Ver la versión completa : Buffs/debuffs effects (by pmfun)

19/10/2006, 18:55
Buffs/debuffs effects

Acumen 1 - Casting Spd. +15%
Acumen 2 - Casting Spd. +23%
Acumen 3 - Casting Spd. +30%
Advanced Block 1 - Shield P.Def. +60%
Advanced Block 2 - Shield P.Def. +80%
Advanced Block 3 - Shield P.Def. +100%
Agility 1 - Evasion +2
Agility 2 - Evasion +3
Agility 3 - Evasion +4
Arcane Chaos - Cancel+Debuff resistance -30%, Magic MP Cost +30%, MP Regen per tick -24
Arcane Protection - Cancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%
Armor Crush - P.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%
Assassin Servitor - Accuracy +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from
behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Attack Aura 1 - P.Atk. +8%
Attack Aura 2 - P.Atk. +12%
Aura Flare - All Magic Damage -50%, this includes the Aura you cast to get the debuff
Battle Roar 1 - HP +10%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 2 - HP +15%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 3 - HP +20%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 4 - HP +25%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 5 - HP +30%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 6 - HP +35%, heals the amount added
Berserker Spirit 1 - P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%
Berserker Spirit 2 - P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%
Blazing Skin 1 - Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Blazing Skin 2 - Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Blazing Skin 3 - Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Bless Shield 1 - Shield Block Rate +30%
Bless Shield 2 - Shield Block Rate +40%
Bless Shield 3 - Shield Block Rate +50%
Bless Shield 4 - Shield Block Rate +60%
Bless Shield 5 - Shield Block Rate +70%
Bless Shield 6 - Shield Block Rate +80%
Bless the Body 1 - HP +10%
Bless the Body 2 - HP +15%
Bless the Body 3 - HP +20%
Bless the Body 4 - HP +25%
Bless the Body 5 - HP +30%
Bless the Body 6 - HP +35%
Bless the Soul 1 - MP +10%
Bless the Soul 2 - MP +15%
Bless the Soul 3 - MP +20%
Bless the Soul 4 - MP +25%
Bless the Soul 5 - MP +30%
Bless the Soul 6 - MP +35%
Blessing of Noblesse - this buff falls on death but none of your other buffs do
Blessing of Paagrio 1 - P.Def. +8%
Blessing of Paagrio 2 - P.Def. +12%
Blessing of Paagrio 3 - P.Def. +15%
Blessing of Queen 1 - Critical +25%, Critical Damage +20%
Blessing of Queen 2 - Critical +27%, Critical Damage +22%
Blessing of Queen 3+ - Critical +30%, Critical Damage +25%
Blessing of Seraphim 1 - MP regen per tick +30%
Blessing of Seraphim 2 - MP regen per tick +32%
Blessing of Seraphim 3+ - MP regen per tick +35%
Blinding Blow - Speed +40%
Blizzard - Speed -50%
Block Shield - P.Def. -10%
Block Wind Walk - Speed -10%
Body of Avatar 1 - HP +10%
Body of Avatar 2 - HP +15%
Body of Avatar 3 - HP +20%
Body of Avatar 4 - HP +25%
Body of Avatar 5 - HP +30%
Body of Avatar 6 - HP +35%
Bright Servitor 1 - M.Atk. +55%
Bright Servitor 2 - M.Atk. +65%
Bright Servitor 3 - M.Atk. +75%
Chant of Battle 1 - P.Atk. +8%
Chant of Battle 2 - P.Atk. +12%
Chant of Battle 3 - P.Atk. +15%
Chant of Eagle 1 - Accuracy +2
Chant of Eagle 2 - Accuracy +3
Chant of Eagle 3 - Accuracy +4
Chant of Evasion 1 - Evasion +2
Chant of Evasion 2 - Evasion +3
Chant of Evasion 3 - Evasion +4
Chant of Fire 1 - M.Def. +15%
Chant of Fire 2 - M.Def. +23%
Chant of Fire 3 - M.Def. +30%
Chant of Flame 1 - Casting Spd. +15%
Chant of Flame 2 - Casting Spd. +23%
Chant of Flame 3 - Casting Spd. +30%
Chant of Fury 1 - Atk. Spd. +15%
Chant of Fury 2 - Atk. Spd. +33%
Chant of Predator 1 - Critical +20%
Chant of Predator 2 - Critical +25%
Chant of Predator 3 - Critical +30%
Chant of Rage 1 - Critical Damage +30%
Chant of Rage 2 - Critical Damage +40%
Chant of Rage 3 - Critical Damage +50%
Chant of Revenge 1 - Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Revenge 2 - Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Revenge 3 - Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Shielding 1 - P.Def. +8%
Chant of Shielding 2 - P.Def. +12%
Chant of Shielding 3 - P.Def. +15%
Chant of Spirit - Cancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%
Chant of Vampire 1 - Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 2 - Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 3 - Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 4 - Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Victory - HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%,
Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Charm of Luck - Reduce Drop Penalty
Concentration 1 - Chance of casting interruption -18%
Concentration 2 - Chance of casting interruption -25%
Concentration 3 - Chance of casting interruption -36%
Concentration 4 - Chance of casting interruption -42%
Concentration 5 - Chance of casting interruption -48%
Concentration 6 - Chance of casting interruption -53%
Cripple 1-5 - Speed -30%
Cripple 6+ - Speed -50%
Curse Chaos 1 - Accuracy -12
Curse Chaos 2+ - Accuracy -13
Curse Disease 1+ - Amount restored from Heals -50%
Curse Gloom - M.Def. -23%
Curse of Abyss - M.Atk. -30%, P.Def. -30%, Evasion -6, Speed -10%, Casting Spd. -20%, Magic Critical Rate -30%
Curse of Doom - Physical+Magical Skill Silence
Curse of Shade 1 - P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%
Curse of Shade 2 - P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%
Curse of Shade 3+ - P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%
Curse: Weakness 1 - P.Atk. -17%
Curse: Weakness 2-5 - P.Atk. -20%
Curse: Weakness 6+ - P.Atk. -23%
Dance of Aqua Guard - Resistance to Water attribute +30%
Dance of Concentration - Casting Spd. +30%, Chance of casting interruption -30%
Dance of Earth Guard - Resistance to Earth attribute +30%
Dance of Fire - Critical Damage +50%
Dance of Fury - Atk. Spd. +15%
Dance of Inspiration - Accuracy +4
Dance of Light - Makes physical attacks Holy attribute
Dance of Medusa - Petrify
Dance of Mystic - M.Atk. +20%
Dance of Protection - Fall damage -30%
Dance of Shadow - Speed -50%, Avoid Agro 100%
Dance of Siren - Magic Critical Rate +200%
Dance of Vampire - Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Dance of Warrior - P.Atk. +12%
Dark Vortex - MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Darkness attribute -30%
Dash 1 - Speed +40%
Dash 2 - Speed +66%
Death Whisper 1 - Critical Damage +30%
Death Whisper 2 - Critical Damage +40%
Death Whisper 3 - Critical Damage +50%
Decrease Weight 1 - Weight Penalty +3000 (does not increase capacity)
Decrease Weight 1 - Weight Penalty +6000 (does not increase capacity)
Decrease Weight 1 - Weight Penalty +9000 (does not increase capacity)
Defense Aura 1 - P.Def. +8%
Defense Aura 2 - P.Def. +12%
Demon Wind - Amount restored from Heals -50%
Deflect Arrow 1 - Bow Damage -16%
Deflect Arrow 2 - Bow Damage -19%
Deflect Arrow 3 - Bow Damage -22%
Deflect Arrow 4 - Bow Damage -25%
Divine Protection - Resistance to Darkness attribute +30%
Duelist Spirit 1 - Atk. Spd. +8%
Duelist Spirit 2 - Atk. Spd. +12%
Elemental Protection - Resistance to Fire attribute +30%, Resistance to Wind, Water, Earth attributes +20%
Empower 1 - M.Atk. +55%
Empower 2 - M.Atk. +65%
(Greater) Empower 3 - M.Atk. +75%
Entangle 1 - Speed -30%
Entangle 2+ - Speed -50%
Evade Shot 1 - Evasion +6
Eye of Paagrio - Critical Damage +50%
Final Servitor - HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%,
Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Fire Vortex - Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -30%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Fire attribute -20%
Fist Fury - Atk. Spd. +25%
Focus 1 - Critical +20%
Focus 2 - Critical +25%
Focus 3 - Critical +30%
Focus Chance - Critical Chance from front -30%, Critical Chance form side +30%, Critical Chance from back +60%
Focus Death - Critical -30%, Blow land rate +60%, Critical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from back +90%
Focus Power - Critical Damage from font -30%, Critical Damage from side +30%, Critical Damage from back +60%
Fortune of Noblesse - drop penalty reduced
Freezing Skin 1 - Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Skin 2 - Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Skin 3 - Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Strike 1+ - Speed -30%
Frenzy 1 - P.Atk. +100%
Frenzy 2 - P.Atk. +150%
Frenzy 3 - P.Atk. +200%
Frost Bolt 1+ - Speed -30%
Gift of Queen 1 - P.Atk. +6%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Queen 2 - P.Atk. +8%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Queen 3+ - P.Atk. +10%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Seraphim 1 - Reuse Delay -30%
Gift of Seraphim 2 - Reuse Delay -32%
Gift of Seraphim 3+ - Reuse Delay -35%
Glory of Paagrio 1 - M.Def. +15%
Glory of Paagrio 2 - M.Def. +23%
Glory of Paagrio 3 - M.Def. +30%
Greater Magic Haste Potion - Casting Spd. +30%
Greater Quick Step Potion - Speed +33
Greater Swift Attack Potion - Atk. Spd. +33%
Guidance 1 - Accuracy +2
Guidance 2 - Accuracy +3
Guidance 3 - Accuracy +4
Guts 1 - P.Def. +100%
Guts 2 - P.Def. +150%
Guts 3 - P.Def. +200%
Hamstring 1+ - Speed -50%
Hamstring Shot - Speed -50%
Haste 1 - Atk. Spd. +15%
Haste 2 - Atk. Spd. +33%
Haste Potion - Speed +20
Hawk Eye 1 - P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +6
Hawk Eye 2 - P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +8
Hawk Eye 3 - P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +10
Hex - P.Def. -23%
Holy Weapon - Makes physical attacks Holy attribute
Hot Springs Cholera 1 - Accuracy +3
Hot Springs Cholera 2 - Accuracy +6, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 3 - Accuracy +8, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 4 - Accuracy +10, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 5 - Accuracy +6, Evasion -5
Hot Springs Cholera 6-7 - Evasion -5
Hot Springs Cholera 8-9 - Evasion -8
Hot Springs Cholera 10 - Evasion -10
Hot Springs Malaria 1 - Casting Spd. +4%
Hot Springs Malaria 2 - Casting Spd. +8%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 3 - Casting Spd. +12%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 4 - Casting Spd. +16%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 5 - Casting Spd. +8%, MP Cost -8%
Hot Springs Malaria 6-7 - MP Cost -8%
Hot Springs Malaria 8-9 - MP Cost -12%
Hot Springs Malaria 10 - MP Cost -16%
Howl - P.Atk. -23%
Ice Bolt 1+ - Speed -30%
Ice Vortex - Speed -30%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Water attribute -20%
Invigor 1 - Resistance to Bleed attribute +30%
Invigor 2 - Resistance to Bleed attribute +40%
Invigor 3 - Resistance to Bleed attribute +50%
Iron Will 1 - M.Def. +15%
Iron Will 2 - M.Def. +23%
Iron Will 3 - M.Def. +30%
Kiss of Eva 1 - Breath Guage +400%
Kiss of Eva 2 - Breath Guage +600%
Light Vortex - Accuracy -6, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Holy attribute -30%
Lionheart 1 - Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +40%
Lionheart 2 - Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +60%
Lionheart 3 - Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +80%
Magic Barrier 1 - M.Def. +23%
Magic Barrier 2 - M.Def. +30%
Magic Haste Potion - Casting Spd. +23%
Magical Mirror - Reflect magical debuffs at a 10% probability
Majesty 1 - P.Def. +7%, Evasion -2
Majesty 2 - Evasion -4
Majesty 3 - Evasion -6
Mana Regeneration 1 - MP Regen per tick +1.72
Mana Regeneration 2 - MP Regen per tick +2.16
Mana Regeneration 3 - MP Regen per tick +2.74
Mana Regeneration 4 - MP Regen per tick +3.09
Mass Block Wind Walk - Speed -10%
Mass Curse of Shade 1 - P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%
Mass Curse of Shade 2 - P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%
Mass Curse of Shade 3+ - P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%
Mass Shield Block - P.Def. -10%
Mass Slow 1+ - Speed -50%
Mental Shield 1 - Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +50%
Mental Shield 2 - Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +60%
Mental Shield 3 - Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +70%
Mental Shield 4 - Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +80%
Might 1 - P.Atk. +8%
Might 2 - P.Atk. +12%
Might 3 - P.Atk. +15%
Mighty Servitor 1 - P.Atk. +8%
Mighty Servitor 2 - P.Atk. +12%
Mighty Servitor 3 - P.Atk. +15%
Physical Mirror - Reflect physical debuffs at a 10% probability
Poltergeist Cubic - P.Atk. -23% or P.Def. -23% or Atk. Spd. -23%
Potion of Alacrity - Atk. Spd. +15%
Power Break 1-2 - P.Atk. -20%
Power Break 3+ - P.Atk. -23%
Power of Paagrio 1 - P.Atk. +8%
Power of Paagrio 2 - P.Atk. +12%
Power of Paagrio 3 - P.Atk. +15%
Prayer 1 - Heal Power +8%
Prayer 2 - Heal Power +10%
Prayer 3 - Heal Power +12%
Prophecy of Fire - HP +20%, HP added is restored, P.Atk. +10%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%,
Debuff Resistance +10%
Prophecy of Water - MP regen per tick +20%, M.Atk. +20%, M.Def. +20%, Speed -20%, Casting Spd. +20%,
Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Prophecy of Wind - Accuracy +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind,
Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Rage 1 - P.Atk. +45%, P.Def. -20%, Evasion -3
Rage 2 - P.Atk. +55%, P.Def. -20%, Evasion -3
Rage of Paagrio 1 - P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%
Rage of Paagrio 2 - P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%
Rapid Shot 1 - Atk. Spd. with a bow +8%
Rapid Shot 2 - Atk. Spd. with a bow +12%
Reflect Damage 1 - Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Reflect Damage 2 - Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Reflect Damage 3 - Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Regeneration 1 - HP regen per tick +10%
Regeneration 2 - HP regen per tick +15%
Regeneration 3 - HP regen per tick +20%
Resist Aqua 1 - Resistance to Water attribute +15%
Resist Aqua 2 - Resistance to Water attribute +23%
Resist Aqua 3 - Resistance to Water attribute +30%
Resist Fire 1 - Resistance to Fire attribute +15%
Resist Fire 2 - Resistance to Fire attribute +23%
Resist Fire 3 - Resistance to Fire attribute +30%
Resist Poison 1 - Resistance to Poison attribute +30%
Resist Poison 2 - Resistance to Poison attribute +40%
Resist Poison 3 - Resistance to Poison attribute +50%
Resist Shock 1 - Resistance to Shock attribute +15%
Resist Shock 2 - Resistance to Shock attribute +20%
Resist Shock 3 - Resistance to Shock attribute +30%
Resist Shock 4 - Resistance to Shock attribute +40%
Resist Wind 1 - Resistance to Wind attribute +15%
Resist Wind 2 - Resistance to Wind attribute +23%
Resist Wind 3 - Resistance to Wind attribute +30%
Sanctuary - P.Atk. -23%
Seal of Chaos 1-2 - Accuracy -6
Seal of Chaos 3+ - Accuracy -8
Seal of Despair - P.Atk. -10%, M.Def. -30%, Accuracy -6, Critical -30%, Critical Damage -30%, Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. -30%
Seal of Disease - HP restored from heals -50%
Seal of Scourge 1+ - HP regen per tick set to 0
Seal of Slow 1 - Speed -30%
Seal of Slow 2+ - Speed -50%
Seal of Suspension 1+ - Reuse delay +200%
Seal of Winter - Atk. Spd. -23%
Servitor Haste 1 - Atk. Spd. +15%
Servitor Haste 2 - Atk. Spd. +33%
Servitor Magic Shield 1 - M.Def. +23%
Servitor Magic Shield 2 - M.Def. +30%
Servitor Physical Shield 1 - P.Def. +8%
Servitor Physical Shield 2 - P.Def. +12%
Servitor Physical Shield 3 - P.Def. +15%
Servitor Ultimate Defense 1 - P.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0
Servitor Ultimate Defense 2 - P.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0
Servitor Ultimate Defense (enchanted)
lvl P.Def. M.Def. lvl P.Def. M.Def. lvl P.Def. M.Def.
1 3636 2727 11 3996 2997 21 4356 3267
2 3672 2754 12 4032 3024 22 4392 3294
3 3708 2781 13 4068 3051 23 4428 3321
4 3744 2808 14 4104 3078 24 4464 3348
5 3780 2835 15 4140 3105 25 4500 3375
6 3816 2862 16 4176 3132 26 4536 3402
7 3852 2889 17 4212 3159 27 4572 3429
8 3888 2916 18 4248 3186 28 4608 3456
9 3924 2943 19 4284 3213 29 4644 3483
10 3960 2970 20 4320 3240 30 4680 3510

Servitor Windwalk 1 - Speed +20
Servitor Windwalk 2 - Speed +33
Shield 1 - P.Def. +8%
Shield 2 - P.Def. +12%
Shield 3 - P.Def. +15%
Shield of Paagrio 1 - Shield Block Rate +30%
Shield of Paagrio 2 - Shield Block Rate +40%
Shield of Paagrio 3 - Shield Block Rate +50%
Shield Slam - Physical skill silence
Shock Blast - P.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%
Sight of Paagrio 1 - Accuracy +2
Sight of Paagrio 2 - Accuracy +3
Sight of Paagrio 3 - Accuracy +4
Slow 1 - Speed -30%
Slow 2+ - Speed -50%
Snipe 1 - P.Atk. +110, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%
Snipe 2 - P.Atk. +119, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%
Snipe 3 - P.Atk. +129, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%
Snipe 4 - P.Atk. +138, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%
Snipe 5 - P.Atk. +148, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%
Snipe 6 - P.Atk. +158, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%
Snipe 7 - P.Atk. +167, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%
Snipe 8 - P.Atk. +177, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%
Snipe Enchanted for Power:
lvl P.Atk. lvl P.Atk. lvl P.Atk.
1 179 11 195 21 210
2 181 12 196 22 212
3 182 13 198 23 214
4 184 14 199 24 215
5 185 15 201 25 217
6 187 16 203 26 218
7 188 17 204 27 220
8 190 18 206 28 221
9 192 19 207 29 223
10 193 20 209 30 225

Song of Champion - Reuse Delay -30%, MP Cost -20%
Song of Earth - P.Def. +25%
Song of Flame Guard - Resistance to Fire attribute +30%
Song of Hunter - Critical +100%
Song of Invocation - Resistance to Darkness attribute +20%
Song of Life - HP regen per tick +20%
Song of Meditation - MP regen per tick +20%, MP Cost -10%
Song of Renewal - Physical Skill Reuse Delay -30%, MP cost -5%
Song of Storm Guard - Resistance to Wind attribute +30%
Song of Vengeance - Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Song of Vitality - HP +30%
Song of Warding - M.Def. +30%
Song of Water - Evasion +3
Song of Wind - Speed +20
Soul of Paagrio - M.Atk. +75%
Soul of Sagitarrius 1 - MP +10%
Soul of Sagitarrius 2 - MP +15%
Soul of Sagitarrius 3 - MP +20%
Soul of Sagitarrius 4 - MP +25%
Soul Shield 1 - P.Def. +8%
Soul Shield 2 - P.Def. +12%
Soul Shield 3 - P.Def. +15%
Speed of Paagrio 1 - Speed +20
Speed of Paagrio 2 - Speed +33
Spirit Barrier 1 - M.Def. +15%
Spirit Barrier 2 - M.Def. +23%
Spirit Barrier 3 - M.Def. +30%
Spoil (enchanted) - Atk. Spd. -23%
Spoil Festival (enchanted) - Atk. Spd. -23%
Sprint 1 - Speed +20
Sprint 2 - Speed +33
Surrender to Earth 1 - Resistance against Earth attribute -25%
Surrender to Earth 2+ - Resistance against Earth attribute -30%
Surrender to Fire 1-3 - Resistance against Fire attribute -25%
Surrender to Fire 4+ - Resistance against Fire attribute -30%
Surrender to Poison 1-3 - Resistance against Poison attribute -25%
Surrender to Poison 4+ - Resistance against Poison attribute -30%
Surrender to Water 1+ - Resistance against Water attribute -30%
Surrender to Wind 1+ - Resistance against Wind attribute -30%
Tact of Paagrio 1 - Evasion +2
Tact of Paagrio 2 - Evasion +3
Tact of Paagrio 3 - Evasion +4
Thrill Fight 1 - Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. +5%
Thrill Fight 2 - Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Touch of Death - Max CP -90%, Resist Debuffs -30%, Heals are 30% less effective
Touch of Life - Resist against Cancel +60%, Resist Debuffs 30%, Heals are 30% more effective
Totem Spirit Bear - P.Atk. +20%, Speed -30%
Totem Spirit Bison - P.Atk. +10%, Critical +200
Totem Spirit Ogre - HP +20%, P.Atk. +7%, P.Def. +15%, Accuracy +3, Evasion -10, Speed -30%, heals the HP it adds
Totem Spirit Puma - P.Def. -20%, Evasion +3, Atk. Spd. +25%
Totem Spirit Rabbit - P.Atk. -99%, Evasion +25, Speed +50%
Totem Spirit Wolf - Speed +15%
Ultimate Defense - P.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0
Ultimate Defense - P.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0
Ultimate Defense (enchanted) - same boost no matter which typeench
lvl P.Def. M.Def. ench lvl P.Def. M.Def. ench lvl P.Def. M.Def.
1 3636 2727 11 3996 2997 21 4356 3267
2 3672 2754 12 4032 3024 22 4392 3294
3 3708 2781 13 4068 3051 23 4428 3321
4 3744 2808 14 4104 3078 24 4464 3348
5 3780 2835 15 4140 3105 25 4500 3375
6 3816 2862 16 4176 3132 26 4536 3402
7 3852 2889 17 4212 3159 27 4572 3429
8 3888 2916 18 4248 3186 28 4608 3456
9 3924 2943 19 4284 3213 29 4644 3483
10 3960 2970 20 4320 3240 30 4680 3510

Ultimate Evasion 1 - Evasion +20
Ultimate Evasion 2 - Evasion +25
Vampiric Rage 1 - Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 2 - Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 3 - Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 4 - Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP
Vengeance - P.Def. +5400, M.Def. +4050, Speed 0
War Cry - P.Atk. +20%
War Cry - P.Atk. +25%
Warrior Servitor - HP +20%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +10%, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, HP added is healed,
Debuff resistance +10%
Wild Defense - Speed -90%, Atk. Speed -70%, P.Def. +400%, M.Def. +400%
Wild Magic 1 - Magic Critical rate +200%
Wild Magic 2 - Magic Critical rate +300%
Wind Shackle 1 - Atk. Spd. -17%
Wind Shackle 2-5 - Atk. Spd. -20%
Wind Shackle 6+ - Atk. Spd. -23%
Wind Vortex - Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -30%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Wind attribute -20%
Wind Walk 1 - Speed +20
Wind Walk 2 - Speed +33
Wisdom of Paagrio 1 - Casting Spd. +15%
Wisdom of Paagrio 2 - Casting Spd. +23%
Wisdom of Paagrio 3 - Casting Spd. +30%
Wizard Servitor - MP Regen per tick +20%, Speed -20%, M.Def. +20%, M.Atk. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%,
Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Wyvern Aegis - P.Def. +7000, M.Def. +6000

Aclaracion: Estos datos dependen en su mayoria del server, asi que nose si los mismos corresponden 100% tambien a los de Morpg

19/10/2006, 22:23
falta de la F a la Z como Reflec Damage y Greater Acumer

19/10/2006, 22:36
falta de la F a la Z como Reflec Damage y Greater Acumer

ya no se llaman greater... son acumen y empower lvl 3....

19/10/2006, 22:45
bueno bueno pero falta de la G a la Z

Reflect Damage
Ultimate Defene
Ultimate Evasion

20/10/2006, 00:02
creo que ahi estan todos seguramente fue un error pero creo que esos son los que tengo... :P
gracias por avisarme

20/10/2006, 00:55
bueno bueno pero falta de la G a la Z

Reflect Damage
Ultimate Defene
Ultimate Evasion

Ultimate Defense - P.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0
Ultimate Defense - P.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0

Snipe 1 - P.Atk. +110, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%

wee.. y busca el resto q estan -.-

20/10/2006, 02:28
Buena info! STIKY!!!!!!!!!!

20/10/2006, 14:53
Ultimate Defense - P.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0
Ultimate Defense - P.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0

Snipe 1 - P.Atk. +110, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%

wee.. y busca el resto q estan -.-

no.... es que Fenriots lo dijo cuando en realidad faltaban, menos mal que lo hizo seguro yo copie para el ojete si no me hubiera dicho no me hubiera dado cuenta. Asi que ahora esta editado con lo que faltaba inclusive.

Aclaro que faltan datos, pero mas que nada lo hice para que se pueda consultar cuanto da cada cosa...
me parecio una idea util ya que jorobamos tanto con las subclass

Quiero sticky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20/10/2006, 23:34
Majesty 1 - P.Def. +7%, Evasion -2
Majesty 2 - Evasion -4
Majesty 3 - Evasion -6

esta mal, magesty da la misma p def que shield pero sacandote evasion

21/10/2006, 17:39
Se sarpan en saber ustds,,, Para q es el atk aura??? para el oponente??

23/10/2006, 00:36
el atk aura y el defense aura son buff's que solo poseen los elfos oscuros y los de luz...
otra cosa en morpg el % del Majesty, Soul Shield, Shield, Chant of Shielding, ect, ect...
(buff que den defensa en efecto 3) es de 12.22%...aprox
yo paso de 924 a 1037 en lvl 71 con majesty.