Ver la versión completa : Hall de Hot Springs

21/06/2008, 14:47
Q tal gente, me queria sacar la duda de ese hall (creo q es un hall, la verdad no se) q esta en hot springs, busque en search pero no encontre nada, si alguno sabe del tema, le pido q me cuente de q se trata, muchas gracias

21/06/2008, 18:40
Si, es un Hall Asediable.
Tenía entendido que esta deshabilitado.

21/06/2008, 18:55
Si, es un Hall Asediable.
Tenía entendido que esta deshabilitado.

Nop, no es asediable. Es por competición. Muy en detalle no la sé, pero creo que hay que pescar en las fuentes de hotsprings.

21/06/2008, 20:57
Pero esta habilitado o no?

21/06/2008, 22:10
Rainbow Springs Chateau

Rainbow Springs Chateau is located north of the Hot Springs area. A new style of siege war has been applied to it, which is different from previous contested clan hall war styles.

In order to own the clan hall, winning is decided through a mini-game. Only a clan level 3 or higher is allowed to participate and the maximum number of clans is four. Participants may have 5 or more member in their party.

How to Participate

A clan leader in possession of a “Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decree” may register to participate through a messenger NPC up to one hour before the contest begins. The top four clans, owning the highest number of Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decrees amongst them, will be chosen to compete and their clan leaders notified through a system message.

Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decrees may be obtained by fishing in the Hot Springs area of Goddard. However, a player must use Hot Springs Bait for fishing bait.

If a participating clan requests disorganization in the middle of a siege war registration period, the siege war participation registration is automatically cancelled. However, the certificates are not returned at this time.

A participating clan may cancel its participation up until the end of the registration period. In this happens, the clan will only get back half of their submitted certificates.

The clan that owns the Rainbow Springs Chateau is automatically registered for the next contest. In this case, the top three clans, owning the highest number of Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decrees amongst them, will be chosen to compete.

Battle Method

A Rainbow Springs Chateau siege war is held at the east arena of Rainbow Springs.

After clan are selected to compete, the contest is comprised of a one-hour waiting period, a contest time of 58 minutes, and an end time of 2 minutes.

Registered clans must organize one party with five or more members, with their clan leader as the party leader. The party must move to the arena before the siege war starts and enter the arena through the Caretaker. The surrounding area of the arena is a Peaceful Zone.

Participating clans enter into different game fields respectively and through the Caretaker. If a character, who is not a party member enters, the clan will not be allowed to enter into the arena.

Upon entering the arena, all buffs that are active on all participating characters will be removed, and summoned pet/servitors will disappear and cannot be summoned back into the arena.

Once the contest begins, a Hot Springs Yeti and a Hot Springs Gourd appear in the center of the arena and treasure chests appear randomly around throughout the arena.

The Hot Springs Yeti announces the game rules and helps guide players.

All of the Hot Springs Yeti’s shouts may be collected and then exchanged with/for various Hot Springs items. Text exchange or Hot Springs item use is only available to the clan leader and clan members.

Participants can break the spawned treasure chests in the arena and can acquire text passages. Text items cannot be exchanged; therefore to give them to other characters, they should be dropped first and then picked up.

Treasure Chests can only be damaged with your bare hands, however Mimics can be attacked with P. Atk and M. Atk.

When using Hot Springs Nectar, an Enraged Yeti is spawned at a certain intervals and interrupts the game. The Enraged Yeti can be attacked with P. Atk. and M. Atk.

The Hot Springs items may be used when the Hot Springs Yeti is a target, and they can reduce the HP of the gourd, cast debuff on other teams, change the gourd, or recover.

The team that first destroys the Hot Springs Gourd wins the game. All the participants are then teleported outside of the arena after a 2-minute delay.

At the end of the game, a manager NPC appears and cleans the arena by picking up all the item drops.

The game continues even if the server goes down in the middle of the mini-game.
Me parece q no esta habilitado, sino ya estaria re fichado.

21/06/2008, 23:26
alguien me dijo una vez que eso solo se habilitaba en Interlude y que si vas en C4 no encontras ni NPC ni nada en la puerta.

Ni idea si sera verdad :p

21/06/2008, 23:51
Nop, no es asediable. Es por competición. Muy en detalle no la sé, pero creo que hay que pescar en las fuentes de hotsprings.

Bueno pero no es un hall que se gana por subastas.

Pero esta habilitado o no?

Nop, no esta habilitado eso toy seguro :D

22/06/2008, 00:12
Es de C5.

22/06/2008, 01:42
no tengo ni idea sobre ese hall..

22/06/2008, 01:43
Es de C5.
Cuando el server pase de crónica estará habilitado.


22/06/2008, 01:58
Es de C5.
Cuando el server pase de crónica estará habilitado.


Esaaaaa, bueno, tema respondido, gracias a todos

22/06/2008, 02:39
Es de C5.
Cuando el server pase de crónica estará habilitado.


Mm por cierto el test server ya esta funcionando?

Me fije en noticias y no dice nada pero quizas no lo veo pq no quede para el test por eso pregunto :p

22/06/2008, 06:17
Estaba por contestar antes pero me lime haciendo otra cosa, como ya te dijeron son de c5, pero agrego esto. Aparece en C4 y tambien el de beast farm y fortress of the dead, pero este no se si aparece en el mapa de c4. pero los 3 recien se habilitan en C5 eso no se por que es.

PD: si no encontras algo en el search, tambien es util la pagina oficial :D


22/06/2008, 15:45
Estaba por contestar antes pero me lime haciendo otra cosa, como ya te dijeron son de c5, pero agrego esto. Aparece en C4 y tambien el de beast farm y fortress of the dead, pero este no se si aparece en el mapa de c4. pero los 3 recien se habilitan en C5 eso no se por que es.

PD: si no encontras algo en el search, tambien es util la pagina oficial :D


sabes cual es el problema, realmente no entiendo nada de nada de ingles, igualmente gracias por el aporte!!!

23/06/2008, 03:27
Hay uno tambien en Cursed village no?

23/06/2008, 08:55
eaeaea pasamos a c5 o interlude?

23/06/2008, 12:30
Es de C5.
Cuando el server pase de crónica estará habilitado.


pasara??? :O:O

23/06/2008, 12:36
respondido, cerrado.