Ver la versión completa : hola quiero saber lo que tiran las armas de hero

10/01/2007, 11:13
las armas de hero tiran
infinity :
dager silencio
lanza cancel
garras o0?
arco o0?
espada o0?

10/01/2007, 11:28
Infinity Cleaver (espada 2 manos): Increases Max HP, Max CP, critical power and critical chance. Inflicts extra damage when a critical attack occurs and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the player. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Blade (espada 1 mano): During a critical attack, decreases one’s P. Def and increases de-buff casting ability, damage shield effect, Max HP, Max MP, Max CP, and shield defense power. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Crusher (blunt 2 manos): Increases MaxHP, MaxCP, and Atk. Spd. Stuns a target when a critical attack occurs and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the player. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Axe (blunt 1 mano): During a critical attack, it bestows one the ability to cause internal conflict to one’s opponent. Damage shield function, Max HP, Max MP, Max CP as well as one’s shield defense rate are increased. It also enhances damage to one’s opponent during PvP.

Infinity Scepter (blunt mago 2 manos): When casting good magic, it can recover HP by 100% at a certain rate, increases MAX MP, MaxCP, M. Atk., lower MP Consumption, increases the Magic Critical rate, and reduce the Magic Cancel. Enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Rod (blunt mago 1 mano): When good magic is casted upon a target, increases MaxMP, MaxCP, Casting Spd, and MP regeneration rate. Also recovers HP 100% and enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Stinger (daga): Increases MaxMP, MaxCP, Atk. Spd., MP regen rate, and the success rate of Mortal and Deadly Blow from the back of the target. Silences the target when a critical attack occurs and has Vampiric Rage effect. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Bow (arco): Increases MaxMP/MaxCP and decreases re-use delay of a bow. Slows target when a critical attack occurs and has Cheap Shot effect. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Fang (garras): Increases MaxHP, MaxMP, MaxCP and evasion. Stuns a target when a critical attack occurs and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the player at a certain probability rate. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Wing (duales): When a critical attack occurs, increases MaxHP, MaxMP, MaxCP and critical chance. Silences the target and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the target. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.

Infinity Spear (lanza): During a critical attack, increases Max HP, Max CP, Atk. Spd. and Accuracy. Casts dispel on a target and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the target. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.


10/01/2007, 11:39
grax kpo si me ponia a leer en la pag oficial la encontre al los 2 mins :D grax = espero que le sirva a otros el que no entiendo bien es el del arco:
Slows target when a critical attack occurs and has Cheap Shot effect que es ese efecto ?

10/01/2007, 11:41
Quiere decir que te mete el debuff de la tortuguita para correr mas lento y el otro para gastar menos mp para tirar flechas.

10/01/2007, 11:47
a ok grax el´pity :D

10/01/2007, 12:38
yo no entiendo este

Infinity Axe (blunt 1 mano): During a critical attack, it bestows one the ability to cause internal conflict to one’s opponent. Damage shield function, Max HP, Max MP, Max CP as well as one’s shield defense rate are increased. It also enhances damage to one’s opponent during PvP.

si alguien lo probo o sabe que significa, expliqueme pls


Miguel Angel
10/01/2007, 13:11
yo no entiendo este
Infinity Axe (blunt 1 mano): internal conflict to one’s opponent. .


10/01/2007, 17:16
el arko tira el que te ase correr lentaso :D::D:DDD:D que no me acuerdo como se llama ..