o terminen de laburar con esto o cerca.

27/04/2006, 23:02
1. Social Rank
Players rank will be determined by social status and clan activity has been added.
A. Player joining clan, clan Lv and position in clan will affect the Rank.
B. You can check your rank by opening your status window.
C. You can also check other players ranks by target window.
D. Hero and Nobless players will not be affected by joining a clan but will be given a special rank.

2. Clan Level
* Clan Level has been raised from LV 5 to Lv 8.

3. Clan maximum members

A. When a Clan reached LV 5 "Academy, Royal guards Unit, and Knights Unit" can be made to include more members.
B. Depending on the Clan Lv and it's fomation the max members are shown below.
Clan Lv / active members / academy / guards unit / knights unit / max members

<TR><TD>Clan Level</td><td>Clan Members</td><td>Academy</td><td>Guard Unit 1</td><td>Guard Unit 2</td><td>Knight Unit 1</td><td>Knight Unit 2</td><td>Knight Unit 3</td><td>Knight Unit 4</td><td>Total Members</td></tr>

*Academy's max members are 20.
*One Guard unit holds up to 20 members and you can create up to two guards units.
*One Knigts Unit holds up to 10 members and you can create up to four knights units.

4. Clan Lv growth
The requirement for clan Lv up is shown below.

<TR><TD>ClanLV</td><td>SP</td><td>Adena</td><td>Item</td><td>Reputation</td><td>Minimum Clan member</td></tr>
<TR><TD>1</td><td>30,000</td><td>650.000</td><td>X</td><td>0</td><td>At least 1</td></tr>
<TR><TD>2</td><td>150,000</td><td>2,500.000</td><td>X</td><td>0</td><td>At least 1</td></tr>
<TR><TD>3</td><td>500,000</td><td>0</td><td>Proof of Blood</td><td>0</td><td>At least 1</td></tr>
<TR><TD>4</td><td>1,400,000</td><td>0</td><td>Proof of Alliance</td><td>0</td><td>At least 1</td></tr>
<TR><TD>5</td><td>3,500,000</td><td>0</td><td>Proof of Expectation</td><td>0</td><td>At least 1</td></tr>
<TR><TD>6</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>X</td><td>10,000</td><td>At least 30</td></tr>
<TR><TD>7</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>X</td><td>20,000</td><td>At least 80</td></tr>
<TR><TD>8</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>X</td><td>40,000</td><td>At least 120</td></tr>

5. Clan lower division units
When clan leader uses Fame to Level up the clan, leader will be allowed to create lower division units(Guards unit-Knights unit)
A. Requirement for creating " Guards Unit "
- Lv 6 Clan can create the Guards Unit.
- Upon creating the Guards Unit one of the clan members have to be appointed to be the leader of Guards Unit.
- Can create up to 2 Guards Units.
- Each Guards unit can have up to 20 members.

B. Requirement for creating "Knights Unit"
- LV 7 Clan can create the Knights Unit.
- Upon creating the Guards Unit one of the clan members have to be appointed to be the leader of Knights Unit.
- Can create up to 2 Knights Unit.
- Each knights Unit can have up to 10 members.
c. Disbanding
- When created(Guard- Knight Units) unless the clan disbands Units can not disband.
- If division leaders leave clan the Units will still be active but leader seat will be unoccupied
In this situation Clan leader can appoint a new leader for the division.
- To re instate the leader this can be done through the clan NPC.

D. Formation
-Lower division units formation are as below.
E. Clan rights
- Lower division clan demonination is same as the main clan.
- Same clan crests
- Clan/Alliance chat will be separate from Main and lower division
- Divisions will have same Clan hall, Castle , Clan WH and Clan bulletin boards rights as main.
( But clan leader has an option to change to share or not )
- Can join war and seige as same condition as the main.

6. Clan Reputation(or Fame)
A. Starting from Clan Lv 5 clan can build up their reputation.
B. Based on your clan reputation you can check your Clan ranking.
C. Clan reputation will go up by doing the following
- New member finishes 2nd job quest while in the academy
- If you have captured a castle during a siege. ( Final )
- Capturing Clan hall(new)
(If you capture a clan hall that's already occupied by the other clan more rep is gained)
- Member of your clan gets first place in Seven signs
(points are based on how many of your clan members are in the first place party)
- If a HERO is born from your clan (Rep points depends on the number of the HEROs)
- Can gain points from doing the clan quests.
- When in war (both clan accpeted war state) or during a Siege
you can gain Rep(fame) points by killing your enemy.
(Unless the opposing clan has less then 0 Rep(fame) points)
D. Losing Reputation (Fame)
- If your clan loses a castle or clan hall
(you will lose points even if your reputation is in (-) )
- Lving your Clan Level
- Learning clan skills
- When obtaining a item with Clan's Reputation points
- When in war (both clan accpeted war state) or during a Siege
you can lose Rep(fame) points when defeated in battle.
(Unless your clan has less then 0 Rep(fame) points)

E. By using clan's reputation points you can obtain A grade armor(Apella set)
- Armor NPC is located near Aden Castle Town and Rune Castle Town.



7. Clan skill
New skills that affects all members in clan has been added.
A. The skills obtained in the clan can be used unless clan has disbanded.
B. If your clan Reputation goes lower then 0 skill effect will be nulled.
C. When a member in clan reaches a rank that can receive the clan skills. The skills will be shown in skill window and the effect will be active.
D. As clan level gets higher you can get more advanced clan skills.
E. The clan skills you can obtain is shown below.
-To learn the clan skills
Reputation points and Raid boss quest items will be neccessary.

<table BORDER=1 Cellpadding=10>
<TR><TD>Skill Name</td><td>Lv required</td><td>Description</td><td>Reputation</td><td>Item</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Body</td><td>5</td><td>Clan members Max HP is raised</td><td>500</td><td>Vastland Egg- A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Spirit</td><td>6</td><td>Clan members Max cp is raised</td><td>800</td><td>Fake Life core- A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Soul</td><td>8</td><td>Clan members Max MP is raised</td><td>3900</td><td>Soul of an angel - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Health</td><td>5</td><td>Clan members HP Regen speed is enhanced</td><td>500</td><td>Vastland Egg- A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Moral</td><td>6</td><td>Clan members CP Regen speed is enhanced</td><td>900</td><td>Fake life core - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Clarity</td><td>8</td><td>Clan members MP Regen speed is enhanced</td><td>3900</td><td>Soul of an angel- A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Might</td><td>6</td><td>Clan members P Atk is raised</td><td>1000</td><td>Dragons Heart - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Shield</td><td>6</td><td>Clan members Defence is enhanced</td><td>1000</td><td>Vastland Egg- A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Empower</td><td>8</td><td>Clan members M Atk is raised</td><td>3900</td><td>Soul of an Angel - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Magic Barrier</td><td>5</td><td>Clan members Magic Resistance is enhanced</td><td>500</td><td>Dragons Heart - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Guidance</td><td>7</td><td>Clan members Accuracy is raised</td><td>1900</td><td>Skull of reaper - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Agility</td><td>8</td><td>Clan members Flee is raised</td><td>4000</td><td>Skull of Reaper - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Shield Block</td><td>7</td><td>Clan members Shield Blocking chance enhanced</td><td>800</td><td>Skull of Reaper - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Shield Defence</td><td>6</td><td>Clan members Shield Defence is raised</td><td>800</td><td>Dragons Heart - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Resist Typoon</td><td>7</td><td>Clan members Resistance against Water / Wind is enhanced</td><td>1800</td><td>Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Resist Lava</td><td>7</td><td>Clan members Resistance against Fire / Earth is raised</td><td>1800</td><td>Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Fortitude</td><td>7</td><td>Clan members Resistance against Shock attack is enhanced</td><td>1000</td><td>Tombstone of the Ruin- A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Freedom</td><td>7</td><td>Clan members Resistance against Root magic is raised</td><td>1800</td><td>Tombstone of the Ruin- A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Vigilance</td><td>7</td><td>Clan members Resistance against Sleep magic is raised</td><td>1800</td><td>Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Movement</td><td>8</td><td>Clan members moving speed is raised</td><td>3800</td><td>Cradle of Creation - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Death </td><td>7</td><td>Clan members exp loss and item drop rate from PK / Monsters is REDUCED</td><td>2200</td><td>Cradle of Creation - A grade</td></tr>
<TR><TD>Clan Emperium</td><td>5</td><td>Permission to create Clan leader chat channel.</td><td>0</td><td>Tombstone of Ruin - A grade</td></tr>
8.Clan Academy
To help out new players, and to expand the clans reputation Academy has been added.
A. Requirement for Creation
* LV 5 Clan can create Academy
B. Condition for joining
* No clan and has not completed 2nd job quest yet.
*Academy's max members are 20.
C. Method for Creation
* Clan leader can create academy through NPC ( Grandmaster , etc)
D. Academy members gain and withrawal.
* Academy member that finishes a 2nd job quest will receive an special reward item.
*Reward item will automatically be obtained by finishing the quest through GrandMaster NPC.
*Upon finishing the quest you will be automatically kicked out of academy but doesn't get the penalty.
E. Academy members Authority.
*Academy members wear same tag but will be in yellow.
*Clan chatting is allowed but can't talk in alliance chat.
*If Clan has clan hall or caster Academy members will share the same rights.
(Clan leader has an option to disable the rights)
*Clan WH , Clan bulletin also can be used same as main clan members.
(Clan leader has an option to diable the rights)
*Below is the rights that can be bestowed upon the members in Academy
a. Clan Join
b. Title , guard , master , castle , bulletin keepers.
c.Clan war , option to disband members, option set up
d. Tax , Siege registration , Mercenary
F. Academy members when in war / seige
* If defeated by enemy in the state of war, academy members will lost exp.
*For academy members will not be able to see an enemy sign on the opposin clan that is in war.
*If main clan goes into seige, academy members can join the seigh with main clan members.
G. Mentor
*Academy members, who have mentor will have their name in white if you don't have a mentor your name will appear Yellow.
*Clan member who has master keeper rights can set up a member to be a mentor.
*Mentor can check the online status of the players and will get a msg when that player logs in.
*Mentor can only be 1:1 status with a player.
*Also a clan member with Master keeper rights can dissolve the relationship between a mentor and a player.
H. Related Quests.
*Academy member and main clan member can do a quest together to obtaion a D grade armor set.
*The items obtained through quest can only be worn by Academy member or Academy graduate.
*If you leave clan after obtaining the armor set, the armor will not automatically unequip but when you unequip the armor set you will not be able to re-equip it.
*When a player reaches certain LV this quest will be activated and you will see a Quest msg.

9. Clan authorities
A. The rights that can be bestowed by the clan leader has been added/refined.
*Authorities that has been added.
a. Clan member Title : Can change title.
b. Master Administer : Can appoint a master or delete one.
c. Rank : Can change the rank on the clan members.
d. Growth Administer : Can appoint one.

*Refined Authorities
a. Emblem official : Can setup Clan emblems or delete them.
b, Clan hall rights : Can use Clan hall funtions
c. Clan hall rights : Can change the option for the Clan hall
d. Castle - Manor : Can change Manor options.
e. Castle - Tax : Can changes the Tax rates for castle and can deposit / withdraw tax.
f. Castle - Mecenary : Can buy Mecenarys
g. Castle - Function Option : Can change the fuction of the castle.
( Reinforce Castle wall/door and also Trap setup)
*Even if the clan does not own any castle or clan hall the options can be setup first.
B. Setup for Rank made easier and added Rank editor option.
*Clan leader can setup the clan members rights by rank.
*To bestow a rank to a clan member
a. Double click on the clan member from the list
b. And on the menu press "Rank change" button and change the rank.

10. Interface Change
*Options and interface has been changed to better maintain clans.
A. Clan member list- if you double click on member name you can change the rank.
B. In clan menu, tab has been added to view clan hall and formation of Guard Unit/ Knight Unit.
C. To invite a new person to clan you must select which division to add a new member to.
D. If you click on Emblem manager you will be Clan emblem add/delete option menu.
E. When in war a menu has been added to check the status of the war.
F. Authority Edit window has been added.
11. Alliance
The alliance that 1 clan can ally has been changed to 3 alliances.[/quote]

27/04/2006, 23:04
Official PTS Patchnotes Translated
(details may chance when applied to live servers)
Source: Official Korean L2 Site (http://bbs.lineage2.co.kr/board/testServerInfo/list/view.asp?bbs=testServerInfo&ls=0&lnp=1&bid=19&sm=0&st=&kind=notice)

Special thanks to Shalandar and others who have put up bits of translations of their own.

Skills and PvP-related Updates
*4/26 added Gladiator to War Frenzy, fixed Clarity, added Greater Shield


Player level cap raised
The level cap has been raised from 78 to 80
Subclasses can similarly be raised to 80, and can learn 3rd classes and become noblesses.
However, only your main class can compete in the Grand Olympiad for Hero status.

Scores from the previous term can be viewed through the Olympiad manager
If a olympiad battle ends in a tie, points from both competitors will be deducted.
Buffs and Noblesse gate passes are provided in the Same Class olympiad battles as well as the unrestricted category.[Hero]

The following hero skills have been added.
Heroic Miracle: Increases player's p.def, m.def and runspeed for a short period of time. Can be used when equipped with a shield. Uses soul ore.
Heroic Beserker: For a brief moment increases player's accuracy, p.atk, m.atk, atk.speed, casting speed, runspeed. Increases resistance to debuffs. Increases effect of heals received. Decreases player's p.def, m.def, evasion. Uses soul ore.
Heroic Valour: For a brief moment increases clan members' p.atk and p.def. Uses spirit ore.
Heroic Grandure: For a brief moment decreases the p.def, m.def, accuracy, shield defense rate of surrounding enemies as well as increasing their chance of casting interruption and sealing all magical and physical skills. Uses spirit ore.
Heroic Dread: Puts surrounding enemies in a state of fear, causing them to run away with increased runspeed. Uses spirit ore.[Skills]

The following new skills have been added.
Tribunal- Paladin, Temple Knight - lvl55
Strikes with a gathering of holy energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible.
Judgement - Dark Avenger, Shilien Knight - lvl55
Strikes with a gathering of dark energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible.
Arrest - Temple Knight, Shilien Knight, Swordsinger, Bladedancer - lvl55
Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect.
Shackle - Paladin, Dark Avenger - lvl55
Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect.
Mass Shackle - Paladin - lvl58
Taunts surrounding enemies and puts them in a state of hold. Cannot be recasted while the hold state is in effect.
Banish Undead - Paladin - lvl55
Puts undead enemies in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of instant kill. Uses soul ore.
Angelic Icon - Paladin - lvl58
Player receives a holy calling, causing a surge in combat ability for a period of time. Decreases the effect of heals received. Can be used when HP falls to less than 30%.
Psycho Symphony - Swordsinger - 55
Decreases the runspeed/atk.speed/casting speed of surrounding enemies for a brief moment.
Demon Blade Dance - Bladedancer - 55
Decreases the p.atk and m.atk of surrounding enemies for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with dual swords.
Critical Blow - Treasure Hunter - 55
Launches a potentially lethal attack on the enemy while increasing player's chance of landing lethal attacks. Chance of instant kill. Can be used when equipped with a dagger.
Might Mortal - Plains Walker, Abyss Walker - 58
Increases player's chance of landing lethal skills for a short period of time. Can be used when equipped with a dagger.
Stealth - Treasure Hunter - 58
Veils player from monster aggro for a short period of time. Decreases player's combat ability while in effect.
Sand Bomb - Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker - 55
Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment.
Rapid Fire - Silver Ranger - 60
Increases player's atk.speed and p.atk for a brief moment. Attack distance and accuracy reduced while in effect. Can be used when equipped with a bow.
Dead Eye - Phantom Ranger - 60
Increases player's critical power and p.atk for a brief moment. Attack speed and accuracy reduced while in effect. Can be used when equipped with a bow.
Spirit of Sagittarius - Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger - 58
Decreases MP use of physical skills for a short period of time.
Blessing of Sagittarius - Hawkeye, Silver Ranger - 58
Decreases refresh time of physical skills for a period of time.
Pain of Sagittarius - Hawkeye, Phantom Ranger - 58
Converts HP to MP
Quiver of Holding - Hawkeye - 58
Increases weight limit
Summon Treasure Key - Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker - 46
Summons between 20 to 30 lvl3-5 treasure box keys. Uses key of thief.
Zealot - Destroyer, Tyrant - 58
Receives the power of the guardian, causing an increase in combat ability for a short period of time. Drains HP while in use. Can be used when HP falls below 30%
Wide Attack - Warlord, Destroyer - 58
Increases number of targets affectable using pole attacks. Can be used when equipped with polearm.
Polearm Accuracy - Warlord, Destroyer, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith - 58
Increases accuracy when using polearm. Drains MP.
Inferno Body - Destroyer, Tyrant - 58
Adds a fire element to physical attacks and increases player's resistance to fire attacks.
War Frenzy - Gladiator, Warlord, Destroyer, Tyrant, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith - 58
Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Drains MP.
Totem Spirit Hawk - Tyrant - 74
Player is bestowed with the spirit of the hawk. Increases critical power and rate when using fist weapons. Decreases p.def and m.def while skill is in effect.
Betray - Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner - 56
Posesses enemy's summon causing it to attack it's master. Uses spirit ore.
Mass Curse Fear - Necromancer - 58
Puts surrounding enemies into a state of fear, causing them to run away.
Mass Curse Gloom - Necromancer - 58
Decreases m.def of enemies surrounding the summon. Uses cursed bones.
Mass Surrender to Fire - Warlock - 58
Decreases resistance to fire in enemies surrounding the summon. Uses spirit ore.
Mass Surrender to Water - Elemental Summoner - 58
Decreases resistance to Water in enemies surrounding the summon. Uses spirit ore.
Arcane Distruption - Warlock - 56
Decreases enemy's casting speed
Summon Cursed Bone - Necromancer - 58
Summons cursed bone. Uses spirit ore.
Greater Might - Prophet - 58
Increases target's p.atk for a period of time.

Greater Shield - Prophet - 58
Increases target's p.def for a period of time.
Chant of War - Warcryer - 58
Increases party members' p.atk for a period of time.
Chant of Earth - Warcryer - 58
Increases party members' p.def for a period of time.
Resist Holy - Prophet, Shilien Elder - 58
Increases target's resistance to holy attacks for a period of time.
Resist Unholy - Prophet, Elder - 58
Increases target's resistance to dark attacks for a period of time.
Trance - Bishop, Elder - 56
Puts enemy to sleep for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while it is in effect.
Magical Backfire - Bishop - 56
Increases enemy's mp use for a brief moment.
Clarity - Elder - 58
Decreases target's mp use for a short amount of time.
Mana Burn - Bishop, Prophet, Elder, Shilien Elder - 56
Burns enemy's MP
Mana Storm - Bishop - 58
Burns the MP of surrounding enemies
Turn Undead - Bishop, Elder - 56
Puts undead targets in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of instant kill. Uses spirit ore.
Major Heal - Bishop, Elder - 56
Instantly replenish's target's HP
Major Group Heal - Bishop - 58
Instantly replenish's party members' HP[Changes to Existing Skills]
Following changes have been made to effects of base statistics
Poison: Men -> Con
Various abnormal condition effects of other magic skills: wit -> men
Buffs and debuffs concerning elemental resists/weaknesses have been changed to the following:
When skills are of the same elemental attribute, buffs and debuffs will not by applied simultaneously.
When skills are of different attributes, buffs and debuffs can be applied simultaneously.
Debuffs of a certain element have 1 level above the level of buffs of the same element.
In the case of debuffs, its effects become weaker when attacked with skills of the same elemental attribute, but get stronger when attacked with skills of different elemental attribute
MP cost and casting speed of various skills have been changed
Duration, reuse time and success rate of various skills have been changed
Skills that summon items have generally been increased in efficiency
Following changes have been made to Tyrant's totem skills:
Increased MP cost, Refresh time 300 seconds / lasts 120 seconds
Rage / Frenzy skills now apply differently to different weapons
Sword/Blunts: remains same
2h Sword/ 2h Blunts: same, but an added effect of increased accuracy and p.atk
Other weapons: affectiveness of skills reduced
Following changes have been made to the skill Revival:
HP heal power and reuse time has been greatly reduced
The requirement has been changed from 10% HP remaining to 5%
Focus Attack skill has been changed from a toggle skill to a buff skill, and skill levels have been added.
Beserk skills such as Beserker Spirit, Rage of Paagrio now have an added effect of decreased evasion.
Heals learned past lvl 40 such as Greater Heal / Greater Group Heal have been changed from immediate to immediate + over time.
For example, Greater Heal used to heal 100 hp at once, but it will now heal for 50 and the other 50 will be healed over time.
When self-targetted AoE skills are used in peace zones, it no longer affects players other than those in your party or clan.
Doors that previously opened at set times can now be opened through the 'unlock' skill
The range of Clan/Alliance skills have been greatly increased.Como veran vuelve la era de los Daggers, los magos no ganan nuevos skills y les bajan el critico de x4 a x2.

29/04/2006, 18:21
Chronicle 5 Korean PTS Patch Notes
Source: Official Korean L2 Site (http://bbs.lineage2.co.kr/board/testServerInfo/list/view.asp?bbs=testServerInfo&ls=0&lnp=1&bid=18&sm=0&st=&kind=notice)

Please keep in mind that all Names are at best educated guesses. They will most likely be implemented differently when applied to NA.

[Hunting Areas]

Rune, Orc, Dwarven territories have been joined with the rest of the continent with the addition of Schuttgart, which features various hunting areas and dungeons.

Rune Territory
3 new dungeons have been added in Rune
Shrine of the Heretics
Situated beneath Rune Castle Town, the Shrine was built by worshippers of the devil Triol in a spacious section of the underground tunnel system. In order to enter the area, the player must become a Heretic, or agree to become a sacrifice to Triol. Featured monsters are levels 80-87 making this dungeon one of the most difficult ingame.
Stakato's Nest
Located to the right of the Swamp of Screams, Stakato's Nest is a cave where the aging Stakato Queen resides with her cohorts, and is also where elite warrior Stakatos are trained. Monsters in this area are levels 72-80 and feature sophisticated combat tactics.
Monastery of Silence
Located to the right of Valley of Saints, the Monastery was built by Priests of Einhasad to stand in opposition to the Shrine.
Schuttgart Territory
6 new field hunting areas have been added in Schuttgart

Winter's Labyrinth
Located south-east of Schuttgart Castle, Winter's Labyhrinth is a field hunting area made of winding valleys. The paths are mazed like a labyrinth but all lead to the castle of the Ice Queen. The field is ideal for both solo and party hunting. Monsters found here are between levels 53 and 63.
Demon's Dwelling
Found south of Schuttgart, Demon's Dwelling is an area where Ragna Orcs, employing powers of Baranka magic use demons and insects to gain control. Good for both solo and party hunting. Monsters are levels 40 to 50.
Wildlands of Pillage
East of Schuttgart Castle, the area was once an important transportaion route but is now infested with bandits aiming for stolen gold from dwarven merchants. Monsters are levels 30 to 40.
Castle of the Ice Queen
Accessed through Winter's Labyrinth, Schuttgart is the castle of the Ice Queen found south-east of Schuttgart Castle. In order to enter the castle you need to have a specific quest item. The castle requires a 'time attack' strategy. Only one party can enter for 35 minutes, during which the raidboss must be taken. Monsters are levels 55-60.
You're unable to restart once in Ice Queen's Castle. If there is a server restart during the conquering period the partyh must start over.
Burial of Disgrace
Burial of Disgrace is the southwest path to Schuttgart from Orc Town. Good for soloing and partying. Monsters are levels 25 to 32.
Pabel Ruins
South of Schuttgart castle, Pabel Ruins used to be a research laboratory built by a giant named Pabel. The ruins are now occupied by a mad Dwarven scientist "Doctor Kaos". Monsters are levels 46 to 54.
[Changes to Teleports]

Changes have been made to teleportable areas and teleport fees.
The changes are as following:
New teleport points have been added in newbie towns to help new and low-level players get around.
Teleporting between towns has been simplified to ease travelling between territories.
Direct teleport paths added between all castle towns.
Teleport fees to hunting areas have been raised to reflect levels of the area. Therefore, teleport fees in newbie towns are low.
Gatekeeper teleport capabilities have been reconfigured to reflect its type.

Regular Gatekeeper
Teleports between towns
Teleports to hunting areas (other than Seven Signs dungeons).
Noblesse Teleports

Port points that cannot be travelled through the regular gatekeeper
Central points of hunting areas accessible through the regular gatekeeper
Clan Hall Teleports

Teleports to hunting areas within the territory of the clan hall
Fee is much less than that of the regular gatekeeper
Seven Signs Teleport

During competition period
Both Dawn and Dusk are able to use all teleports
Teleports to dungeons and areas related to Seven Signs
Cannot access regular hunting areas through the Seven Signs NPC
Validation Period

Accessible only to the winning cabal.
Fee is much less than during the competition period
Teleports to dungeons and areas related to Seven Signs
Cannot access regular hunting areas through the Seven Signs NPC[/list[
Son of the emperor of Elmoraden - Frintessa has been added as a new boss monster.
Having earned eternal life from the devil, Frintessa requires a unique combat strategy.
*Frintessa is planned to be updated next week. The related quest can be completed immediately.

Frintessa's location and requirements
Fromtessa resides behind the secret wall connected to the Imperial Tomb, in the last of the sepulchers.
In order to enter the area, players must complete a series of quests.
The quest can be started from the 'Nameless Revenant' NPC in Imperial Tomb
A maximum of 5 parties can enter the tomb. All members must have completed the quest.
The area can be accessed only through the raid chat channel
The Final Sepulcher consists of a long hallway at the end of which is the room where Printessa can be found.
In the hallway on the way to Frintessa's room, players will find various items that may be useful in their fight against Frintessahttp://static.lineage2.co.kr/bbs/notice/060426c.jpg

[Life Ore System]

Drops from the many Raid monsters all over the continent are now more varied, and they host a new item combination system.

Many Life Ores can be collected as drops from Raid Monsters lvl40+. Bring the crystals to the Adventurer Guild NPC or Adventurer Guild Leader NPC to create C to A Grade items (weapon, armor, accessories, fashion accessories)
When a castle clan hunt a specific raid monster, an Adventurer Guild Leader NPC that can combine Life Ores to create A Grade weapon/armor.
Life Ores dropped from raid monsters can be converted to other Life Ores needed to create A Grade weapon and armor at the Adventurer Guild NPC.
You can also enjoy gamble by trading in Life Ores for certain items[Items]

Instant Item
Instant Items have been added for easier soloing.
Instant Items drop only in hunting areas that are for soloing
When hunting monsters in these soloing areas, there will be drops of items that regenerate HP/MP or increase p.atk/m.atk.
Following are the names and effects of Instant Items
Herb of Life - Regenerates HP
Herb of Mana - Regenerates MP
Herb of Strength - Increases p.atk
Herb of Magic - Increases m.atk
Herb of Life and Herb of Mana replenishes the HP/MP at a percentage of total HP/MP.
Herb of Strength and Herb of Magic stack with the effects of other buffs and last 2 minutes.
Instant Items cannot be stored in inventory. The item will take effect as soon as it is acquired.
The cursed sword 'Demonic Sword Zariche'

The Zariche was a weapon of massacreone owned by Bremnon, one of the four devil gods and the symbol of jealousy and inferiority.
Any monster in the world can drop this item. However, only one can exist per server.
Cannot be traded, dropped or destroyed.
When the Zariche drops, darkness will fall on the whole world for a brief moment, the ground will shake and there will be an announcement as a system message.
The character that picked up the item will immediately become chaotic, and his/her CP and MP will be set to 100%.
At this point, the player's Karma will be at Max, and nothing will bring that number down.
The Zariche will auto-equip when picked up. The player cannot unequip the sword at will.
The sword self-destruct itself after a certain amount of time. It will decay faster if no PKs are committed while it is equipped.
When the owner of the Zariche dies, the item dissappears or drops.
Even if the Zariche's owner no longer logs onto the game, the item will disappear after a certain time.
The owner of the Zariche will receive a periodic system message alerting the owner of how much life the item has left.
Fighting and partying

The character with the Zariche will be forced to follow the following:
Cannot attack players under level 20
If a player below level 20 hits a character with the Zariche s/he will be fossilized.
If a player hits the Zariche owner (but not with a physical/magical skill), the player's CP will immediately drop to 0.
Fights between the wielder of Zariche and other players will not result in PK penalties such as XP loss, item drops, increased karma.
The wielder cannot form parties with other players
If a player picks up a Zariche while in a party, s/he will automatically be rejected from the party
The wielder of Zariche cannot use the party matching system nor a raid channel.
The wielder cannot receive outside heals or buffs, nor give them. Self-buffs are allowed.
Pets and summons can be summoned, but the wielder cannot ride any pets.
Olympiad and Hero

Characters with the Zariche cannot compete at olympiad.
If a Hero character acquires a Zariche, the hero is able to use hero skills, and will return to normal hero status when the Zariche is gone.
Relationship between PvP and Zariche's special qualities

When the wielder of Zariche commits a PK, the Zariche's life decreases but its atk powers are increased.
A character holding the Zariche during a siege will be recognized as an enemy by both the attackers and the defenders.

Adventurer's Guide Book

A Adventurer's Guide Book providing quest, hunting area, raidboss monster information has been added.
Player can verify their raid score and ranking in the information panel
Raid score is calculated at every month. The score resets at every month.
The beginning of every new term is the first of every month at 05:00.
Scores from the previous term are displayed for one week, after which the display will change to scores from the current term.
Scores from the previous term can be found on the website
The book can be purchased at the grocer of every town.
New Weapons
New C~A Grade weapons added.

Two-Handed Sword
Sword of Paagrio : C Grade : Focus, Health, Crt.Drain
Guidance Sword : B Grade : Health, Crt.Drain, Crt.Bleed
Inferno Master : A Grade : Focus, Crt.Damage, Haste
Magic Sword

Mystery Sword : C Grade : Acumen, Magic Power, Magic Weakness
Sword of Eclipse : C Grade : Empower, Magic Power, Magic Silence
Tears of Wizard : B Grade : Acumen, Magic Power, Conversion
Two-handed Blunt

Dwarven Hammer: C Grade : Health, Anger, Crt.Bleed
Horn of Karik: C Grade : Focus, Haste, Crt.Drain
Star Burster: B Grade : Health, Haste, Rsk.Focus
Ice Storm Hammer: B Grade : Focus, Anger, Crt.Bleed
Destroyer's Hammer: A Grade : Health, Haste, Crt.Drain
Doom Crusher: A Grade: Health, Anger, Rsk.Haste

Eclipse Axe: C Grade: Conversion, Magic Power, Magic Hold
Spell Breaker: B Grade: Acumen, Magic Mental Shield, Magic Hold
Bone of Kaem Banul: B Grade: Mana up, Magic Silence, Conversion
Eye of Soul: A Grade: Mana Up, Magic Poison, Acumen
Dragon Flame Head : A Grade : Acumen, Magic Power, Magic Silence

30/05/2006, 05:04
Esto lo posteo Ainbheartach en el foro de Dragones negros.
(espero no estar quebrando alguna regal de este foro):confused:
Parece que se la agarraron con los magos y los arqueros, Y el Necro se quedó sin Betray!! :eek:
Y lo de las duales para magos... bueh! se vienen varios cambios. La nueva era de los dagueros?:p


- Deadly Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Blinding Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Backstab: When used against PC, it is a skill which will disrecard CP and damage HP directly. Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Agains player, they will become HP 1.
- Lethal Blow: Cooltime reduced.
- Bluff: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Power: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.

New Skills:
- Might Mortal (58): Increases player's change of landing lethal skills for a short period of time. Available when one is equipped with a dagger type weapon. Level 1-5. 2 minutes self-buff. 5 minute cooldown (can be shortened with buffs, etc.).
- Sand Bomb (55): Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment. Level 1-10. 30 seconds debuff. It seems to decrease accuracy same as skill level. At level 9 it becomes Accuracy -9.
- Summon Treasure Key (46): Summons between 20 to 30 Level 3-5 treasure box keys. Uses key of thief.

- Sleep: Casting time on sleep have been greatly increased.
- Greater Heal: Now it heals about 70% instantly, and 30% over time like Chant of Life (15 seconds).
- Greater Group Heal: Now it heals about 70% instantly, and 30% over time like Chant of Life (15 seconds).
- Greater Battle Heal: No changes.

New Skills:
- Major Heal (56): Heals HP instantly. Casting speed similar to Greater Heal. Heals more than Greater Heal. Costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost same as Greater Heal.
- Major Group Heal (58): Heals HP instantly to party members. Casting speed similar to Greater Group Heal. It heals more than Greater Groupe Heal. Costs 4 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost +50% than Greater Group Heal.
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Mana Storm (58): Burns surrounding enemies MP.
- Magical Backfire (56): Increases enemy's MP use for a brief moment.
- Trance (56): Puts enemy to sleep for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while it is in effect. Fast casting speed. Nearly instant Cooldown. Duration 5 seconds. Levels 1-10. Level 10 costs 35MP.
- Turn Undead (56): Puts undead targets in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of Instant Kill. Uses Spirit Ore. Works against Necromancer Summons.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change. The hate skill from their 1st class change seems to only be able to change the target.

New Skills:
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Shackle' skill is unknown.
- Demon Bladedance (55): Decreases the p.atk and m.atk of surrounding enemies for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with dual swords.

- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Armor Crush: Ignores shield defense.

New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.
- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.

New Skills:
- Judgement (55): Strikes with a gathering of dark energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Dark attack attribute. Debuff decreases accuracy by 9, lands at a very low rate.
- Shackle (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Arrest' skill is unknown.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Fatal Strike: Ignores shield defense.
- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Armor Crush: Ignores shield defense.
- Rage: Effect for 1 handed sword/blunt is the same as it is now. The penalty for weapons other than sword/blunt/polearm is unknown. Two handed sword/blunt weapons get a bonus to accuracy (Level 1 Accuracy +2, Level 2 Accuracy +4). Two handed sword/blunt/polearm weapons get a bonus to attack power about +10% (Level 2 goes from +55% to +65%).
- Frenzy: Effect for 1 handed sword/blunt is the same as it is now. The penalty for weapons other than sword/blunt/polearm is unknown. Two handed sword/blunt weapons get a bonus to accuracy (Level 1 Accuracy +2, Level 2 Accuracy +4, Level 3 Accuracy +6). Two handed sword/blunt/polearm weapons get a bonus to attack power about +100% (Level 3 goes from +200% to about +300%).

New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.
- Wide Attack (58): Increases number of targets affectable using pole attacks. Usable when one is equipped with a spear type weapon. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown about 30 seconds. Level 1-5. The increase is unknown.
- Inferno Body (58): Adds a fire element to physical attacks and increases player's resistance to fire attacks.
- Zealot (58/66/74): Receives the power of the guardian, causing an increase in combat ability for a short period of time. Drains HP while in use. Can be used when HP falls below 30%. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Reuse time is the same as Lionheart. Consumes 200HP when it is activated, after that it will coninuously consume HP/CP at a fixed interval. It will first consume CP at a rate of 150, and when CP is gone, will consume HP at 150. Effect will disappear if HP is healed above 30% after it has been activated. Level 1: Physical Attack +10%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +10, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12. Level 2: Physical Attack +12%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +20, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12. Level 3: Physical Attack +30%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +30, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12.

- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.

New Skills:
- Betray (56): Posesses enemy's summon causing it to attack it's master. Uses spirit ore. Lands at about 50% rate. Summon cannot be unsummoned while it's in effect.
- Mass Surrender to Water (58): Decreases resistance to Water in enemies surrounding the summon. Uses spirit ore.
- Wind Shackle (?): Reduces target's attack speed.

- Sleep: Casting time on sleep have been greatly increased.
- Greater Heal: Now it heals about 70% instantly, and 30% over time like Chant of Life (15 seconds).

New Skills:
- Major Heal (56): Heals HP instantly. Casting speed similar to Greater Heal. Heals more than Greater Heal. Costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost same as Greater Heal.
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Trance (56): Puts enemy to sleep for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while it is in effect. Fast casting speed. Nearly instant Cooldown. Duration 5 seconds. Levels 1-10. Level 10 costs 35MP.
- Turn Undead (56): Puts undead targets in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of Instant Kill. Uses Spirit Ore. Works against Necromancer Summons.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.
- Resist Unholy (58): Increases target's resistace to dark attacks for a period of time. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Clarity (58, 66, 74): Decreases target's mp use for a short amount of time. Level 1, MP usage -4%, costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 2, MP usage -8%, costs 2 Spirit Ore. Level 3, MP usage -12%, costs 3 Spirit Ore.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Duelist Spirit: Cooldown shortened from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.
- Triple Slash: Ignores shield defense.
- Fatal Strike: Ignores shield defense.
- Sonic Rage: Skill use is slower.
- The way the charges work for Gladiators has changed. When you unleash your skill just a fixed amount of charges are used. Sonic Blaster/Sonic Buster/Sonic Storm will use 2 charges, Double Sonic Slash will use 3 charges, Triple Sonic Slash will use 4 charges. The power is the same as it is now, it will depend on the amount of chargers remaining at that time.

New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Dash: Cooldown reduced to 60-80 seconds. Duration increased to 15 seconds.
- Snipe: Reuse time increased to 3-4 minutes.

New Skills:
- Pain of Sagittarius (58): Convertes about 9HP:1MP ratio (387 HP gave 43 MP). Cooldown 20 seconds.
- Blessing of Sagittarius (58): Decreases refresh time of physical skills for a period of time. Reuse time noticeably reduced for skills. Level 1-3. Selfbuff. 20 minutes duration.
- Spirit of Sagittarius(58): Decreases MP use of physical skills for a short period of time. Level 1-3. Consumption MP of physical skills is lightened. Selfbuff. Duration and Cooldown unknown.
- Quiver of Holding (58): Increases weight limit. The maximum loading capacity increases. Level 1-3. Passive Skill.

- Rage of Paagrio: Now have an added effect of decreased Evasion. Rage of Paagrio 2 decreases Evasion by 4.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.

New Skills:
- Tribunal (55): Strikes with a gathering of holy energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Holy attack attribute. Debuff decreases accuracy by 9, lands at a very low rate.
- Banish Undead (55): Puts undead enemies in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of instant kill. Uses soul ore. Works on Necromancer summons.
- Shackle (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Arrest' skill is unknown.
- Mass Shackle (58): Taunts surrounding enemies and puts them in a state of hold. Cannot be recasted while the hold state is in effect.
- Angelic Icon (58): Player receives a holy calling, causing a surge in combat ability for a period of time. Decreases the effect of heals received. Can be used when HP falls to less than 30%. Invokes god's might to greatly increase one's own combat power. While under this effect, effectiveness of HP recovery spells received are reduced drastically. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. P.Atk +20%, Atk.Speed +20%, Movement Speed +20, P.Def +50%(60%?), M.Def +50%, Healing Recovery -30%.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.

New Skills:
- Pain of Sagittarius (58): Convertes about 9HP:1MP ratio (387 HP gave 43 MP). Cooldown 20 seconds.
- Spirit of Sagittarius (58): Decreases MP use of physical skills for a short period of time. Level 1-3. Consumption MP of physical skills is lightened. Selfbuff. Duration and Cooldown unknown.
- Dead Eye (60): Increases player's critical power and P.Atk for a brief moment. Attack speed reduced while in effect. Usable when equipped with a bow. Level 1-8. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown 3-4 minutes. Increases P.Atk and Critical Power. Decreases Attack Speed.

- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.

New Skills:
- Betray (56): Posesses enemy's summon causing it to attack it's master. Uses spirit ore. Lands at about 50% rate. Summon cannot be unsummoned while it's in effect.
- Wind Shackle (?): Reduces target's attack speed.

- Deadly Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Blinding Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Backstab: When used against PC, it is a skill which will disrecard CP and damage HP directly. Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Agains player, they will become HP 1.
- Lethal Blow: Cooltime reduced.
- Bluff: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Chance: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.

New Skills:
- Might Mortal (58): Increases player's change of landing lethal skills for a short period of time. Available when one is equipped with a dagger type weapon. Level 1-5. 2 minutes self-buff. 5 minute cooldown (can be shortened with buffs, etc.).
- Sand Bomb (55): Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment. Level 1-10. 30 seconds debuff. It seems to decrease accuracy same as skill level. At level 9 it becomes Accuracy -9.
- Summon Treasure Key (46): Summons between 20 to 30 Level 3-5 treasure box keys. Uses key of thief.

- Berserker Spirit: Now have an added effect of decreased Evasion. Berserker Spirit 2 decreases Evasion by 4.

New Skills:
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. Has low landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.
- Resist Holy (58): Increases target's resistance to holy attacks for a period of time. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Resist Unholy (58): Increases target's resistace to dark attacks for a period of time. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Greater Might (58, 66, 74): Increases target's P.Atk for a period of time. Stacks with Might but doesn't stack with Greater Shield. Level 1, +4% P.Atk, costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 2, +7% P.Atk, costs 2 Spirit Ore. Level 3, +10% P.Atk, costs 3 Spirit Ore. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Greater Shield (58, 66, 74): Increases target's P.Def for a period of time. Stacks with Shield but doesn't stack with Greater Might. Level 1, +5% P.Def, costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 2, +10% P.Def, costs 2 Spirit Ore. Level 3, +15% P.Def, costs 3 Spirit Ore. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.

- Casting time on sleep skills have been greatly increased.
- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.
- Skills with Dark attribute seem to do less damage. (Unconfirmed)
- Mass Slow: Changed to be a slow with an area effect range of 500.
- Corpse Burst: Power has been increased 2 folds. It will have damage equivalent to a single target damage spell, even though it is an area effect damage spell.
- Anchor: Success rate has been increased, duration has been decreased to around 10 seconds. Reuse remains the same.

New Skills:
- Mass Curse Fear (58): Puts surrounding enemies into a state of fear, causing them to run away. Fear with an area effect range of 500. Since sleep has been weaken, this might be used when soloing against enemies that are linked.
- Mass Curse Gloom (58): Decreases m.def of enemies surrounding the summon. Uses cursed bones.
- Summon Cursed Bone (58): Summons cursed bone. Level 1 costs 40 Spirit Ore and summons 25-100 cursed bones, Level 2 costs 80 Spirit Ore and summons 50-100 cursed bones.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.
- Lightning Strike: Paralyze effect reduced to 10s (unconfirmed).
- Poltergeist Cubic: It seems that the duration of various debuffs becomes shorter (as the normal versions of theses debuffs).

New Skills:
- Judgement (55): Strikes with a gathering of dark energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Dark attack attribute. Debuff decreases accuracy by 9, lands at a very low rate.
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Shackle' skill is unknown.

- Greater Group Heal: Now it heals about 70% instantly, and 30% over time like Chant of Life (15 seconds).

New Skills:
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.
- Resist Holy (58): Increases target's resistance to holy attacks for a period of time. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.

New Skills:
- Blessing of Sagittarius (58): Decreases refresh time of physical skills for a period of time. Reuse time noticeably reduced for skills. Level 1-3. Selfbuff. 20 minutes duration.
- Spirit of Sagittarius (58): Decreases MP use of physical skills for a short period of time. Level 1-3. Consumption MP of physical skills is lightened. Selfbuff. Duration and Cooldown unknown.
- Rapid Fire (60): Increases player's Attack Speed and P.Atk for a brief moment. Attack distance reduced while in effect. Usable when equipped with a bow. Level 1-8. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown 3-4 minutes. Atack Speed +20%, Attack Range -300, P.Atk rises with each level (level 4 P.Atk +78).

- Casting time on sleep skills have been greatly increased.

- Casting time on sleep skills have been greatly increased.

- Casting time on sleep skills have been greatly increased.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change. The hate skill from their 1st class change seems to only be able to change the target.

New Skills:
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Shackle' skill is unknown.
- Psycho Symphony (55): Decreases the movement speed/Attack Speed/Casting Speed of surrounding enemies for a brief moment.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.

New Skills:
- Tribunal (55): Strikes with a gathering of holy energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Holy attack attribute. Debuff decreases accuracy by 9, lands at a very low rate.
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Shackle' skill is unknown.

- Deadly Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Backstab: When used against PC, it is a skill which will disrecard CP and damage HP directly. Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Agains player, they will become HP 1.
- Lethal Blow: Cooltime reduced.
- Bluff: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Chance: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Power: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Dash: Cooltime reduced to 60-80 seconds. Duration increased to 15 seconds.

New Skills:
- Critical Blow (55): Launches a potentially lethal attack on the enemy while increasing player's chance of landing lethal attacks. Chance of instant kill. When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0. Available when one is equipped with a dagger type weapon. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 3613. Effect 1 to 5. Duration 15s. Base cooltime 90 seconds. NOTE: I guess this skill must be enchanted to get the Instant Kill effect (76+) as all the other pre 76 blow skills.
- Sand Bomb (55): Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment. Level 1-10. 30 seconds debuff. It seems to decrease accuracy same as skill level. At level 9 it becomes Accuracy -9.
- Summon Treasure Key (46): Summons between 20 to 30 Level 3-5 treasure box keys. Uses key of thief.
- Stealth (58): Veils player from monster aggro for a short period of time. Decreases player's combat ability while in effect. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown less than 2 minutes. P.Atk, P.Def, M.Def, Accuracy and Critical change greatly reduced during duration. No movement speed reduction.

- Burning Fist: Ignores shield defense.
- Soul Breaker: Ignores shield defense.
- Force Rage: Skill use is slower.
- All the totems when used reduce Max. HP 20%. The effect don't stack, if you have a Totem Spirit alreayd active your Max. HP remains the same.
- Totem Spirit Wolf: Cooldown 90 seconds. Run Speed + 20%, Accuracy +3.
- Totem Spirit Bear: Cooldown 90 seconds. P.Atk +20%, Run Speed -30%.
- Totem Spirit Puma: Cooldown 120 seconds. Attack Speed +20%, Accuracy +6. Decreases 3HP/tick.
- Totem Spirit Ogre: Cooldown 120 seconds. P.Def +30%, M.Def +30%, Accuracy +6, Run Speed -30%, Accuracy -9. Decreases 3HP/tick.
- Totem Spirit Rabbit: Cooldown 180 seconds. Run Speed +30%, Evasion +12, P.Atk -30%, Accuracy -9. Decreases 19HP/tick.
- Totem Spirit Bison: Cooldown 180 seconds. With HP below 60% P.Atk +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +100. With HP below 30% P.Atk +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +400. Decreases 19HP/tick.

New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Inferno Body (58): Adds a fire element to physical attacks and increases player's resistance to fire attacks.
- Zealot (58/66/74): Receives the power of the guardian, causing an increase in combat ability for a short period of time. Drains HP while in use. Can be used when HP falls below 30%. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Reuse time is the same as Lionheart. Consumes 200HP when it is activated, after that it will coninuously consume HP/CP at a fixed interval. It will first consume CP at a rate of 150, and when CP is gone, will consume HP at 150. Effect will disappear if HP is healed above 30% after it has been activated. Level 1: Physical Attack +10%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +10, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12. Level 2: Physical Attack +12%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +20, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12. Level 3: Physical Attack +30%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +30, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12.
- Totem Spirit Hawk: Player is bestowed with the spirit of the hawk. Increases critical power and rate when using fist weapons. Decreases p.def and m.def while skill is in effect. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown 300 seconds. Critical Rate +50, Increased Critical Damage, Accuracy +6. Decreases 36HP/tick.

New Skills:
- Chant of War (58, 66, 74):Increases party members' p.atk for a period of time. Stacks with Might but doesn't stack with Greater Shield/Chant of Earth. Level 1, +4% P.Atk, costs 4 Spirit Ore. Level 2, +8% P.Atk, costs 8 Spirit Ore. Level 3, +12% P.Atk, costs 12 Spirit Ore. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Chant of Earth (58, 66, 74): Increases party members' p.def for a period of time. Stacks with Shield but doesn't stack with Greater Might/Chant of War. Level 1, +5% P.Def, costs 4 Spirit Ore. Level 2, +10% P.Def, costs 8 Spirit Ore. Level 3, +15% P.Def, costs 12 Spirit Ore. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.

- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.
- Binding Cubic: Paralyze effect duration decreased to 10s (unconfirmed)

New Skills:
- Betray (56): Posesses enemy's summon causing it to attack it's master. Uses spirit ore. Lands at about 50% rate. Summon cannot be unsummoned while it's in effect.
- Mass Surrender to Fire (58): Decreases resistance to fire in enemies surrounding the summon. Uses spirit ore.
- Arcane Distruption (56): Decreases enemy's casting speed. Debuff lasts about 10 seconds. Decreases casting speed by about 100.

- Focus Attack: Changed to a 2 minutes Selfbuff. Increases Accuracy and Critical damage. Effect increases with skill level. Level 1-5. Critical damage increased by 10-15% at level 1.
- Revival: HP heal power and reuse time has been greatly reduced. The requirement has been changed from 10% HP remaining to 5%.
- Thunder Storm: MP Cost increases approximately 35%.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Shock Blast: Ignores shield defense.

New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.
- Wide Attack (58): Increases number of targets affectable using pole attacks. Usable when one is equipped with a spear type weapon. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown about 30 seconds. Level 1-5. The increase is unknown.

- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Armor Crush: Ignores shield defense.
- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.

New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.

- Heroic Miracle: Increases player's p.def, m.def and runspeed for a short period of time. Can be used when equipped with a shield. Uses soul ore.
- Heroic Beserker: For a brief moment increases player's accuracy, p.atk, m.atk, atk.speed, casting speed, runspeed. Increases resistance to debuffs. Increases effect of heals received. Decreases player's p.def, m.def, evasion. Uses soul ore.
- Heroic Valour: For a brief moment increases clan members' p.atk and p.def. Uses spirit ore.
- Heroic Grandure: For a brief moment decreases the p.def, m.def, accuracy, shield defense rate of surrounding enemies as well as increasing their chance of casting interruption and sealing all magical and physical skills. Uses spirit ore.
- Heroic Dread: Puts surrounding enemies in a state of fear, causing them to run away with increased runspeed. Uses spirit ore.

How they work:
- Clan skills are all Passive.
- To learn a skill reputation points and Raid Boss items are needed. The clan must have at least the () level to be able to learn it.
- Once the clan leader learn them, all the members with the right rank get their effect.
- If clan reputation goes lowe than 0 the skill effects are nulled.

- Clan Body (5). Clan members Max HP is raised. Reputation 500. Item: Vastland Egg - A grade
- Clan Spirit (6). Clan members Max CP is raised. Reputation 800. Item: Fake Life core - A grade.
- Clan Soul (8). Clan members Max MP is raised. Reputation 3900. Item: Soul of an angel - A grade.
- Clan Health (5). Clan members HP Regeneration speed is enhanced. Reputation 500. Item: Vastland Egg - A grade.
- Clan Moral (6). Clan members CP Regeneration speed is enhanced. Reputation 900. Item: Fake Life core - A grade.
- Clan Clarity (8). Clan members MP Regeneration speed is enhanced. Reputation 3900. Item: Soul of an angel - A grade.
- Clan Might (6). Clan members P.Atk is raised. Reputation 1000. Item: Dragons Heart - A grade.
- Clan Shield (6). Clan members P.Def is enhanced. Reputation 1000. Item: Vastland Egg - A grade.
- Clan Empower (8). Clan members M.Atk is raised. Reputation 3900. Item: Soul of an Angel - A grade.
- Clan Magic Barrier (5). Clan members M.Def is raised. Reputation 500. Item: Dragons Heart - A grade.
- Clan Guidance (7). Clan members Accuracy is raised. Reputation 1900. Item: Skull of Reaper - A grade.
- Clan Agility (8). Clan members Evasion is raised. Reputation 4000. Item: Skull of Reaper - A grade.
- Clan Shield Block (7). Clan members Shield Blocking chance enhanced. Reputation 800. Item: Skull of Reaper - A grade.
- Clan Shield Defence (6). Clan members Shield Defence is raised. Reputation 800. Item: Dragon Heart - A grade.
- Clan Resist Typhoon (7). Clan members Resistance against Water/Wind is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Resist Lava (7). Clan members Resistance against Fire/Earth is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Fortitude (7). Clan members Resistance against Shock attack is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Freedom (7). Clan members Resistance against Root magic is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Vigilance (7). Clan members Resistance against Sleep magic is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Movement (8). Clan members Movement Speed raises. Reputation 3800. Item: Cradle of Creation - A grade.
- Clan Death (7). Clan members experience loss and item drop rate from PK/Monsters is reduced. Reputation 2200. Item: Cradle of Creation - A grade.
- Clan Emperium (5). Permission to create Clan leader chat channel. Reputation 0. Tombstone of Ruin - A grade.

- Mystic clases get -30% Casting Speed and Accuracy -8 when using Dual Swords, Bows and Polearms. :eek:

30/05/2006, 12:10
nee leyeron si quiero rajar a uno del clan en C5 me como 3dis de penalñizacion(lado bueno) pero 4% de xp(lado muyy malo!!!! mas estando arriba de lvl 70!!!)

30/05/2006, 14:48
juas a este paso esta baina se pone mas relista, va haber en c6 tendremos que ir al baño,y alimentar nuestro pj, juas.
asi gracias por la info.

no taria piola??? eh eh eh eh eh eh eh :D :D :D :D :D :D :D