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11/09/2006, 20:55
Gente, cuantos de los que estan aca son altos fanŕticos del KOF??? (king of fighters)

A aquellos que hayan dedicado horas de sus vidas a mejoras las tecnicas de combate, combos y especiales de todas las versiones del juego les pregunto...

Saben las frases que dicen los personajes cuando empieza una pelea u cuando ganan o pierden???

Yo me acuerdo algunas, pero estoy buscando las de Vice y no las encuentro!!! :crybaby:


Aprovecho para saludar a todos! tengo que volver a frekear con el Lineage....Estuve a full con el laburo y no pude entrar....pero bueno, con suerte en estos dias voy a poder redescubir el mundo de C4 full....wuiiii:P

Nos estamos viendo!

12/09/2006, 01:58

(Main intro for '96 and '98): "Omoshiroi, yaro ka!" = "Interesting,
let's do it!"

(Performing Death Blow): "Doki na!" = "MOVE!"

(Performing Back Rush): "Kutabare (na)!" = "DIE!"

(Performing Outrage): "Soko da!" = "There!"

(Performing Raven's Fest): "Soko da!" = "There!"

(Performing Gore Fest): "Tanoshii ne!" = "This is fun!"

(Performing Decide): "OCHIRO!" = "[GET OUT OF HERE]!" ("Ochiro"
literally means, "Drop Down", but in Vice's case, that doesn't seem to
fit; Thanks again Saiki!)

(Performing Mithan's Robe): "Bibi ten janai yo!" = "Don't you get

(Performing Withering Surface in '96 and '98,): "Okorasin janai
yo...OCHIRO!" = "Don't piss me off...[Oops! Too late! Now] GET OUT OF

(Performing Withering Surface in '02): "Kyoro kyoro surun janai yo!" =
"Don't look around so much!"

(Performing Negative Gain): "Itai yo...taishita koto nain janai!" =
"This will hurt...[Bah!] You're not good enough!"

(Rolling): "Amai!" = "Hopeless!"

(Knockdown Recovery): "Osoi!" = "Too slow!"

(Taunting in '96): "Anmari bakarashii kara!" = "You are indeed quite a
[hopeless] simpleton!"

(Taunting in '98): "Ha! Guzuga!" = "Ha! Trash!"

(Taunting in '02): "Fuka shiten janai yo!" = "Don't play around tough

(Winpose 1): Vice poses and smiles, saying, "Mangetsu no youru ni,
matta auo ka!" = = "We shall meet again on the next full moon!" ('96,
'98, '02)

(Winpose 2): Vice vomits and then clutches her stomach, saying, "Nanka
hakisouda yo!" = "You made me puke!" ('98)

(Winpose 3): Vice gets on her knees and raises her left/right arm to
the sky, screaming, "Hayaku koroushite yooooo!!!" = "HURRY UP AND KILL
ME!!!" ('98)

(Winpose 4): Vice stands and giggles while putting her left/right hand
on her hip; she then turns her head away from the opponent and sighs.
('96, '98, '02)

(Winpose 5): Vice bows in the face of her opponent and the players.

(Defeated): "Baka na~!" = "THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!"

Espero que la contribución sea de su agrado.
El día que no conozca/encuentre algo me retiro del ámbito.

12/09/2006, 18:56
Men, sos groso, sabelo!
Mil gracias!

13/09/2006, 04:48
jauz este ta loco!! jeje se sabia todo!...estee es conocido... yapan!!! :P

14/09/2006, 00:38
que ganas de fichinear con el kof'98...
en esa época empezé a jugar bastante con ese porque los combates de tekken eran escasos.