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08/02/2007, 17:38
alguien vio el noticiero el otro dia y vio que todo yankilandia se asusto porque confundieron un atentado terrorista con una publicidad de un dibujo animado? el aparato era un personaje de esa serie que pasaban en adult swim (o como se escriba) resulta que por esta confusion tuvieron que cancelar los trenes las rutas y llamaron urgentemente a varios patrullas y desactivadores de bombas etc etc.

resulta que todo esto causo unas perdidas de millones de dolares y no se quien me parece que el alcalde lo hiba a mandar en cana!!

si alguien la tiene mas clara sobre lo que paso que me explique porque yo mientras lo veia me estaba comiendo un helado que no me dejaba pensar claramente.

pd: esto paso hace cosa de una semana

:dance: :dance: :dance:

08/02/2007, 21:11
Pues no pero yo estoy con el tema que murio una conejita de playboy T_T

09/02/2007, 02:37
Mira la voy a hacer corta... 1°... me cagaron a pedo por postear un link... asi q el link no lo posteo xD... 2°... no tengo ganas de traducirlo... ta en ingles... 3°... fue verdad... y 4°... aca va:

BOSTON - Several illuminated electronic devices planted at bridges and other spots in Boston threw a scare into the city Wednesday in what turned out to be a publicity campaign for a late-night cable cartoon. Most if not all of the devices depict a character giving the finger.

Peter Berdovsky, 27, of Arlington, and Sean Stevens, 28, of Charlestown, were each charged Wednesday night with one count of placing a hoax device and one count of disorderly conduct, state Attorney General Martha Coakley said.

The two men worked together to place the devices, Coakley said in a news release announcing Stevens' arrest.

Highways, bridges and a section of the Charles River were shut down and bomb squads were sent in before authorities declared the devices were harmless.

Turner Broadcasting, a division of Time Warner Inc. and parent of Cartoon Network, later said the devices were part of a promotion for the TV show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force,” a surreal series about a talking milkshake, a box of fries and a meatball.

Authorities are investigating whether Turner and any other companies should be criminally charged, Coakley said. It wasn’t immediately clear Wednesday who might have hired Berdovsky.

“We’re not going to let this go without looking at the further roots of how this happened to cause the panic in this city,” Coakley said at a news conference.

Those conducting the campaign should have known the devices could cause panic because they were placed in sensitive areas, she said. Turner did not notify officials of the publicity campaign until around 5 p.m., nearly four hours after the first calls came in about the devices, she and others said.

‘Kind of freaked out’
Berdovsky and Stevens were scheduled to be arraigned Thursday in Charlestown District Court, Coakley said.

Berdovsky was arrested at 8:15 p.m. at his lawyer’s office, Coakley said. His lawyer’s name wasn’t available, and phone number believed to be Berdovsky’s did not accept messages.

Berdovsky planted many of the devices, Coakley said, although he is charged in connection with just one.

Stevens was arrested at his home in Charlestown at about 11:30 p.m., Coakley said. It could not immediately be determined if Stevens had legal counsel.

Berdovsky told The Boston Globe earlier Wednesday that he was an artist and installed the devices for an advertising company hired by Turner. He described himself as “a little kind of freaked out,” the Globe reported.

The law under which the two men were charged allows the state to pursue restitution. Mayor Thomas Menino said the security scare may have cost the city more than $500,000.

At least 14 of the devices were found, and at least 24 more are still around the city, officials said.


09/02/2007, 02:41

pd: Adult Swin Rulz

09/02/2007, 02:59

pd: Adult Swin Rulz

Aguante pollo robot xD

Para los que no entendieron... basicamente hicieron una propaganda los del canal sobre uno de los programas(el de las papas fritas... gaseosa y albondiga que hablan)... del estilo grafica sobre la ciudad... la propaganda eran unos carteles luminosos(ni idea cuantos pero eran muchos)... de un muñekito lebantanto el dedo del medio xD... (se puede decir fuck you? xD) como los que ven en la fotito.. .bue eso trajo mucho barullo por q creian q eran bombas... y bue... se imaginaran mas o menos como son los yankis con estos temas de que todos los quieren matar y ellos no saben por que... bue y eso basicamente.... pero paso hace como una semana xD

09/02/2007, 03:46
Me quedo con Birdman abogado...

on: que perseguidos que son por dios...

09/02/2007, 03:59
siempre se persiguen, si se persiguen tanto es que algo esconden.( si ya se, chiste tonto)
pero yo no entiendo que no se dieron cuenta que es una simple publicidad?

★ Roco ★
09/02/2007, 07:03
Aguante pollo robot xD

Se lo mas groso de Cartoon Network

09/02/2007, 09:04
Pollo Robot, Escuela de Clones y Aqua Teen Hunger Force (asi era?) son los mas groxos xD ahhh y como me olvidaba de el mejor y el unico EL SHOW DE BRAK junto con Zorak ese programa si que la rulea :D