Ver la versión completa : Infinity C4 Vs Dynasty

04/09/2009, 12:12
Bueno la idea del TH es simplemente comparar y dejar diferentes opiniones con respecto a estas dos tipos de armas
entre las infinity que vienen de C4 y las nuevas Dynasty

la idea es comparar una a una las diferentes armas, y dejar PROS Y CONTRAS de ambas
no solo poner en la balanza el P.atk/M.atk, sino la conveniencia de una y otra por los bonus y SA que tienen

yo personalmente opino, por lo menos en el caso del ROD, si bien su M.atk es mas bajo que el Dynasty, los diferentes bonus que da, hace que se compence esa deficiencia, o sea, renuncias a un poco de M.atk para obtener otras cosas
aclaro, no probe las armas dynasty, y si la diferencia de ataque es tan grande
es una simple opinion

Bueno espero se pueda mantener una discusion coherente con respecto a esto
y cada uno deje su opinion y experiencia si la tuviera


04/09/2009, 12:15
El rod es el q va, el resto gana el dinasty, ah y me quedo con la duda de la daga inifi ante la dinasty. Tiene mas % de q entre el skil por la espalda. Teoricamente.

04/09/2009, 12:15
ya ahora no tiene ventaja la infinity, lo unico q safaba en c4 era xq no se dropeaba y un toq mas de p.atk cosa q ahora son superados x el dinasty y si augmentas un arma no la dropeas.

Osea, Dinasty mucho mejor xD

04/09/2009, 12:21
Por ejemplo yo lo que veo, con el ROD lo pensaria bastante, no me convence la dynasty
pero otra cosa que poner en la balanza es el bonus de CP/HP/MP que tienen, aparte del SA

04/09/2009, 12:23
Siempre un arma Dynasty va a ser mejor que las Infinity.

Simplemente porque a las Dynasty podes ponerle aumentacion, y si te toca alguna con esas skill zarpadas, deja inutil a las Infinity

04/09/2009, 12:24
alguna lista de las agumentaciones q te pueden tocar?

04/09/2009, 12:25
Yo hasta ahora no vi duales dynasti en el donation, aique las infinity Wing la superan ampliamente :P

04/09/2009, 12:25
sale enchantear el rod total sale mas barato


04/09/2009, 12:26
alguna lista de las agumentaciones q te pueden tocar?

De todo...
Desde pasivas de meter anchor y silence, o hasta de vampiric rage
Hasta skill activas como la cura de cp del OL o las Skill Aura flare y Vampirirc Claw

Una muy zarpada es la Doom... que hace q tu escudo blokee no solo los ataques fisicos, sino tambien los magicos :P

El tema esta en la suerte que tengas ^^

04/09/2009, 12:27
tendria q poder augmentarse la infinity para q quede con un poco d eventaja respecto de las s80

04/09/2009, 12:28
infinity rod, infinity sword

son la posta, lo demas dynasty... pero el lv no ayuda vite y el bolsillo m3n0 q3 m3n0

04/09/2009, 12:30
me quedo con el rod <.<

04/09/2009, 12:31
Si les sorprende las dinasty no me quiero imaginar cuando vean las Icarus

04/09/2009, 12:31
tendria q poder augmentarse la infinity para q quede con un poco d eventaja respecto de las s80

En un principio, algun Beta dijo, o dio a entender que se iba a poder hacer eso
pero luego no paso

estaria bueno, ahi si lo pensas varias veces, total hoy dia, las infinity C4 son un arma casi normal

04/09/2009, 12:31
y que pasa con las duales dynasty? ahi q hacerlas? o no aparecen por q estan bug?

04/09/2009, 12:31
De todo...
Desde pasivas de meter anchor y silence, o hasta de vampiric rage
Hasta skill activas como la cura de cp del OL o las Skill Aura flare y Vampirirc Claw

Una muy zarpada es la Doom... que hace q tu escudo blokee no solo los ataques fisicos, sino tambien los magicos :P

El tema esta en la suerte que tengas ^^

aumentaciones?.. no son argumentaciones?... o son cosas completamente distintas (yo nunca jugar antes al HB ;( ).. y eso de las argumentaciones se lo podes poner solamente a las armas no infinytis.. ejemplo el maso arcana :$:$:$

04/09/2009, 12:37
aumentaciones?.. no son argumentaciones?... o son cosas completamente distintas (yo nunca jugar antes al HB ;( ).. y eso de las argumentaciones se lo podes poner solamente a las armas no infinytis.. ejemplo el maso arcana :$:$:$

mai gad! es augmentacion :P

04/09/2009, 12:39
aumentaciones?.. no son argumentaciones?... o son cosas completamente distintas (yo nunca jugar antes al HB ;( ).. y eso de las argumentaciones se lo podes poner solamente a las armas no infinytis.. ejemplo el maso arcana :$:$:$

Donde escribi argumentancion o aumentacion? xD

Creo q querias quotear al de arriba.. no a mi =P

Orgulloso 100% soy =)

04/09/2009, 12:39
Las armas Icarus pertencen a Hellbound o son de Thrones posteriores?? y las Vesper??

se habilitaran en Ares o no?

04/09/2009, 13:20
Las armas Icarus pertencen a Hellbound o son de Thrones posteriores?? y las Vesper??

se habilitaran en Ares o no?

Segun tengo entendido las icarus son de HB, pero las vesper de gracia final (fruteada mal se mandaron con esas)

04/09/2009, 13:20
Las armas Icarus pertencen a Hellbound o son de Thrones posteriores?? y las Vesper??

se habilitaran en Ares o no?

Las cosas vasper son de gracia Final... asique no adelanten cosas que no van... es como decir las dual dagger que son s82 si no mal recuerdo...

en fin para mi las armas infinity son la powa... si bien tienen menos p atk... salen menos guita y te dan bonus extras... ademas las s80... hay que llegar a 80 y mantenerse para que rinda usarlas

04/09/2009, 13:35
El rod, la espada y la daga infinity, despues lo dinasty.

04/09/2009, 13:35
Con el tema del augment rinde cualquier arma antes que el rod, es solo criterio personal, hasta un arma S rinde mas que las infinity, calcula que en mi caso particular tengo un arcana mace +5 y me salio de augment +2 de INT, a que M atack se va.... yo creo que bastante, por eso para mi las infinity quedaron en un tanto obsoletas XD.

04/09/2009, 13:43
Con el tema del augment rinde cualquier arma antes que el rod, es solo criterio personal, hasta un arma S rinde mas que las infinity, calcula que en mi caso particular tengo un arcana mace +5 y me salio de augment +2 de INT, a que M atack se va.... yo creo que bastante, por eso para mi las infinity quedaron en un tanto obsoletas XD.

A vos como te decían? Mr Cul0? xD

Alto augment! ¬¬

En mi opinion me qedo con la espada infi de dos manos, la daga, el rod, i las duals.


04/09/2009, 13:44
aumentaciones?.. no son argumentaciones?... o son cosas completamente distintas (yo nunca jugar antes al HB ;( ).. y eso de las argumentaciones se lo podes poner solamente a las armas no infinytis.. ejemplo el maso arcana :$:$:$

Es aumentación:

s. aumento, acrecentamiento, ampliación, aumentación, engrandecimiento, incremento

AUMENTACIÓN. (Del lat. aumentatio, -onis.) f. Ret. Gradación en que el sentido se va acrecentando

En heráldica (la ciencia del blasón, es decir el estudio de las armerías o armas):
Una aumentación es una modificación o adición que otorga el monarca al escudo de armas como un simple favor o en reconocimiento a alguna acción meritoria.

04/09/2009, 13:46
en lo que hago incapie es en el bonus de CP/HP/MP que dan las infinity, y que no son solo M./P.atk

eso tambien imagino se deberia poner en la balanza
aparte por ejemplo el Full Heal del Rod o el Silence de la daga

04/09/2009, 13:56
bueh yo en beta prove con un dynasty bow con focus y rendia lindo (para mi ) tiene menos critico que un draco con focus no mire el critical pero lo vi asi . pero tiene mas p.atk y a eso sumenle el augment q te pude tocar de critical o de p.atk o de hp hay muchos mas tmb pero yo preferia una de esas

lo bueno del dynasty es que tiene SA y le podes agregar augment tiene mas p.atk q el infinity

el infinity tira slow y tiene buen p.atk y da cp pero no tira muchos criticos

04/09/2009, 14:04
bueh yo en beta prove con un dynasty bow con focus y rendia lindo (para mi ) tiene menos critico que un draco con focus no mire el critical pero lo vi asi . pero tiene mas p.atk y a eso sumenle el augment q te pude tocar de critical o de p.atk o de hp hay muchos mas tmb pero yo preferia una de esas

lo bueno del dynasty es que tiene SA y le podes agregar augment tiene mas p.atk q el infinity

el infinity tira slow y tiene buen p.atk y da cp pero no tira muchos criticos

blah blah blah

onto: Depende para que uses las armas, obviamente a olis con las infinity no podes entrar, el m attack en definitiva te hace ahorrar MP por la cantidad de hits que le tenes que dar al mob, mayor M attack mayor fuerza el critico magico, augments, chance de q te salga INT y se te va al carajo el arma, en fin me quedo con cualquier arma de S para arriba que pueda augmentar.

04/09/2009, 14:05
en lo que hago incapie es en el bonus de CP/HP/MP que dan las infinity, y que no son solo M./P.atk

eso tambien imagino se deberia poner en la balanza
aparte por ejemplo el Full Heal del Rod o el Silence de la daga

Todo es relativo y depende de cuanto tengas un infinity subido,de si te sale una augmentacion copada y demas ...

Nada es verdad, todo esta permitido (L)

04/09/2009, 14:10
blah blah blah

onto: Depende para que uses las armas, obviamente a olis con las infinity no podes entrar, el m attack en definitiva te hace ahorrar MP por la cantidad de hits que le tenes que dar al mob, mayor M attack mayor fuerza el critico magico, augments, chance de q te salga INT y se te va al carajo el arma, en fin me quedo con cualquier arma de S para arriba que pueda augmentar.

'.' y eso que fue ?

04/09/2009, 14:17
Gente les dejo la lista de augmentations posibles =)
algunas tienen valores variables que estan aclarados

Stat Modifiers
Accuracy +X -- X between +0.4 and +3.0
CP Recovery +X -- X between +0.1 and +0.8
Critical +X -- X between +4.9 and +32.7
Dodge +X -- X between +0.4 and +3.0
HP Recovery -- X between +0.1 and +0.8
M. Atk +X -- X between +2.5 and +28.2
Maximum CP +X -- X between +19.2 and +214.9
Maximum HP +X -- X between +12.7 and+155.9
Maximum MP +X -- X between +6.1 and +115.1
M. Def +X -- X between +4 and +30.8
MP Recovery +X -- X between +0.1 and 0.4
P. Atk +X -- X between +2.2 and +24.2
P. Def +X -- X between +5.1 and +38.2
CON +1
INT +1
MEN +1

Active: Absorbs HP.
Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.
Active: Attacks by throwing a boulder.
Active: Burns up the enemy's MP.
Active: Decreases all skill MP consumption rates temporarily.
Active: Decreases all skill re-use times temporarily.
Active: Decreases a target's urge to attack.
Active: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the magic re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the skill re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the song/dance skill re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the target's urge to attack.
Active: Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster.
Active: Ignites a firecracker.
Active: Ignites a large firecracker.
Active: Increases Accuracy temporarily.
Active: Increases Dodge temporarily.
Active: Increases M. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases M. Def. temporarily.
Active: Increases P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases P. Def. temporarily.
Active: Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases resistance to damage from falling temporarily.
Active: Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Active: Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily.
Active: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily.
Active: Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum CP temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount.
Active: Increases the maximum MP temporarily.
Active: Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Active: Increases the recharge recover rate of MP.
Active: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.
Active: Increases the target's urge to attack.
Active: Inflicts a dark attack.
Active: Inflicts a dark attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack.
Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a flaming attack.
Active: Inflicts a flaming attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a gusting attack.
Active: Inflicts a gusting attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack.
Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a sacred attack.
Active: Inflicts a sacred attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a water-type attack.
Active: Inflicts a water-type attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts damage by throwing a boulder.
Active: Instantly restores your HP.
Active: Launches a dark attack.
Active: Launches a sacred attack.
Active: Momentarily becomes invincible.
Active: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee.
Active: Opens doors and treasure chests with a certain probability. Requires Keys of a Thief.
Active: Play music for a short duration.
Active: Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.
Active: Regenerates MP.
Active: Removes the target.
Active: Restores CP.
Active: Restores your own CP.
Active: Resurrects a corpse.
Active: Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Teleports to a village regardless of time. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.
Active: Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.
Active: Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.
Active: Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily.
Active: Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.
Active: Temporarily decreases a target's speed.
Active: Temporarily holds the target. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Active: Temporarily Increases the distance you can jump without sustaining damage.
Active: Temporarily Increases your head size.
Active: Temporarily Increases your lung capacity.
Active: Temporarily paralyzes a target.
Active: Temporarily petrifies the target.
Active: Temporarily poisons the target.
Active: Temporarily puts the target to sleep. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Active: Temporarily resist damage from falls.
Active: Temporarily stuns the target.
Active: Unleashes a general attack and temporarily decreases your magic attack power during PvP.CHANCE

Chance: Blocks all of the physical/magic skills of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Blocks the magic skills of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the Atk. Spd. of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the PVP P. Atk. of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the speed of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the urge to fight of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Has a chance to hold a target that damages you. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Has a chance to paralyze a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to petrify a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to poison a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to sleep a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to sleep a target that damages you. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Has a chance to stun a target that damages you.
Chance: Increases accuracy with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases critical attack rate of magic attacks with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases critical attack rate with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases evasion with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases M. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum CP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum HP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum MP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases M. Def. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases P. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases P. Def. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases PVP P. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases recovery rate when receiving HP recovery magic with a certain probability after damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases recovery rate when receiving MP recovery magic with a certain probability after damage is incurred.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases the target's speed during a magic attack. Intensity 3.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a magic attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a magic attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Regenerates CP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Regenerates MP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's speed during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's speed during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's urge to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases the target's speed during a magic attack. Intensity 3.
Chance: Temporarily increases the target's urge to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily increases the target's urge to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily provokes a target to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily provokes a target to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Throw the target that inflicts damage on you into a state of fear and causes him to flee with a certain probability.PASSIVE

Passive: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills.
Passive: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Increases accuracy.
Passive: Increases critical attack rate.
Passive: Increases evasion.
Passive: Increases lung capacity.
Passive: Increases Lung Capacity.
Passive: Increases M. Atk.
Passive: Increases M. Def.
Passive: Increases P. Atk.
Passive: Increases P. Def.
Passive: Increases PVP P. Atk.
Passive: Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Passive: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks.
Passive: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic.
Passive: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage.
Passive: Increases the power of HP recovery magic.
Passive: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.
Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times.
Passive: Raises resistance to damage from falling.

04/09/2009, 14:19
bueh yo en beta prove con un dynasty bow con focus y rendia lindo (para mi ) tiene menos critico que un draco con focus no mire el critical pero lo vi asi . pero tiene mas p.atk y a eso sumenle el augment q te pude tocar de critical o de p.atk o de hp hay muchos mas tmb pero yo preferia una de esas

lo bueno del dynasty es que tiene SA y le podes agregar augment tiene mas p.atk q el infinity

el infinity tira slow y tiene buen p.atk y da cp pero no tira muchos criticos

blah blah blah

onto: Depende para que uses las armas, obviamente a olis con las infinity no podes entrar, el m attack en definitiva te hace ahorrar MP por la cantidad de hits que le tenes que dar al mob, mayor M attack mayor fuerza el critico magico, augments, chance de q te salga INT y se te va al carajo el arma, en fin me quedo con cualquier arma de S para arriba que pueda augmentar.

04/09/2009, 14:20
amidamaru, poseciona a haruzame, FUCION DE ALMAS !!!!!

JAJAA me lime sorry.

04/09/2009, 14:23
Gente les dejo la lista de augmentations posibles =)
algunas tienen valores variables que estan aclarados

Stat Modifiers
Accuracy +X -- X between +0.4 and +3.0
CP Recovery +X -- X between +0.1 and +0.8
Critical +X -- X between +4.9 and +32.7
Dodge +X -- X between +0.4 and +3.0
HP Recovery -- X between +0.1 and +0.8
M. Atk +X -- X between +2.5 and +28.2
Maximum CP +X -- X between +19.2 and +214.9
Maximum HP +X -- X between +12.7 and+155.9
Maximum MP +X -- X between +6.1 and +115.1
M. Def +X -- X between +4 and +30.8
MP Recovery +X -- X between +0.1 and 0.4
P. Atk +X -- X between +2.2 and +24.2
P. Def +X -- X between +5.1 and +38.2
CON +1
INT +1
MEN +1

Active: Absorbs HP.
Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.
Active: Attacks by throwing a boulder.
Active: Burns up the enemy's MP.
Active: Decreases all skill MP consumption rates temporarily.
Active: Decreases all skill re-use times temporarily.
Active: Decreases a target's urge to attack.
Active: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the magic re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the skill re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the song/dance skill re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the target's urge to attack.
Active: Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster.
Active: Ignites a firecracker.
Active: Ignites a large firecracker.
Active: Increases Accuracy temporarily.
Active: Increases Dodge temporarily.
Active: Increases M. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases M. Def. temporarily.
Active: Increases P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases P. Def. temporarily.
Active: Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases resistance to damage from falling temporarily.
Active: Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Active: Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily.
Active: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily.
Active: Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum CP temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount.
Active: Increases the maximum MP temporarily.
Active: Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Active: Increases the recharge recover rate of MP.
Active: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.
Active: Increases the target's urge to attack.
Active: Inflicts a dark attack.
Active: Inflicts a dark attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack.
Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a flaming attack.
Active: Inflicts a flaming attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a gusting attack.
Active: Inflicts a gusting attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack.
Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a sacred attack.
Active: Inflicts a sacred attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a water-type attack.
Active: Inflicts a water-type attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts damage by throwing a boulder.
Active: Instantly restores your HP.
Active: Launches a dark attack.
Active: Launches a sacred attack.
Active: Momentarily becomes invincible.
Active: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee.
Active: Opens doors and treasure chests with a certain probability. Requires Keys of a Thief.
Active: Play music for a short duration.
Active: Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.
Active: Regenerates MP.
Active: Removes the target.
Active: Restores CP.
Active: Restores your own CP.
Active: Resurrects a corpse.
Active: Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Teleports to a village regardless of time. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.
Active: Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.
Active: Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.
Active: Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily.
Active: Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.
Active: Temporarily decreases a target's speed.
Active: Temporarily holds the target. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Active: Temporarily Increases the distance you can jump without sustaining damage.
Active: Temporarily Increases your head size.
Active: Temporarily Increases your lung capacity.
Active: Temporarily paralyzes a target.
Active: Temporarily petrifies the target.
Active: Temporarily poisons the target.
Active: Temporarily puts the target to sleep. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Active: Temporarily resist damage from falls.
Active: Temporarily stuns the target.
Active: Unleashes a general attack and temporarily decreases your magic attack power during PvP.CHANCE

Chance: Blocks all of the physical/magic skills of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Blocks the magic skills of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the Atk. Spd. of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the PVP P. Atk. of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the speed of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the urge to fight of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Has a chance to hold a target that damages you. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Has a chance to paralyze a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to petrify a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to poison a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to sleep a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to sleep a target that damages you. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Has a chance to stun a target that damages you.
Chance: Increases accuracy with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases critical attack rate of magic attacks with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases critical attack rate with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases evasion with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases M. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum CP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum HP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum MP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases M. Def. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases P. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases P. Def. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases PVP P. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases recovery rate when receiving HP recovery magic with a certain probability after damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases recovery rate when receiving MP recovery magic with a certain probability after damage is incurred.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases the target's speed during a magic attack. Intensity 3.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a magic attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a magic attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Regenerates CP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Regenerates MP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's speed during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's speed during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's urge to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases the target's speed during a magic attack. Intensity 3.
Chance: Temporarily increases the target's urge to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily increases the target's urge to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily provokes a target to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily provokes a target to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Throw the target that inflicts damage on you into a state of fear and causes him to flee with a certain probability.PASSIVE

Passive: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills.
Passive: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Increases accuracy.
Passive: Increases critical attack rate.
Passive: Increases evasion.
Passive: Increases lung capacity.
Passive: Increases Lung Capacity.
Passive: Increases M. Atk.
Passive: Increases M. Def.
Passive: Increases P. Atk.
Passive: Increases P. Def.
Passive: Increases PVP P. Atk.
Passive: Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Passive: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks.
Passive: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic.
Passive: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage.
Passive: Increases the power of HP recovery magic.
Passive: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.
Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times.
Passive: Raises resistance to damage from falling.

hay que ver cuales de estos augments dejaron aca, no creo que no los hayan modificado, sinceramente seria MUY bueno para ser verdad que dejen 1 cosa como deberia xD

04/09/2009, 14:24
Las armas Icarus pertencen a Hellbound o son de Thrones posteriores?? y las Vesper??

se habilitaran en Ares o no?

Vesper es de Gracia Final u.u

04/09/2009, 14:36
Ante la primer pregunta las Dynas estan mejor q las infinitis en ares, tienen grandes ventajas y como si fuera poco es comerciable entre players
Las armas Vipers q uno pregunto son de gracia final y no, no pueden estar en este server por el momento.
El solo echo de poder argumentar un armar te da la chance de ligar muchos skilles y es más, cuando liguen una argumentacion grosa, el char puede ser q saque buena ventaja.

04/09/2009, 15:47
la posta de el infinity es el rod (L) mas de una ves te salva las papas con eso del super heal el max cp y mp y toda la bola cosa q las dinasty no lo hacen, o no podes emterles tantas cosas :P

04/09/2009, 15:52
la posta de el infinity es el rod (L) mas de una ves te salva las papas con eso del super heal el max cp y mp y toda la bola cosa q las dinasty no lo hacen, o no podes emterles tantas cosas :P

Yo opino igual
aun me parece que al menos el Rod si puede llegar a rendir frente al dynasty
por le Max CP/MP y el full heal

ahora, la diferencia de M.atk se nota, es mucha? o digamos que compensaria?

04/09/2009, 16:00
Seamos practicos gente.
Si bien es verdad que las Dynasty son mejores que los Infinity por las aumentaciones, las primeras no tienen comparación con una Icarus.

Por qué no pusieron las Icarus? Si uno tiene dos dedos de frente es obvio. La gente va a gastar en comprar las armas Dynasty, y cuando saquen las Icarus, van a tener que volver a gastar en comprar las Icarus. Si no lo hicieran de esta forma, la gente compraría solo las Icarus y las Dynasty pasarian sin tener gloria ni fama.

Y no me vengan los del Beta que las armas Icarus estaban bug porque eso es pretexto, si no las arreglaron es porque no quisieron. Creo yo, por lo que puse más arriba.

Ahora con lo que puse recién, volvemos al tema de combersación:
Es mejor una Dynasty? Seguro que si.
Pero rinde comprarla? Seguro que no.

Tarde o temprano tendrán que poner las Icarus, y todos los que hallan comprado armas Dynasty se la van a querer cortar...

Saludos !

04/09/2009, 16:06
Seamos practicos gente.
Si bien es verdad que las Dynasty son mejores que los Infinity por las aumentaciones, las primeras no tienen comparación con una Icarus.

Por qué no pusieron las Icarus? Si uno tiene dos dedos de frente es obvio. La gente va a gastar en comprar las armas Dynasty, y cuando saquen las Icarus, van a tener que volver a gastar en comprar las Icarus. Si no lo hicieran de esta forma, la gente compraría solo las Icarus y las Dynasty pasarian sin tener gloria ni fama.

Y no me vengan los del Beta que las armas Icarus estaban bug porque eso es pretexto, si no las arreglaron es porque no quisieron. Creo yo, por lo que puse más arriba.

Ahora con lo que puse recién, volvemos al tema de combersación:
Es mejor una Dynasty? Seguro que si.
Pero rinde comprarla? Seguro que no.

Tarde o temprano tendrán que poner las Icarus, y todos los que hallan comprado armas Dynasty se la van a querer cortar...

Saludos !

chaaaaaaaaa, si capas que tenes razon, no se que dan las icarus, estan muy copadas? en fin, aunque puedas augmentar las dinasty es solo una opcion la que le podes dar+ una de el sa que le pongas al arma, en el caso del rod tiene mas cp max mp full heal(facha) y cualquierrr cosa, enchantealo :p

04/09/2009, 16:06
Seamos practicos gente.
Si bien es verdad que las Dynasty son mejores que los Infinity por las aumentaciones, las primeras no tienen comparación con una Icarus.

Por qué no pusieron las Icarus? Si uno tiene dos dedos de frente es obvio. La gente va a gastar en comprar las armas Dynasty, y cuando saquen las Icarus, van a tener que volver a gastar en comprar las Icarus. Si no lo hicieran de esta forma, la gente compraría solo las Icarus y las Dynasty pasarian sin tener gloria ni fama.

Y no me vengan los del Beta que las armas Icarus estaban bug porque eso es pretexto, si no las arreglaron es porque no quisieron. Creo yo, por lo que puse más arriba.

Ahora con lo que puse recién, volvemos al tema de combersación:
Es mejor una Dynasty? Seguro que si.
Pero rinde comprarla? Seguro que no.

Tarde o temprano tendrán que poner las Icarus, y todos los que hallan comprado armas Dynasty se la van a querer cortar...

Saludos !

si lo hicieron asi esta perfecto. cuando se devalue lo dinasty lo compraré.

04/09/2009, 16:07
eso es verdad jaja atte XIXSLAIFERXIX chau

04/09/2009, 16:08
O tal vez no se pusieron las icarus para que solo se puedan armar por craft,no se es un idea xD

04/09/2009, 16:09
aparte algien no me presta un aro o anillo majestic porfas n tengo joyeria atte XIXSLAIFERXIX

04/09/2009, 16:10
algien me ase el favor?

04/09/2009, 16:11

04/09/2009, 16:12

04/09/2009, 16:13
che no hagas este tipo de pedidos aca ;p o al menos agrega algo al post y despues desvirtua tranquilo :P

04/09/2009, 16:18
De todo...
Una muy zarpada es la Doom... que hace q tu escudo blokee no solo los ataques fisicos, sino tambien los magicos :P

El tema esta en la suerte que tengas ^^

la flashaste aca amigo, lo que hace es silenciar skiles magicas y fisicas
si te fijas en el silence del necro dice algo como: ''block enemy's magic skills'' o algo asi. este es igual
si alguna ves jugaste dota, bueno es como la ulti del lucifer
es decir no te deja hacer un joraka

04/09/2009, 16:52
De todo...
Desde pasivas de meter anchor y silence, o hasta de vampiric rage
Hasta skill activas como la cura de cp del OL o las Skill Aura flare y Vampirirc Claw

Una muy zarpada es la Doom... que hace q tu escudo blokee no solo los ataques fisicos, sino tambien los magicos :P

El tema esta en la suerte que tengas ^^

me dijeron q a NETS en la espada de doble manos le toco recharge.. yo quiero un rod dynasty con esa augmentacion :@

04/09/2009, 16:55
a mi me toco una vez una homu con una especie de HydroBlast de area, alrededor del pj

estaba bueno, pero la hice cargar

04/09/2009, 17:13
O tal vez no se pusieron las icarus para que solo se puedan armar por craft,no se es un idea xD

La idea para los items Icarus, es que se consigan por quest los keys y recipes, ésto para cuando estén las mismas terminadas.

hay que ver cuales de estos augments dejaron aca, no creo que no los hayan modificado, sinceramente seria MUY bueno para ser verdad que dejen 1 cosa como deberia xD

Los Augments están todos, y son más de 15000. La única modificación es el bonus en Stats de algunos.


04/09/2009, 17:17
yo probe las dinasty para mago y rinden pero me quedo con el rod por los bonus...

04/09/2009, 20:23
mmm nose x q yo tmb kiero comparme la daga dinasty pero lo dudo x q tmb me gusta la daga de here x estoy justo con la adena :S nose q hacer
Pd: si responden esto no desvirtuen el th
Pd: no barden...