Ver la versión completa : Duda Sobre Skilles

15/06/2010, 14:03
Bueno mi duda es sobre los Forgotten Skill.
Algunos se aprenden antes de la tercera profecion por lo tanto queria saber si estan habilitados, y si es asi ya perdi la oportunidad de tenerlos en mis sub pasadas ? por ej la Main, Abys Walker con Evasion Counter lvl 74


Y tantas otras skill de las sub pasadas...

Desde ya muchisimas gracias.

15/06/2010, 14:10
se, supongo q si, no sabia que tenia 1 forgoten el aw sin tener 3ra pense que solo el pp SE EE y WC tenian forgoten de 2da, igual si no lo aprendiste ya te kbio como a las mulas o los q hallan pasado esa sub

15/06/2010, 14:14
Osea tengo que crearme un char nuevo O.o

Sisi algunos tienen Forgotten de segunda, pero no te digo IMPROVED ( aclaro por lo del ejemplo de la mula.)

Entonces perdi los siguientes skill.
Abyss walker:
Forgotten Scroll - Evasion Counter (lvl 74)
Forgotten Scroll - Shadow Step (lvl 72)

15/06/2010, 14:23
Una buena pregunta es la siguiente....
Terminas Adventurer, pero, no aprendiste los skills forgotten de TH y pasaste a adventurer (valga la redundancia...), podes aprenderlos?

15/06/2010, 14:33
SiSi no importa si no los aprendiste a su lvl mientras sigas en su profecion solo doble click en forgotten y WUALA en skilles xD
Osea si son de abys walker y ya pasaste a Ghost Hunter podes aprender los de abys todabia.

osea que perdi 2 skilles porq pasaron de Chronicla O.O ke fea forma de recibirme xD

15/06/2010, 14:34
osea , sos 3º de daguero y queres aprender una Forgotten de 2º? si se puede.
lo que no se puede es aprender una Forgotten Scroll de una sub anterior

15/06/2010, 14:35
Entonces soy feliz, safo mi daguerito recien hecho :;P
A buscar forgottens entonces, siempre se aprende algo nuevo...

15/06/2010, 14:38
esos forgoten son de gracia

15/06/2010, 14:48
A listo entonces me quedo mas tranquilo xD todabia no esta cagado el char xD ! Gracias BrianTw

15/06/2010, 14:53
Sería bueno daba la ocasión que hagan lista de los FORGOTTEN que hay disponibles en HB y que corresponden a cada raza... si hay algun TH con esa info se agradece el link...


15/06/2010, 14:56
esos forgoten son de gracia

Ameeen.... son de gracia, menos mal, ya iva a bajar bichos a rolete hasta que cayeran....

15/06/2010, 15:04
Nuevas skills de nivel alto

Estas skills pueden ser adquiridas en nivel 81 con un Forgotten Scroll y no consumen SP. Los Forgotten Scroll de la skill que se quiere aprender lo dropean los boss especificos (Baium, Frintezza, Antharas, Valakas, y Beleth).

Todas las Clases

Protection of Rune: Aumenta la M. Def.
Protection of Elemental: Aumenta la resistencia a los ataques elementales.
Protection of Alignment: Aumenta la resistencia a los ataques sagrados y oscuros.

Todas las clases Guerreras

Fighter’s Will: Aumenta el P. Atk. cuando se utiliza armas de melee.
Archer’s Will: Aumenta el P. Atk. cuando se utiliza arco.

Clases Tankes

Anti Magic Armor: Aumenta mucho la M. Def. momentaneamente.

Hell Knight

Seed of Revenge: Aumenta el P. Atk., y ademas aumenta el Critical Rate dependiendo del stage.
Insane Crusher: Lanza un ataque a distancia cuando el Seed of Revenge llega al stage 3.
Hell Scream: Disminuye la P. Def y el M. Atk. y causa fleeing al enemigo.

Phoenix Knight

Spirit of Phoenix: Aumenta la P. Def., y aumenta la resistencia a los ataques oscuros y de fuego dependiendo del stage.
Flame Icon: Aumenta mucho las capacidades de batalla de los miembros de la party.

Eva’s Templar

Eva’s Will: Aumenta la M. Def., y aumenta el ataque de tipo agua y el Critical Rate dependiendo del stage.
Touch of Eva: Restaura notablemente el HP y aumenta la regeneracion de HP de los miembros de la party.

Shillien Templar

Pain of Shillien: Aumenta el Critical Damage, Aumenta el ataque de tipo viento, y otorga un efecto vampirico dependiendo del stage.
Touch of Shillien: Disminuye en gran medida el CP maximo de los enemigos cercanos y cancela sus buffs.

Clases Dagueras

Sixth Sense: Aumenta la Evasion cuando el HP disminuye abajo del 30%.
Expose Weak Point: Disminuye la P. Def. del enemigo y aumenta tu chance de hacer un golpe critico sobre el objetivo.


Exciting Adventure: Aumenta la Speed, la Evasion, la tasa de exito de un ataque mortal y la habilidad fisica de esquivar.

Wind Rider

Wind Riding: Aumenta la Speed, la Evasion, la tasa de exito de un ataque mortal y la habilidad fisica de esquivar.

Ghost Hunter

Ghost Walking: Aumenta la Speed, la Evasion, la tasa de exito de un ataque mortal y la habilidad fisica de esquivar.


Flame Hawk: Lanza un ataque usando el arco.

Moonlight Sentinel

Arrow Rain: Lanza un ataque usando el arco.

Ghost Sentinel

Ghost Piercing: Lanza un ataque usando el arco.


Dread Pool: Disminuye el Speed de los enemigos cercanos y causa fleeing al enemigo.


Weapon Blockade: Cancela el arma del enemigo.

Grand Khavatari

Force of Destruction: Inflige daño y disminuye continuamente el HP.


Demolition Impact: Lanza un ataque de rango en torno a los enemigos.


Golem Armor: Se transforma en un golem con un aumento en las capacidades de batalla.


Flame Armor: Aumenta la resistencia al fuego / Añade un efecto que daña a los enemigos cuando estos atacan.

Mystic Muse

Frost Armor: Aumenta la resistencia al agua / Disminuye la Speed de los enemigos cuando estos atacan.

Storm Screamer

Hurricane Armor: Aumenta la resistencia al viendo / Disminuye la Attack Speed de los enemigos cuando estos atacan.


Vampiric Mist: Inflige daño en los enemigos cercanos y absorbe el HP.

Clases Summoners

Servitor Barrier: Momentaneamente hace invencible al servitor.
Excessive Loyalty: Cuando el master provoca daño, las habilidades de batalla del servitor aumentan.
Mutual Response: Cuando el master ataca, el HP/MP del servitor se restauran.


Sublime Self-Sacrifice: Consume el HP y hace invencibles a los miembros de la party.

Eva’s Saint

Blessing of Eva: El HP, MP y CP se restauran y los debuffs tienen una chance de ser eliminados.

Shillien Saint

Lord of Vampire: Absorbe gran parte del HP de los daños causados al enemigo.
Throne Root: Causa Hold en los enemigos cercanos y continuamente consume su HP.


Seal of Limit: Restringe la regeneracion de CP, HP y MP de los enemigos cercanos.


Wild Shot: Lanza un ataque de rango usando la ballesta.

Soul Hound

Lightning Shock: Causa Paralysis en los enemigos cercanos.

Otras Nuevas Skills

Habilidades adquiridas a traves de los Skill Trainer NPCs.

Todos los Kamael

Soul Cleanse: Cancela todos los debuffs.

Berserker y Arbalester

Soul Barrier: Aumenta la M. Def. y la resistencia a los ataques con arco.

Soul Breaker

Curse of Life Flow: Recupera HP cuando ataca a un enemigo con maldicion.
Soul Strike: Lanza un alma sobre el enemigo.
Soul Vortex: Disminuye el Speed, Attack speed y Casting speed del enemigo.
Soul Vortex Extinction: Explota el Soul Vortex para infligir daño.


Betrayal Mark: Inflige daño sobre el objetivo del miembro de la party mientras ataca.


Rush Impact: Carga hacia el enemigo para infligir Shock y daño.
Mass Disarm: Cancela las armas de los enemigos cercanos.

Soul Breaker e Inspector

Lightning Barrier: Inflige Paralysis sobre el objetivo que te ataca.

Arcana Lords, Elemental Masters, Spectral Masters, Eva’s Templars, y Shillien Templars pueden adquirir en nivel 80 una skill llamada Summon Smart Cubic. El Smart Cubic puede comprobar la condicion del master y cancelar todo tipo de debuff.

Sword Muse

Song of Windstorm: Aumenta la resistencia a los ataques con arco de los miembros de la party.

Spectral Dancer

Dance of Blade Storm: Aumenta notablemente la resistencia a los ataques con arco y disminuye el M. Atk. de los miembros de la party.

Las clases de soporte pueden adquirir nuevos skills que permiten la eficiencia en la batalla, estos reciben 2 tipos de buff en 1 buff.


Improve Combat: Shield + Might (Level 70)
Improve Condition: Bless the Body + Bless the Soul (Level 70)

Elven Elder

Improve Shield Defense: Bless Shield + Advanced Block (Level 70)
Improved Movement: Wind Walk + Agility (Level 70)

Shillien Elder

Improve Magic: Empower + Magic Barrier (Level 70)
Improve Critical: Focus + Death Whisper (Level 70)


Chant of Combat: Shield + Might (Level 70)
Chant of Critical: Focus + Death Whisper (Level 72)
Chant of Blood Awakening: Vampiric Rage + Haste (Level 74)

Info sacada de otro foro ( no quiero dar links)

15/06/2010, 15:07
esos forgoten son de gracia

tantos post tardaron en dar esa respuesta xD

el shadow step manda :1:

15/06/2010, 15:17
esos forgoten son de gracia
y de epilogue!

entre ellos el Hide y el shadow step q son forgotten que se aprenden siendo AW

jojo encontre esto:

Forgotten Scroll

¿Qué son los Forgotten Scroll?

Son los libros pertenecientes a los Skills especiales de lvl 70, 72, 81 y 83 (depende del caso), se utlizan clickeando dos veces a los mismos e instantaneamente lo aprendes de acuerdo a tu raza y profesión respectivamente.

¿Cómo se consiguen?

Éstos pertenecen a la lista de drop de NPC's como Raid Boss o GrandBoss, por ejemplo Baium que bota los principales. Además en Gracia Final algunos de estos los vende el Olympiad Manager.
En Prysmax, los conseguimos en el NPC Higor que lo vende por AA (Ancient Adena).

La lista es la siguiente:

Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Rune (82) [RB= Antharas, Scarlet]
M. Def. se incrementa, y cuando se incurra en daños adicionales la M. Def. y la resistencia a los atributos Holy aumentan de forma instantánea.

Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Alignment (82) [RB= Antharas, Scarlet]
Los atributos de resistencia Dark se incrementan, cuando se incurra en daños la M. Def. y la resistencia a los atributos obtienen un aumento adicional al instante.

Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental (82) [RB= Antharas, Scarlet]
Resistencia a los atributos elementales incrementados. Cuando se obtengan en daños, la M. Def. y las resistencias a los atributos elementales reciben un aumento adicional.

¿Quiénes los pueden aprender?

Human --> Duelist, Dreadnought, Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Adventurer, Sagittarius,
----------- Archmage, Soultaker, Arcana Lord, Cardinal y Hierophant
Elf-------> Mystic Muse, Elemental Master, Eva's Saint, Sword Muse, Wind Rider y Moonlight Sentinel
Dark Elf--> Storm Screamer, Spectral Master, Shillen Saint, Shillen Templar, Spectral Dancer, Ghost Hunter y Ghost Sentinel
Orc------> Titan, Grand Khavatari, Dominator y Doomcryer
Dwarf----> Fortune Seeker y Maestro
Kamael---> Doombringer, Soul Hound y Trickster

Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will (81) [None]
La Puntería y el alcance se aumenta cuando se utiliza un arco o una ballesta. Existe también la posibilidad de que la habilidad física del poder y la Tasa de críticas puede ser aumentado.

Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will (81) [None]
El poder de ataque y la velocidad de ataque se incrementan cuando se utiliza un arma de corto alcance. Existe también la posibilidad de que la habilidad física del poder y la Tasa de críticas puede ser aumentado.

¿Quiénes los pueden aprender?

Human --> Duelist, Dreadnought, Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Adventurer y Sagittarius
Elf-------> Sword Muse, Wind Rider y Moonlight Sentinel
Dark Elf--> Shillen Templar, Ghost Hunter y Ghost Sentinel
Orc------> Titan y Grand Khavatari
Dwarf----> Fortune Seeker y Maestro
Kamael---> Doombringer, Soul Hound y Trickster

Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will (81) [None]
Increase magical power by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and magical critical damage rate by 5%. Decreases MP consumption by 5%.

¿Quiénes los pueden aprender?

Human --> Archmage, Soultaker, Arcana Lord, Cardinal y Hierophant
Elf-------> Mystic Muse, Elemental Master, Eva's Saint
Dark Elf--> Storm Screamer, Spectral Master, Shillen Saint
Orc------> Dominator y Doomcryer

Forgotten Scroll's

En esta segunda parte de la guía los libros se dividirán por razas:

HUMANOS (Human):

-Forgotten Scroll - Weapon Blockade (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Cancels the opponent's weapon with a dazzling movement for 5 seconds. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Requires a dualsword to be equipped.
-Forgotten Scroll - Final Secret // Champion's Favor (81) [None]
For 30 seconds, you call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
-Forgotten Scroll - Maximun Focus Sonic (83)[NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Immediately increases spiritual energy to its maximum level.
-Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point (81) [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.

-Forgotten Scroll - Dread Pool (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Spreads the energy of fear around the area. Decreases the moving speed of nearby enemies by 33%. Inflicts fear and causes them to flee for 8 seconds.
-Forgotten Scroll - Final Secret // Champion's Favor (81) [None]
For 30 seconds, you call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
-Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.

Phoenix Knight
-Forgotten Scroll - Anti-Magic Armor (81) [None]
Increases M. Def. by 5000 for 30 seconds.
-Forgotten Scroll - Deflect Magic (81) [NPC= Kutran]
Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes.
-Forgotten Scroll - Spirit Of Phoenix (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Share Phoenix's spirit and yours. There is a chance that the Spirit of Phoenix will expand when being attacked. Additional effects appear as it expands.
-Forgotten Scroll - Summon Imperial Phoenix (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Summons an Imperial Phoenix. Consumes 2 A-Grade Crystals and 1 soul each.
-Forgotten Scroll - Flame Icon (83)
Receives the will of the phoenix to drastically increase the fighting ability of party members. For 1 minute, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 40%, P. Def. by 50%, M. Def. by 50%, accuracy by 6 when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, moving speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30% when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, critical rate by 33 when a sword is equipped, critical damage by 33% when a blunt weapon is equipped, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 40%. Decreases the effect of recovery magic by 80%.
Nota: Para activar este skill se necesita anteriormente otro, Forgotten Scroll - Spirit Of Phoenix (83)
-Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.

Hell Knight
-Forgotten Scroll - Anti-Magic Armor (81) [None]
Increases M. Def. by 5000 for 30 seconds.
-Forgotten Scroll - Deflect Magic (81) [NPC= Kutran]
Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes.
-Forgotten Scroll - Seed Of Revenge (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
One sows a seed of wrath himself. There is a chance that the Seed of Wrath will grow when being attacked. P. Atk. increases with growth.
-Forgotten Scroll - Hell Screen (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Roars with the voice of hell. For 8 seconds, decreases the nearby enemies' P. Def. by 30% and M. Def. by 30%. Inflicts fear and causes them to flee.
-Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense(81) [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.
-Forgotten Scroll - Insane Crusher (83)
Unleashes a powerful Dark Curse that cancels at least one of the enemy's buffs, and decreases their maximum CP, resistance to de-buff attacks and the effectiveness of HP recovery magic. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores shield defense. Critical hit and over-hit are possible. Power 6468.

Treasure Hunter
-Forgotten Scroll - Evasion Haste (74) [Shaman Of Ancient Times(Lv75) > The Giant Cave's]
During Evasion, increases your Atk. Spd.
-Forgotten Scroll - Shadow Step (72) [Shaman Of Ancient Times(Lv75) > The Giant Cave's]
Allows user to steathily approach an enemy from behind. Target cancel is possible. Range: 600
-Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense (81) [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.
-Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point (81) [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.
-Forgotten Scroll - Exciting Adventure (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Feels extreme excitement during a melee. For 30 seconds, increases one's own moving speed by 20, evasion by 15, deadly attack success rate by 30%, physical skill evasion rate by 40%, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 90.
-Forgotten Scroll - Hide (81) [None]
Hides the user. Movement speed is decreased by 30%, and the effect is canceled if any action other than movement is initiated.
-Forgotten Scroll - Dual Dagger Mastery (81) [NPC= Kutran]
When using a dual dagger, increases P. Atk. by 87.5 and the rate of deadly attack by 5%.
-Forgotten Scroll - Duel Blow (81) [None]
Attemps a powerful deadly attack with 7546 Power. Lethal Strike, critical hit and over-hit are all possible. Requires a dagger.

-Forgotten Scroll - Flame Hawk (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Shoots an arrow filled with the energy of the phoenix to attack the enemies at the front with 5750 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a bow to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Range: 900
Forgotten Scroll - Silent Mind (81) [None]
Allows use of a bow without consuming MP.
Forgotten Scroll - Seven Arrow (81) [None]
Shoots consecutive arrows to attack the enemy with 4000 Power added to P. Atk. Fires a maximum of 7 shots. Range: 900


Forgotten Scroll - Flame Armor (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Encloses the body with a burning barrier. For 20 minutes, increases resistance to fire attacks by 10 and causes burn damage on the attacking enemy.
Forgotten Scroll - Meteor (81) [None]
Crashes meteors down to inflict continuous fire damage near the enemy with Power 117. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

Forgotten Scroll - Vampiric Mist (82) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Scatters a fog of death to inflict darkness damage on nearby enemies with 117 power added to magic power. Absorbs 40% as HP. For 30 seconds, decreases moving speed/P. Atk./Atk. Spd. by 50% and accuracy by 12. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Curse of Desparion [None]
Inflicts the Curse of Desparion, temporaly decrease enemy movement speed, accuracy, P.Atk And Atk. Speed.
Forgotten Scroll - Meteor (81) [None]
Crashes meteors down to inflict continuous fire damage near the enemy with Power 117. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

Arcana Lord
Forgotten Scroll - Servitor Barrier (81) [None]
Temporarily makes the servitor invincible. Consumes 5 Spirit Ore. Range: 400
Forgotten Scroll - Excessive Loyalty (81) [None]
When the master incurs damage, the servitor's battle skills are increased.
Forgotten Scroll - Mutual Response (81) [NPC= Kutran; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Creates chance to regenerate servitor's HP and MP when attacking.
Forgotten Scroll - Spirit Of The Cat (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Allows user to use all the abilities of the Cat race for 5 minutes before the summoned servitor disappears. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

Forgotten Scroll - Improve Combat [Crypt Guard(Lv70) > Catacomb Of the Witch]
Combines the power of Shield and Might for improved effectiveness during combat. Effect 1
Forgotten Scroll - Improve Condition [Soldier Of Ancient Times (Lv73) > The Giant Cave's]
Combines the powers of Blessed Body and Blessed Soul for improved effectiveness during combat. Effect 1
Forgotten Scroll - Counter Critical (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
For 20 minutes, increases the target's P. Def. against Critical by 30%. When the target receives an attack above a certain amount of damage, the critical damage of General Short-Range Physical Attack is increased for 8 seconds. Range: 400
Forgotten Scroll - Turn Stone (81) [NPC= Kutran]
For 8 seconds, causes flint on oneself to avoid incurring damage.
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

Forgotten Scroll - Sublime Self-Sacrifice [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Sacrifices oneself to fully recover the HP/MP/CP of party members excluding oneself and to become invincible for 15 seconds.
Forgotten Scroll - Turn Stone (81) [NPC= Kutran]
For 8 seconds, causes flint on oneself to avoid incurring damage.
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

ELFOS (Elf):


Eva's Templar
Forgotten Scroll - Deflect Magic (81) [NPC= Kutran]
Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes.
Forgotten Scroll - Eva's Will (83) [None]
Show Will of Eva through yourself. There is a chance that the Will of Eva will expand when being attacked. Additional effects appear with growth.
Forgotten Scroll - Eva's Will / Touch Of Eva (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Restores the HP of party members by 50%. For 1 minute, increases resistance to buff cancel attacks by 100% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 30%. Restores 50 HP every second. Range: 40
Forgotten Scroll - Anti-Magic Armor (81) [None]
Increases M. Def. by 5000 for 30 seconds.
Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.

Sword Muse
Forgotten Scroll - Deflect Magic (81) [NPC= Kutran]
Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes.
Forgotten Scroll - Song Of WindStorm (76) [Kleopora(Lv80) > Isle Of Prayer]
Increases a party member's tolerance to bows by 30 for 2 minutes. Increases the additional MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts.
Forgotten Scroll - Song of Purification (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Provides an 80% chance of removing a party member's de-buffs. And for the next 2 minutes, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 30% and increases the power of received HP recovery magic by 30%.
Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.

Plain Walker
Forgotten Scroll - Evasion Chance (74) [Warrior Of Ancient Times(Lv75) > The Giant Cave's]
During Evasion, increases the rate of successfully striking an enemy's vital organs.
Forgotten Scroll - Shadow Step (72) [Shaman Of Ancient Times(Lv75) > The Giant Cave's]
Allows user to steathily approach an enemy from behind. Target cancel is possible. Range: 600

Wind Rider
Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense (81) [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.
Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point (81) [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.
Forgotten Scroll - Wind Riding (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Storms the battlefield riding the wind. For 30 seconds, increases one's own moving speed by 50, evasion by 20, deadly attack success rate by 20%, physical skill evasion rate by 75%, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80.
Forgotten Scroll - Hide (81) [None]
Hides the user. Movement speed is decreased by 30%, and the effect is canceled if any action other than movement is initiated.
Forgotten Scroll - Dual Dagger Mastery (81) [NPC= Kutran]
When using a dual dagger, increases P. Atk. by 87.5 and the rate of deadly attack by 5%.
Forgotten Scroll - Duel Blow [None]
Attemps a powerful deadly attack with 7546 Power. Lethal Strike, critical hit and over-hit are all possible. Requires a dagger.

Moonlight Sentinel
Forgotten Scroll - Arrow Rain (81) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Causes arrows to rain from the sky to attack around the enemy with 4312 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a bow to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Silent Mind (81) [None]
Allows use of a bow without consuming MP.
Forgotten Scroll - Seven Arrow (81) [None]
Shoots consecutive arrows to attack the enemy with 4000 Power added to P. Atk. Fires a maximum of 7 shots. Range: 900


Mystic Muse
Forgotten Scroll - Frost Armor [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Enclose body with glacier barrier. Increase resistance to water attacks and slow down the enemy.
Forgotten Scroll - Star Fall [None]
Crashes meteors down to inflict continuous non-attribute damage near the enemy with Power 117. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

Elemental Master
Forgotten Scroll - Servitor Barrier (81) [None]
Temporarily makes the servitor invincible. Consumes 5 Spirit Ore. Range: 400
Forgotten Scroll - Excessive Loyalty (81) [None]
When the master incurs damage, the servitor's battle skills are increased.
Forgotten Scroll - Spirit Of The Unicorn (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Allows user to use all the abilities of a Unicorn for 5 minutes before the summoned servitor disappears. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Mutual Response (81) [NPC= Kutran; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Creates chance to regenerate servitor's HP and MP when attacking.

Eva's Saint
Forgotten Scroll - Improve Movement (70) [Soldier Of Ancient Times (Lv73) > The Giant Cave's]
Combines Spd. increase and Evasion increase to have more advanced movement increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases moving speed by 33 and evasion by 4. Range: 400
Forgotten Scroll - Improve Shield Defense (70) [Crypt Guard(Lv70) > Catacomb Of the Witch]
Combines shield Def. rate increase and shield P. Def. increase to have more advanced shield ability increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases shield defense rate by 30% and shield P. Def. by 50%. Range: 400

Eva's Saint
Forgotten Scroll - Blessing Of Eva (81) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
By casting Eva's blessing, it recovers HP/MP/CP, and cancels bad abnormal conditions by rate. Range: 400
Forgotten Scroll - Turn Stone (81) [NPC= Kutran]
For 8 seconds, causes flint on oneself to avoid incurring damage.
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.



Shillen Templar
Forgotten Scroll - Deflect Magic (81) [NPC= Kutran]
Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes.
Forgotten Scroll - Pain Of Shilen (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Share Shilen's pain and yours. There is a chanced that Shilen's pain will increase when being attacked. Additional effects appear with increase in pain.
Forgotten Scroll - Anti-Magic Armor (81) [None]
Increases M. Def. by 5000 for 30 seconds.
Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.
Forgotten Scroll - Spirit of Shilen (83)
Receives the will of Shilen to drastically increase the fighting ability of party members. For 1 minute, increases P. Atk. by 30%, moving speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30%, the critical rate when a sword is equipped by 100, and the critical impact when a blunt weapon is equipped by 100%. Recovers as HP 40% of general close rate physical damage inflicted on the enemy. Decreases the power of received HP recovery magic by 80%.

Spectral Dancer
Forgotten Scroll - Deflect Magic (81) [NPC= Kutran]
Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes.
Forgotten Scroll - Dance of Berserker (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Decreases a party member's P. Def., M. Def. and evasion, and increases their P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk. Spd., Casting Spd. and movement speed for 2 minutes.
Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.

Abyss Walker
Forgotten Scroll - Evasion Counter (74) [Warrior Of Ancient Times(Lv75) > The Giant Cave's]
During Evasion, counters by stunning the enemy and renders him senseless.
Forgotten Scroll - Shadow Step (72) [Shaman Of Ancient Times(Lv75) > The Giant Cave's]
Allows user to steathily approach an enemy from behind. Target cancel is possible. Range: 600

Ghost Hunter
Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense [None]
When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%.
Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point (81) [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.
Forgotten Scroll - Ghost Walking (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Infiltrates the battlefield like a ghost. For 30 seconds, increases one's own moving speed by 33, evasion by 15, deadly attack success rate by 40%, physical skill evasion rate by 60%, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 90.
Forgotten Scroll - Hide (81) [None]
Hides the user. Movement speed is decreased by 30%, and the effect is canceled if any action other than movement is initiated.
Forgotten Scroll - Dual Dagger Mastery (81) [NPC= Kutran]
When using a dual dagger, increases P. Atk. by 87.5 and the rate of deadly attack by 5%.
Forgotten Scroll - Duel Blow [None]
Attemps a powerful deadly attack with 7546 Power. Lethal Strike, critical hit and over-hit are all possible. Requires a dagger.

Ghost Sentinel
Forgotten Scroll - Ghost Piercing (83)[NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Shoots an arrow mixed with the energy of a ghost to attack the enemies at the front with 6037 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a bow to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Range: 900
Forgotten Scroll - Silent Mind (81) [None]
Allows use of a bow without consuming MP.
Forgotten Scroll - Seven Arrow (81) [None]
Shoots consecutive arrows to attack the enemy with 4000 Power added to P. Atk. Fires a maximum of 7 shots. Range: 900

Storm Screamer
Forgotten Scroll - Hurricane Armor (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Encloses the body with a storm barrier. For 20 minutes, increases resistance to wind attacks by 10 and slows down the attacking enemy's Atk. Spd.
Forgotten Scroll - Star Fall (81)
Crashes meteors down to inflict continuous non-attribute damage near the enemy with Power 117. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

Spectral Master
Forgotten Scroll - Servitor Barrier (81) [None]
Temporarily makes the servitor invincible. Consumes 5 Spirit Ore. Range: 400
Forgotten Scroll - Excessive Loyalty (81) [None]
When the master incurs damage, the servitor's battle skills are increased.
Forgotten Scroll - Spirit Of The Demon (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Allows user to use all the abilities of a Demon for 5 minutes before the summoned servitor disappears. Range: 600
Forgotten Scroll - Mutual Response (81) [NPC= Kutran; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Creates chance to regenerate servitor's HP and MP when attacking.

Shillen Elder
Forgotten Scroll - Improve Magic (70) [Crypt Preacher(Lv72) > Catacomb Dark Omen's]
Combines magic power increase and magic resistance increase to have more advanced magic ability increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases M. Atk. by 75% and M. Def. by 30%. Range: 400
Forgotten Scroll - Improve Critical Attack (70)[Crypt Preacher(Lv72) > Catacomb Dark Omen's]
Combines critical rate increase and critical power increase to have more advanced critical increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases critical rate by 30% and critical power by 35%. Range: 400

Shillen Saint
Forgotten Scroll - Lord of Vampire (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
For 30 seconds, 80% of the standard short-range physical damage inflicted on the enemy is recovered as HP. Range: 400
Forgotten Scroll - Throne Root [None] (a confirmar si es fs)
Instantly apply Hold to surrounding enemies. HP decreases continuously. Additional Hold is not available while effects last.
Forgotten Scroll - Turn Stone (81) [NPC= Kutran]
For 8 seconds, causes flint on oneself to avoid incurring damage.
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

ORCOS (Orc):


Forgotten Scroll - Demolition Impact (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Discharges the shock of destruction to attack the enemies at the front with 5750 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Range: 40
Forgotten Scroll - Final Secret // Champion's Favor (81) [None]
For 30 seconds, yo call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point (81) [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.

Gran Khavatari
Forgotten Scroll - Force of Destruction (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Attacks the enemy with 2516 Power added to P. Atk. and penetrates the target with the energy of destruction. Chi Energy Stage 2 Recharge needed. Available with hand-to-hand combat weapons. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Range: 40
Forgotten Scroll - Final Secret // Champion's Favor (81) [None]
For 30 seconds, yo call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
Forgotten Scroll - Maximun Focus Force (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Immediately increases spiritual energy to its maximum level.
Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point (81) [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.


Forgotten Scroll - Combat of Pa'agrio (70) [Crypt Preacher(Lv72) > Catacomb Dark Omen's]
Combines a party/clan member's P. Atk. increase and P. Def. increase to have more advanced combat power increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases P. Atk. by 15% and P. Def. by 15%.
Forgotten Scroll - Condition of Pa'agrio (72) [Soldier Of Ancient Times (Lv73) > The Giant Cave's]
Combines a party/clan member's maximum HP increase and maximum MP increase effects for more advanced mental and physical power. For 40 minutes, increases Max HP by 35% and Max MP by 35%.
Forgotten Scroll - Critical of Pa'agrio ( 74) [Crypt Preacher(Lv72) > Catacomb Dark Omen's]
Combines a party/clan member's critical rate increase and critical power increase effects for a more advanced critical increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases critical rate by 30% and critical power by 35%.

Forgotten Scroll - Seal of Limit (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
For 5 minutes, blocks the CP/HP/MP recovery of nearby enemies by 70%.
Forgotten Scroll - Turn Stone (81) [NPC= Kutran]
For 8 seconds, causes flint on oneself to avoid incurring damage.
Forgotten Scroll - Onslaught of Pa'agrio (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Attacks near the enemy with 4312 power added to P.Atk., causes burns for 15 seconds and makes him consume 92 HP every second. Requires a blunt weapon. Over-Hit.
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.
Forgotten Scroll - Onslaught of Pa'agrio (83)
Attacks near the enemy with 4312 power added to P. Atk., causes burns for 15 seconds, and makes him consume 92 HP every second. Requires a blunt weapon. Over-hit. Range: 40

Forgotten Scroll - Chant of Movement (72) [Crypt Guard(Lv70) > Catacomb Of the Witch]
Combines a party member's moving speed increase and evasion increase effects for a more advanced movement increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases moving speed by 33 and evasion by 4.
Forgotten Scroll - Chant of Combat (70) [Crypt Guard(Lv70) > Catacomb Of the Witch]
Combines party members' P. Atk. increase and P. Def. increase to have more advanced combat power increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases P. Atk. by 15% and P. Def. by 15%.
Fogotten Scroll - Chant Of Critical Attack (72) [Soldier Of Ancient Times (Lv73) > The Giant Cave's]
Combines party members' critical rate increase and critical power increase to have more advanced critical increase effect. Increases critical rate by 30% and critical impact by 35%.
Forgotten Scroll - Chant Of Blood Awakening (74) [Crypt Preacher(Lv72) > Catacomb Dark Omen's]
Combines party members' general attack damage absorption and Atk. Spd. increase to have a more advanced blood awakening effect. For 40 minutes, increases Atk. Spd. by 33% and bestows the ability to recover as HP 9% of the standard short-range physical damage inflicted on the enemy.

Forgotten Scroll - Turn Stone (81) [NPC= Kutran]
For 8 seconds, causes flint on oneself to avoid incurring damage.
Forgotten Scroll - Great Fury (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager; RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Creates chance of activating Great Fury on a party member if Burning Chop is in use.
Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment (81)
User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

ENANOS (Dwarf):

Forgotten Scroll - Golem Armor (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Transforms into a Golem with increased battle abilities.
Forgotten Scroll - Final Secret // Champion's Favor (81) [None]
For 30 seconds, yo call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point (81) [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.

Fortune Seeker
Forgotten Scroll - Lucky Strike (83) [NPC= Grand Olympiad Manager]
Inflicts an exploding attack on the enemy with 4312 Power added to P. Atk. Causes damage and spoil at the same time on a few enemies nearby. Range: 40
Forgotten Scroll - Final Secret // Champion's Favor (81) [None]
For 30 seconds, yo call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point (81) [RB= Scarlet Van Halisha]
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases the enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving the enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.

remarque en rojo el que pide el pibe!

FUENTE (http://www.prysmax.com/forum/guias-y-quest/77827-forgotten-scroll.html)

15/06/2010, 15:52
Bueno bueno ya... dejen de discutir cuando todos sabemos que la culpa es de flanders....
Fue cierren el post plis, ya se respondio la consulta.....

15/06/2010, 16:14
/ closed (?)

15/06/2010, 16:21

me parece a mi o hay algunos de esos Forgotten que no corresponden a Hellbound, sino que son de cronicas mas adelante??

15/06/2010, 16:27
bluuu el que se sarpa es el pala... Quiero ver el fenix que summonea :P

15/06/2010, 16:31
Spirit of Phoenix
Flame Icon

quien los dropea?

15/06/2010, 16:36
Che que polenta que esta el Vampiric Mist en Gracia no se cuanto.

15/06/2010, 17:35

me parece a mi o hay algunos de esos Forgotten que no corresponden a Hellbound, sino que son de cronicas mas adelante??

la mayoria son de gracia/epilogue

15/06/2010, 19:04
Che que polenta que esta el Vampiric Mist en Gracia no se cuanto.

es verdad, de todas formas me kedo con El Meteor/Star Fall

Se mejoraron mucho la fruteada de forgottens en gracia xD

15/06/2010, 19:07
Igualmente estaria bueno que hagan una lista de los que HAY en HB y no solo copiar y pegar listas donde hay Skills de cronicas mas avanzadas. Porque sino se llega al final a la confusión.

15/06/2010, 19:38

Improve Combat
Improve Condition

Elven Elder

Improve Shield Defense
Improved Movement

Shillien Elder

Improve Magic
Improve Critical


Chant of Combat
Chant of Critical
Chant of Blood Awakening

esos son los q estan aca

15/06/2010, 19:51

Improve Combat
Improve Condition

Elven Elder

Improve Shield Defense
Improved Movement

Shillien Elder

Improve Magic
Improve Critical


Chant of Combat
Chant of Critical
Chant of Blood Awakening

esos son los q estan aca
esos y estos :

Lv 81 Habilidades Pasivas - Aprendidas por todas las clases :

http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/3567/skill0755.jpgProtection of Rune :Incrementa M. Def..Instantáneamente incrementa M. Def. adicionalmente si un serio daño es causado.

http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/4618/skill0756.jpgProtection of Elements :Incrementa la resistencia de los ataques de elementos.Instantáneamente incrementa la resistencia a los ataques de elementos +40 cuando un serio daño es causado.

http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/313/skill0757.jpgProtection of Alignment :Incrementa la resistencia de los ataques divine/unholy.Instantáneamente incrementa la resistencia a los ataques divine/unholy +40 cuando un serio daño es causado .

Lv 81 Habilidades Pasivas/Activas - Aprendidas por grupo de clases :

Todas las clases Fighter:
http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/3324/skill0758.jpgFighters Will (passive) : Cuando un guerrero es atacado existe una alta posibilidad de que instantáneamente se incremente P.atk en el 15 % y su atk.Speed en el 10 % durante 10 segundos.Reqeuiere arma tipo "meele" .Existe también la posibilidad de que la habilidad física del poder y la Tasa de críticos puede ser aumentada.
http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/1816/skill0759.jpgArchers Will (passive) : Cuando un arquero es atacado existe una alta posibilidad de que instantáneamente se incremente "Attack range" y "accuracy" durante 10 segundos .Existe también la posibilidad de que la habilidad física del poder y la Tasa de críticos puede ser aumentada.
Requiere arma tipo "bow" .

Hell Knight, Phoenix Knight, Shillien Templar, Eva's Templar :
http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/4521/skill0760.jpgAnti-Magic Armor (active) : Cuando es activado aumenta dramaticamente m.def en 5000 por 30 seg.

Adventurer, Ghost Hunter, Wind Rider :
http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/341/skill0766.jpgSixth Sense (passive) : Cuando HP disminuye a 30 % , incrementa evasion en 15.
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/4077/skill0767.jpgExpose Weakness (passive) : Disminuye p.def del "target" y incrementa la posibilidad de meter un ataque critico .

Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, Spectral Master :
http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/9932/skill1496.jpgServitor Barrier (Active) : Momentaneamente hace al "servitor" invencible .Consume 5 Spirit ore . Rango 400 .
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9665/skill1497.jpg Excessive Loyalty (Active) : Cuando el "master" es atacado , el "servitor" aumenta sus hablididades de combate .
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/4196/skill1498.jpgMutual Response (Active) : Cuando el "master" esta en combate , HP/MP del "servitor" es restaurada .

Lv81 Habilidades Pasivas/Activas - Aprendidas por clases específicas :

Hell Knight :
http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/6178/skill0761.jpgSeed of Revenge (active) : Aumenta "P.atk." y adicionalmente incrementa "Critical Rate" dependiendo del nivel en que se encuentre , ( al recivir daño se incrementa el nivel ).
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/8720/skill0762.jpgInsane Crusher (active) : Ataque de area , power 9014.Consume nivel 3 de "Seed of Revange".
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/3456/skill0763.jpgHell Scream (active) :Inflige a los enemigos adyacentes una disminución de "P.def/M.def"en 30 % y causa que los enemigos escapen .

Phoenix Knight :
http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/1518/skill0784.jpgSpirit of the Phoenix (active) :Incrementa "P.def" y adicionalmente incrementa resistencia contra ataques tipo "Darkness/Fire" dependiendo del nivel que se encuentre , ( al recivir daño se incrementa el nivel ).
http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/415/skill0785.jpgFlame Icon (active) :Dramaticamente aumenta "battle abilities" (Atk.Speed/Speed/Critical rate/con Armas tipo "Blunt" Critical power) a miembros de "party".Cuando esta en efecto el poder de curacion (Heal) es disminuido en 80 %.

Eva's Templar :
http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/305/skill0786.jpg Eva's Will (active) :Incrementa "M.def","Water type-attack" y "Critical rate" dependiendo del nivel en que se encuentre ,( al recivir daño se incrementa el nivel ).
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/5842/skill0787.jpgTouch of Eva (active) :Dramaticamente restaura "HP"en 50 % y otorga un buff q regenera "HP"/remueve "debuff"/resistencia a "debuff Attack" , a todos los miembors de party.Consume nivel 3 de "Eva's Will".

Shillien's Templar :
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/7947/skill0788.jpgPain of Shillien (active) :Incrementa "Critical Damage","Wind type-attack" y efecto "vampiric rage" dependiendo del nivel en que se encuentre ,( al recivir daño se incrementa el nivel ).
http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/5162/skill0789.jpgTouch of Shillien (active) :Disminuye a los enemigos adyasentes "max. CP" en 90 % y cancela "buff" .

Adventurer :
http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/5983/skill0768.jpgExciting Adventure (passive) :Incrementa por 15 seg. "speed"en 20 ,"Evasion"en 15 ,"mortal blow rate"en 30 % y posibilidad de evadir "Phisical Skill"en 40 %.

Ghost Hunter :
http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/1271/skill0770.jpgGhost Walking (passive) :Incrementa por 30 seg. "speed"en 30 ,"Evasion"en 15 ,"mortal blow rate"en 40 % y posibilidad de evadir "Phisical Skill"en 60 %.

Wind Rider :
http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/2081/skill0769.jpgWind Riding (passive) :Incrementa por 30 seg. "speed"en 50 ,"Evasion"en 20 ,"mortal blow rate"en 20 % y posibilidad de evadir "Phisical Skill"en 75 %.

Sagittarius :
http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/8905/skill0771.jpgFlame Hawk (active) :"Range Attack".Power 5750 fire attribute,es posible "Over Hit" .Requiere "Bow".

Moonlight Sentinel :
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/1264/skill0772.jpgArrow Rain (active) :"Range Attack".Power 5750 water attribute, es posible "Over Hit" .Requiere "Bow".

Ghost Sentinel :
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9661/skill0773.jpgGhost Piercing (active) :"Range Attack".Power 6037 no attribute damage, es posible "Over Hit" y "Lethal Strike".Requiere "Bow".

Dreadnought :
http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/626/skill0774.jpgDread Pull (active) :Disminuye "speed"en 33%/causa que escapen (fear)durante 8 seg., a todos los enemigos adyacentes .

Duelist :
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/8263/skill0775.jpgWeapon Blockade (active) :Desarma al enemigo durante 5 seg.Ruequiere "Dual Swords".

Grand Khavatari :
http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/6867/skill0776.jpgForce of Destruction (active) :Inflige daño (power 2516) y continuamente disminuye "HP" .Es posible "Lethal strike". Rango 40 .

Titan :
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/3986/skill0777.jpgDemolition Impact (active) :Ataque tipo "range attack" Power 5750 .Golpe critico es posible . Rango 40 .

Maestro :
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/3903/skill0778.jpgGolem Armor (active) :Habilidad de transformación.Posee las siguientes habilidades : Area Cancel(cancela buff a enemigos adyacentes),Area Stun("Stun" y cancela "target" a enemigos adyasentes),Area Power smash(Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes) y Golem Fuel(Incrementa "combat abilities") .

Archmage :
http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5089/skill1492.jpgFlame Armor (Active) :Incrementa por 20 min."fire defense"en 10 y produce "fire damage" a enemigos adyasentes,cuando se esta recibiendo daño.

Mystic Muse :
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/4994/skill1493.jpgFrost Armor (Active) :Incrementa por 20 min. "Water defense" y disminuye "speed" a enemigos adyasentes,cuando se esta recibiendo daño .

Storm Screamer :
http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/5204/skill1494.jpgHurricane Armor (Active) :Incrementa por 20 min. "Wind defense" en 10 y disminuye "atk.speed" a enemigos adyasentes,cuando se esta recibiendo daño .

Soultaker :
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/2176/skill1495.jpgVampiric Mist (Active) :Inflige daño en enemigos adyasentes (power 117)y absorbe "HP" en 40 %.

Cardinal :
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/5707/skill1505.jpgSublime Self-Sacrifice (Active) :Conusme todo el"HP" y combierte a los miembros de "party" invencibles.

Eva's Saint :
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/8450/skill1506.jpgBlessing of Eva (Active) :Recupera completamente "HP/MP/CP" y chance de remover "debuff" .

Shillien's Saint :
http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/9492/skill1507.jpgLord of Vampire (Active) :Durante 30 seg. efecto "vampiric Rage" usando "Melee type-wepon".
http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/8083/skill1508.jpgThrone Root (Active) :Instantaneamente inmobiliza enemigos adyasentes y disminuye su "HP".

Dominator :
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/6381/skill1509.jpgSeal of Limit (Active) :Por 5 min. disminuye regeneracion de "CP,HP,y MP" en 70 % a enemigos adyasentes .

Las nuevas habilidades que pueden ser adquiridas en el nivel 81 han sido añadidas. A diferencia de habilidades anteriores, SP no es consumido para aprender estas nuevas habilidades. Cuando usted presiona dos veces el ratón sobre el Forgotten Scroll, la habilidad es automáticamente adquirida. Las Forgotten Scrolls son dropeadas por "Boss" especificos (Baium, Frintezza, Antharas, Valakas, y Beleth.)

16/06/2010, 07:20
Spirit of the Phoenix , Flame Icon , quien los dropea?

16/06/2010, 10:33
Spirit of the Phoenix , Flame Icon , quien los dropea?

Sale de spoil, tenes que spolear un bichito llamado Halisha que es dominado por un pianista malvado, un tal frinteza o algo asi, pero no se bien O.o arreee :D

16/06/2010, 10:52
haha joya.. tonces me voy a frinteza hoy xD

16/06/2010, 10:57
Todos tienen skills que al menos al parecer, son buenas

ahora bien, soy el unico que piensa que las forgotten de los spell (archmage, stormscreamer y mityc muse) son una porqueria???

los armors estan buenas?? alguno pudo probarlas? rinden?

16/06/2010, 11:08
Son molestos los Armors pero hasta ahi nomas.

16/06/2010, 11:12
Y el de mi raza lo viste ¡?¡? Tiro slow y fear, a vos te parese que me rinde tirar fear por 8 seg ¡?¡? ajajajaja

Un skil que cuesta tanto y que solo meta fear por dios, minimo tendria que hacerme semi dios o dios arreee :D