Ver la versión completa : Vendo cosas C y D/Blades/Recipes/Libros

21/08/2006, 05:35
Homunkulus Sword--------------------->33kk
Nirvana Axe----------------------------->30kk
Pechera Brigandine +2----------------->1.2kk
Monstone earring----------------------->800k
Chain Shield x4------------------------->2kk c/u
Chain Boots----------------------------->1kk
Iron Boots------------------------------->800k
Reinforced Leather Gloves------------->800k
Dwarven Chain Shield x2-------------->1kk c/u
Mithril Tunic +3-------------------------->1.6kk
Plated Leather Gloves-------------------->1kk
Horn of Glory Fragment x2----------------->800k c/u
Eminence Bow Shaft----------------------->3kk
Dark Elven Long Bow Shaft--------------->4kk
Maingauche Edge--------------------------->100k
Blade Grace Dagger------------------------>600k
Blade Sword of Wispering Death------->5kk (VENDIDA)
Blade Caliburs x2----------------------->1kk c/u
Blade Sword of Nightmare x3---------->1kk c/u
Blade Tsurugi x4------------------------>1kk c/u
Blade Sword of Delusion x3------------>600k c/u
Blade Sword of Revolution x11--------->100k c/u
Recipe: Paagrio Axe----------------------->1kk
Recipe: Full Plate Armor------------------->1.5kk
Recipe: Cord x2----------------------------->300k c/u
Recipe: Blacksmith frame x4------------>200k c/u
Recipe: Mithril Alloy----------------------->1kk
Recipe: Brigandine Helmet x4------------->500k c/u
Recipe: Chain Gaiters---------------------->200k
Recipe: Ring of Binding x9----------------->200k c/u
Recipe: Bone Arrow x45-------------------->90k c/u
Recipe: Divine Tunic------------------------->1.5kk
Libros de profeta, uno de paladin y otros..digan mejor cual necesitan

Bueno posteen aca y dejen su nick y lo q me compran en el juego q yo cuando entro wispeo...

08/07/2008, 12:35
800k? los Reinforced Leather Glove?... son grado D

08/07/2008, 13:04
tenes el recipe de SSC?