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26/07/2006, 12:34
Wenas gente sisi como dice el titulo una encuesta una pregunta nomas cual es mejor shillien knight o temple knight? en lo personal soy SK y es una bomba! pero nose tengo esas dudas creo que el oscuro pega mas y mas criticos tiene drain..que se yo tiene 3 cubics... y el claro?estemmm el claro? bueno que es yo comenten que les parese SK O TK

26/07/2006, 12:44
el tk pega mas criticos porqe tiene mas dex. el sk tiene menos vida, pero compenza mucho con los cubics... y es un mago-tanke, si sabes usarlo 100% es uno de los mejores tankes ya qe podes empezar con hex y power break, y eso ayuda MUCHO a la party.

26/07/2006, 13:13
Depende de gustos, a mi me gusta mas el SK solo por ser d. elf...Parecen ser tan...Arrogantes, despreciativos, orgullosos :)
Los elfitos me parecen muy pacificos y despreciativos con las demas razas, pero de otra forma xD
Por eso-->SK O_O

26/07/2006, 13:16
Yo creo que el sk es mucho mejor que el tk porque es mas ofensivo por lo que da no solo los cubics sino el dex.A parte tiene es drain health que saca una bocha.

26/07/2006, 13:22
Drain Health no es ke saca mucho en un SK =S
Como sub de mago, si, la rompes con Drain Health xD

26/07/2006, 13:39
una de las preguntas que yo tenia era:
tengo un gladya y como sub primero quieria darle la de tyrant, pero despues no se si hacerlo SK o DA, me gustan mucho las lucecitas que tiene en la cabeza el Sk pero no se si me servira mucho para la sub, no se...ya que estan hablando de SK me gustaria que me digan algo mas al respecto de este pj powa...desde ya muchas gracias.

26/07/2006, 13:43
Para PvP te va a servir mucho mas el SK...Los cubics son bastante grositos y atacan por si solos (no como cierto DA y su pantera xD)
Pero, es cuestion de ke te pongas a ver sus skills, y decidas cual te gusta mas ;) Aunke son mas o menos parecidas xD

26/07/2006, 13:47
una de las preguntas que yo tenia era:
tengo un gladya y como sub primero quieria darle la de tyrant, pero despues no se si hacerlo SK o DA, me gustan mucho las lucecitas que tiene en la cabeza el Sk pero no se si me servira mucho para la sub, no se...ya que estan hablando de SK me gustaria que me digan algo mas al respecto de este pj powa...desde ya muchas gracias.

Los skilles del SK: drain heal, tmb tiene uno q roba vida q lo tiene el orco... y activos pasivos de def, los cubitos son para, robar vida, envenenar, bajar def, o velocidad de atk, o el p.atk... ( estas 3 se da en random en 1 solo cubir )

Ahora si es SK o TK... Sk mucho mejor.. y soy adorador de los elfos blancos... pero en fin... el sk es mejor... pero ojo me sigo quedando son los stats de elfo de x vida!

26/07/2006, 14:08
gracias por la ayuda:)

26/07/2006, 14:11
al sk no tuve oportunidad de provarlo, pero al tk si y te aseguro q es un excelente pj con unos cubos muy útiles.


26/07/2006, 16:04
Para mi son dos cosas totalmente diferentes, claro son tankes ambos pero se diferencian mucho veamos:

Shillen Knight: No es un tanke convencional, de hecho denominarlo tanke me parece encacillarlo en una clase que no le keda bien. Puede ser un damage dealer increible si acompaña a un TK, PALA, DA y algun otro DD melee. Drainea, debuffea, usa cubics tmb para debuffear, y si la cosa se pone jodida puede tankear, dandole un respiro al otro tanke. OJO tankear, tankea lindo, pero un destroyer, o un orc mystic tmb y no por eso son tankes, yo lo denominaria el mas defensivo de los DD.

Temple Knight: Para mi el mejor tanke del juego, requiriendo una gran habilidad saber usarlo. Este si esta hecho para DEFENDER y llamar la atencion de la mob puesto que no tienen debuffs ni se espera que golpee. Sus cubics, no debuffean, uno cura y el otro nukea (cada vez que se acuerda y no es una SUPER ayuda). Es sumamente defensivo sobre todo en cuanto a la mdef.

Son dos pjs muy dificiles de manejar bien, pero una vez que se logra me han dicho que son sumamente divertidos.

26/07/2006, 16:13
espero que sepan ingles, tengo fiaca de traducirlo pero es una muy buena explicacion de ambos tankes:

Temple Knight:
The Temple Knight (TK) is the most "PVE-iest" of the tank classes. In Player vs. Environment, he is THE best field Area of Effect (AoE) tank, with 360 degree shield blocking, high block and evade rate due to DEX, and high speed to outrun the big nasties. The HP is about in the middle of the Shillien Knights and the Human Knights; not bad, but not exactly great. HP weapons are favored here as well, but many choose swords and focus weapons. The healing cubic keeps him going slightly longer and keeps mana consumption down a tiny bit for his party, but is generally considered not really useful most of the time. The Temple Knight has a toggle that improve his ability to fight/tank undead which consumes very little mana, but is really only help in PvE. Guard Stance, the MP-abusing toggle that provides tons of P. Def, was often described as the main reason behind being a TK. However, with the gift of this skill to SKs, it’s no longer as big of a selling point. In small parties, the ability to self-heal very high level bleeds and poisons comes in handy every now and then.
At first glance, TKs are limited in what they can offer parties in PvP. The Temple Knight finds his high speed and high M. Def useful in chasing down slow, lightly armored classes like nukers, praying his HP and healers hold out while he cuts away at the mage in front of him. Speed is his friend. He can perform quick hits and fade away, and even slowed has a fairly decent run speed. He has two cubics; a healing cubic and a storm cubic. The healing cubic is generally considered ineffective, never healing when you really need it. Reportedly, this has been improved over previous chronicles (such as healing party members) but it’s still fairly weak. The TK’s storm cubic, also, is not considered very powerful, but adds a shot in here or there. The ability to sustain three cubics, while not having the ability to summon three, has been a constant thorn in the sides of all TKs. However, this has been changed now in Chronicle 4 with the ability for Summoners to do a 'mass summoning' of cubics for their party. Normal tanks/players can only carry one cubic, but the TK can carry multiple. A party of different summoners and a few TKs (now armed with THREE nuking cubics or two and a debufing cubic) can now fight even more effectively. Entangle, the bane of all archers and nukers, is in the arsenal of the TK, and one of his most important weapons. A slowed enemy is a dead enemy. TKs who forget this important skill are really reducing their chances in PvP; both their own and their side’s.
High level (76+) TKs get a Shield Bash, a skill that interrupts the player’s current skill and disarms them. Temple Knights get an ultimate healing skill: Touch of Life. By sacrificing 1621 hp, it restores a significant amount of HP, protects against cancellation, debuffs, and improves the power of HP Rejuvenation magic. They also get another Ultimate Defense with effect 3 that causes people to change their target to the TK. Like all other tanks, TKs get passives to resist poison, bleeding, sleep, and holds. Most importantly, they get a toggle that greatly increases their resistance to stun and paralysis. TKs will also get the self buff Magic Mirror, a buff that reflects 100% of magic debuffs back on to the caster, helping high level TKs in the task of ‘mage hunter’ in Chronicle 4.

Shillien Knight:
Once considered the worst tank, the SK has come far, and now understood for the true power that they can bring forth onto the battlefield. Sometimes described as a “mage tank”, the SK is definitely the most offensive tank of all the tank classes. Unlike other tanks, SKs almost universally use sword weapons, and many use mage swords. Special abilities of choice are Focus and occasionally Haste for melee weapons, and Acumen or Magic Power for mage weapons. Mage power is one that really helps the SK out: normally, the small set amounts of bonuses weapons give are not useful for mages, but for tanks without M. Atk boosting passives, the small amount makes a big difference, greatly increasing the chance of landing debuffs and damage dealt with magic. The main weakness of the SK is their low CON and HP; they stun almost as easily as mages, and unlike all other tanks, the SK has no self-mdef buff.
In PvE, and PvP the SK has many options available to them. With the highest strength of all tanks and an affinity for damage, the SK can solo efficiently. While it’s true that a Dark Avenger with a panther, or a Paladin fighting undead mobs can kill well, both are limited. The SK at highest levels has four ranged nukes. The first is the the Dark Elf racial drain nuke, which returns 20% HP of the damage done. Second is the Dark Elf racial Ice Bolt nuke which has a chance of slowing, effect 2 (effectively a force slow attack). Third, they have the SK-only special nuke, which has half-power of the racial dain but returns 100% damage done as HP, and is fairly mana efficient. Fourth, and perhaps most feared, is the SK’s Lightning Strike, which does damage and has a chance to land a 2 minute paralyze. The SK also has the racial poison, Bleed, Hex, and Power Break skills at his disposal for improving his damage output. Needless to say, the choice to use a high M. Atk weapon by many SKs should be clear by now. Of course, we must not forget to mention the recent Chronicle 3 addition of the TK’s Guard Stance to the repertoire of the SK, as well as 360 degree shield blocking. Both of these things have greatly helped the SK.
The SK also has three cubics. The first is a draining cubic, which does direct damage, returning some of the damage done back as HP to the SK. The second is a debuff cubic, which has a chance at landing Hex, Power Break, or Wind Shackle against your opponent. For those counting, this means an SK can at the absolute best land seven debuffs on an enemy. Against tanks and archers or any other highly buffed class, even if the debuffs did nothing else, rolling off some of their buffs is nearly guaranteed. The third is a cubic that poisons enemies.
Of course, there are downsides for being an SK. As mentioned before, your low CON makes you a stun-magnet. Your low HP presents some issues in PvE; Bishops heal you the least effectively of all tanks. You’re not as fast as TKs, and you’re the only tank without a self-M. Def buff. Many people still have the perception that, even with all the offensive capability of the SK, they still cannot tank, and you may be relegated as a ‘backup’ tank. In these situations, SKs can have a lot of fun; instead of worrying about managing hate, you get to sit back and use your debuffs, drains, nukes, bleeds, poisons; everything else you wouldn’t normally get to do when all your MP is used on hate. Just hope you don’t pull aggro, and the healer forgets about you! Another pain for being an SK is the mana drain. Shield Fortress, Guard Stance, debuffs, nukes, cubics…it adds up. Some see this as a boon, others, a curse. Opinions vary widely on this. Cubics only last 15 minutes, and if you die, they disappear too. They can become quite expensive.
In Chronicle 4, the SK has been confirmed to get a few weak skills, and another Ultimate Defense like the TK’s, Paladin’s, and DAs. However, they also get some very interesting skills. Like the DA, the SK gets a new, very powerful dark attack that "launches a dark curse at the expense of player's HP. Cancel's enemy's buffs and decreases their max CP, resistance against debuffs and decreases heals received by the enemy. Can be used only when player's HP is less than 75%". The SK also gets a very mana efficient shield stun at high levels. Also, SKs get a self buff of Magic Mirror, a buff that reflects 100% of magic debuffs back on to the caster. This should help at high level SKs in fighting all magic using classes.
High level (76+) SKs get a Shield Bash, a skill that interrupts the player’s current skill and disarms them. The SKs dark nature also lets him learn an ultimate curse: Touch of Death. By sacrificing 1338 HP, it significantly decreases a target’s maximum CP for a brief time period and decreases resistance to debuff attack, and the effect of HP regeneration magic. However, it's limited in that it can only be used at less than 75% HP. They also get another Ultimate Defense with effect 3 that causes people to change their target to the SK. Like all other tanks, TKs get passives to resist poison, bleeding, sleep, and holds. Most importantly, they get a toggle that greatly increases their resistance to stun and paralysis.

ambos son buenos =)

26/07/2006, 17:41
como dicen el nono y impa, tas hablando de 2 tankes totalmente opuestos ya q el tk es defensivo y el sk es ofensivo, siendo para subs ambos son buenos aunk prefiero al sk (aunk si no keda otra de ser tk tambien vale la pena!)

26/07/2006, 17:46
Muy simple: depende :P

Ahorta en serio: El tk es el pj del l2 (por ahora) con mas skills relacionasdas al shield success; y termina siendo,obviamente, el pj lider cuando se refiere a no recibir golpes. Los cubics que tiene, no estan diseñados para pvpear; mas bien para el leveleo. Yo lo elejiria para meter en el medio de alguna convinacion de clase magica (sps-elder-tk-prophet por darte un ejemplo); para lograr tener una forma mas de resistir (ud, muchas skills del escudo, 6 lvls de focus mind, etc, etc)

Con respecto al SK: Sos la raza que hace mas dmg del juego. Si aeso sumas el cubic y el hex, tenes una facilidad extra. No tiene tanto % de shield defense succed como el tk, pero tiene mas p.def (SEGUN ME DIJERON), la chupada de vida y el cubic que tmb chupa vida. Por los criticos y velocidad de atak no te preocupes: solo tenes 2 menos de destreze que un elfo y tenes mucho mas p.atak (si bien tenes menos hp, lo manejas con la chupada de hp)

26/07/2006, 18:00
SK: ofensivo
TK: defensivo

en mi gusto personal... los elfos oscuros guerreros son horribles... y los elfos claros, no son mi preferencia, pero tienen lo suyo...

26/07/2006, 19:01
SK es para mi el mejor tanke, todavia no los probe a todos pero cualquiera que haya usado un sk te puede decir que es muy bueno, aunque complicado de usar, es muy divertido y puede matar en pvp sin mayores complicaciones a casi cualquier DD y a unos cuantos tankes, ademas que si vas a pelear con un arquero el lightining strike le entra tranqui, aunque tarda bastante en recargar esta skill es de casteo rapido y pega fuerte. Probablemente otro punto interesante, tanto del SK como del TK, es el Guard stance, y los self buff que conseguis antes de lvl 20, atack aura y defense aura, que en su lvl maximo(lvl 2) te dan la misma cantidad de poder de ataque y defensa que el might y el shield del profeta. En lo que a equipo se refiere son de las clases mas caras, ambas nesecitan bastante usar BSS ademas que vas a tener que pagar el escudo, cosa que la mayoria de lo pjs no usarian o no presisarian tanto.
Este es mi resumen del Shillien Knight, es muy buen pj aunque muchos (DA y otros creidos) lo menosprecien.

26/07/2006, 19:05
El TK es grosisimo!!!!!!! fue el primer char con el q empece el L2 alla por Harbingers of war, y aguantaba todo con una simple compo ( q se veia como la salamander ) y una delusion +1, tenia lvl 67 y soleaba lento pero sin dificultades, mucha def, mucha m def, y basta..... lamentablemente tiene solo un ataque digno q es el storm cubic q encima actua cuando tiene ganas, si queres un pj 100% tanque, esta es la mejor opcion.
Del SK mucho no te puedo decir, ya q nunca lo cree, pero viendolo no parece malo para solear, tambien tiene guard stance y aegis, ademas del polstergeist q a mi entender es realmente groso, L.strike, hex ( groso skill ) y algunas cositas mas. No es de mi gusto ya q tener 32 de constitucion siendo un tanque es demasiado pobre, ademas ( diganme si estoy equivocado ) un tanque q no tenga self buff de m. def ( pala-DA iron will, tk spirit barrier) no me convence, tiene pasivo de m. resist. pero estos self buffs son groxos como un magic barrier.

pd. shield stun para el TK en futuras cronicas plssssss :P

26/07/2006, 19:56
Lo unico que te digo es que hay que tener paciencia siendo TK.

26/07/2006, 22:11
Lo unico que te digo es que hay que tener paciencia siendo TK. :sweatdrop
Mejor dicho imposible, encima nadie te quiere para party:crybaby: !!!
malditos DD:@

27/07/2006, 09:37
el tk no lo use,el sk es el tanke mas ofensivo del l2, es jodido de usar ya ke tiene muchos skills y ni entran en la barra de F,lo de la poca vida es relativo ya ke tiene los drains y si tiras hex y pb ltanto la def como el atak del oponente baja su rendimiento a la mitad o menos.
es muy divertido de usar ya ke podes ser tanke,dd, o semi mago (algunos lo usan con espada de mago)
en las partys con el hex te aman,pero solear en siertos lvls se complica un toke

27/07/2006, 10:01